conspiracy? He would begin by subtly suggesting to a few, to whom
he was closest, that God was not fair -- that they had some
grievances against God -- by ACCUSING God, reasoning against God's
form of Government, against God's laws and doctrines.
Then they, in turn, would be induced to create ISSUES --
dissatisfactions, and imagined and falsely accused doctrines and
rules. Stir these things up, and gradually whip them up into an
emotional pitch of resentment, and rebellion: It may have taken
years. But it happened. (II Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Ezek. 28:16-17,
Isa. 14:12-15.)
Finally, Satan organized his angels into an ARMY OF
INVASION. They swept up to heaven to knock GOD off His throne.
But Satan miscalculated. God was more powerful than Satan's whole
third of the angels. They were cast back down to earth. (See Isa.
14:12-15, Ezek. 28:12-17, Rev. 12:4, 9-13.) That UNIVERSAL sin of
REBELLION plunged the whole earth into physical chaos, confusion,
and utter DARKNESS!
That is Episode I (Genesis 1:2).
EPISODE II: God renewed the face of the earth (Psalm 104:
30), restoring light and beauty, and creating MAN!
To the first man and woman, God revealed the truth of THE
KINGDOM OF GOD, which is both the divine FAMILY of God, into which
humans may be born with the gift of Eternal Life -- and also the
GOVERNMENT OF GOD, by which this divine FAMILY OF GOD will rule
the earth the next thousand years. God offered Adam and Eve
ETERNAL LIFE, as evidenced by the symbolic tree of Life. God
revealed to them HIS BASIC LAW of HIS GOVERNMENT. This law was
set in motion to CAUSE and produce the same kind of universal
PEACE, happiness and well-being that had existed on earth as long
as GOD'S GOVERNMENT was administered by Lucifer.
But, if they took to themselves the production of the
"knowledge of good and evil," instead of obeying God's inexorable
spiritual LAW, the PENALTY of that SIN would be DEATH -- they would
SURELY DIE! God could not have pronounced the PENALTY of His Law
to them, without having told them, clearly, of HIS LAW, and
therefore of His GOVERNMENT. Undoubtedly Adam would have
succeeded Lucifer as KING, had he obeyed.
But after God taught them, Satan got to Adam subtly through
his wife!
Satan subtly said to the woman, "Yea, hath God said ye
shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" (Gen. 3:1.) And, in
effect, "Hasn't God held out on you? Isn't God UNFAIR?" Satan was
stirring up suspicion, grievance, and injecting selfishness into
the woman.
Next, after she answered, Satan said, "Ye shall not surely
die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your
eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods (alternate
translation, YE shall be GOD) knowing good and evil." This was an