God's Government -- the KINGDOM OF GOD -- was established on earth.
The archangel Lucifer was set on the earthly THRONE. But he became
corrupt, a REBEL against the GOVERNMENT OF GOD.
God's GOVERNMENT is based on God's LAW. God's LAW is LOVE.
It is LOVE to GOD, and LOVE to neighbor. It is serving, helping,
sharing. It is humility, love and obedience toward God, loyalty,
trust, faith and reliance upon God. Satan turned to INIQUITY --
vanity, lust, greed, spirit of competition and taking, disloyalty,
selfishness, jealousy, envy, resentment, rebellion, hatred.
Now how about the ANGELS placed on earth UNDER Lucifer?
They SINNED (II Peter 2:4). Their first estate was the
earth, but they "kept not their first estate, but left their own
habitation" (Jude 6), and ascended with Lucifer to TAKE OVER the
Throne of God. Then they, with him, were cast back down to earth.
These were created HOLY ANGELS. How long do you suppose
it took Satan, once he turned to iniquity, to TURN ALL HIS ANGELS
INTO REBELLION? That might have required millions of years! But
God does not reveal how long.
Lucifer (Light Bringer) became Satan (Adversary,
Competitor), and the angels (his one-third -- Rev. 12:4) became
demons. Their UNIVERSAL SIN over ALL THE EARTH plunged the earth
into darkness and chaos. UNIVERSAL SIN and rebellion brought
UNIVERSAL darkness and chaos to the WHOLE earth.
But at this point consider -- and consider more thoroughly
than you probably ever did before! UNDERSTAND, more fully! WHY
did God create MAN and WHY did He put man on the earth? There was,
of course, PURPOSE! But WHAT led up to the NEED of that PURPOSE?
WHY was that purpose made necessary?
I feel that most of us do not yet fully comprehend what
brought it all about -- the REAL REASON!
So let me lead into it by asking, DOES GOD KNOW EVERYTHING?
Admittedly, He could! But He has wisely chosen to make both angels
and, later humans, free moral agents -- with FREE CHOICE.
Otherwise neither angels nor humans could possess CHARACTER. To
allow FREE CHOICE, God chose NOT TO KNOW what they would decide.
God gave the angels minds of their own. He created angels out of
spirit -- composed of spirit -- not of flesh and blood like humans.
Angels were made immortal -- they never die. They were each
individually created. They do not reproduce themselves.
God bestowed upon angels minds possessing GREAT KNOWLEDGE
-- superior to that possessed by man. One might suppose that,
endowed with so great KNOWLEDGE, and being created HOLY angels,
that they would never choose wrongly, or commit sin. Many
scientists, philosophers and educators have contended that, given
sufficient KNOWLEDGE, man would solve all his problems upon earth,
and end all the existing evils.