learned they had been misinformed and have remained solidly with
God's Church.
Brethren, JUST HOW would Satan move subtly to inject strife
and division into God's Church?
How has Satan always moved?
Let me give you the PATTERN! Notice the remarkable
parallel with how he has attacked us, today!
Once Satan was the super archangel Lucifer -- Shining Star
of the Dawn -- bringer of LIGHT and Truth. He summed up the total
of wisdom, perfection and beauty. He was perfect in his ways from
the day he was created. He had been trained in the administration
had been the anointed cherub whose wings covered the very throne
of the Creator GOD!
After this training at Universe Headquarters, he was sent
out "into the field," so to speak, to administer God's Government
over one REGION of the vast universe -- this earth. The earth
then was populated with angels.
As long as the GOVERNMENT OF GOD was administered, the
earth was filled with UNIVERSAL peace, happiness, and JOY
UNSPEAKABLE! But finally, Lucifer's beauty, brightness and
knowledge went to his head. VANITY seized him.
He got to thinking and reasoning.
"WHY," he reasoned, "should God sit up there at
Headquarters on His glorious throne, in all His splendor and glory
RULING THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, while I am limited only to this earth?
Envy and jealousy gripped him. He became SELF-centered. The
GETTING and SELFISH WAY began to seem preferable to God's LOVE way
of love and obedience and worship to God, and outgoing concern for
the good of others. Competition and strife seemed better than
cooperation and PEACE.
He became resentful of the HEADQUARTERS GOVERNMENT!
Iniquity was found in him -- LAWLESSNESS. God began to seem like
a harsh dictator!
In his mind of vanity, bitterness and rebellion he formed
the grandiose objective of actually deposing GOD, and taking over
the government of the UNIVERSE!
He must have reasoned that his Creator naturally was more
powerful than he. But could the Creator be as powerful as ALL THE
ANGELS ON EARTH -- possibly a third of ALL the angels (Rev. 12:4)?
He must have reasoned in his now perverted imagination, that
COMBINED, they could overpower God.
But these angels, though lesser in power and authority
than Lucifer, also had been created holy. HOW would Lucifer, now
having become Satan, win his angels over to his dastardly