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is SO GREAT, we need to FEAR lest Satan divert our minds from that
GOAL! Satan is subtle!
Just WHAT IS GOD? He is CREATOR! But He maintains --
preserves -- what He creates. HOW? By His GOVERNMENT -- the
We cannot clearly UNDERSTAND whether God has put HIS
GOVERNMENT in His Church -- and WHAT KIND -- unless we understand
His PURPOSE, and HOW it has been worked out FROM THE VERY
BEGINNING! It is because I did not yet fully and rightly
understand church organization and government 'way back in 1939 --
35 long years ago! And without this knowledge Satan could DECEIVE
YOU, right now!
Begin at the very BEGINNING:
"God created the heaven and the earth." There is every
evidence this was a PERFECT creation. God is PERFECT! At this
creation, the angels shouted for JOY -- they were so happy!
(Job 38:7.) Angels were put here to populate the earth. The
archangel, the cherub Lucifer, was put here as King, to administer
the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. He had been trained in God's Government
over the UNIVERSE by having been one of the two cherubim whose
wings covered the very throne of God at the Headquarters of the
UNIVERSE. (Isa. 14:12, Ezek. 28:14, Exodus 25:17-21.)
Let us ask, Was the Government of God -- the Kingdom of
God -- established on earth? What made a devil out of Lucifer?
Notice carefully -- speaking of Lucifer. It is written, "For
thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will
exalt MY THRONE above the stars (angels) of God"(Isa. 14:13).
He had a THRONE. He was KING of GOD'S GOVERNMENT on earth. His
throne was on earth, not in heaven. He plotted to ascend from
earth into heaven. He plotted to take over the whole UNIVERSE.
Was this GOVERNMENT originally GOD'S Government?
Notice now in Ezekiel 28, where Satan is portrayed as the
KING of Tyre, over the HUMAN ruler, the Prince of Tyre. God said
(verse 12), he sealed up the sum of wisdom, perfection, and beauty.
"Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth," ... God had set him
there, ... "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou
wast created, till iniquity (lawlessness) wast found in thee"
(verse 13, 15).
Notice, God had set him originally as one of two cherubim
whose wings covered the Throne of GOD over the universe. God
created him PERFECT -- until ... how long? It might have been
millions of years, or only one year ... until iniquity was found in
him. Finally he had SINNED (verse 16). His heart became "lifted
up" because of his beauty. God said, "thou hast corrupted thy
wisdom by reason of thy brightness" (verse 17).
So he was created perfect, with beauty, wisdom, brightness.
He had been over the very throne of GOD -- seat of the GOVERNMENT
OF GOD. The angels SHOUTED for JOY at creation of the earth.