living Jesus Christ did' And this has been the procedure: First
a personal private meeting with the head of state -- king,
president, emperor, prime minister. Then, meetings with other top
people in the government. Always I have been invited to come
again. And after two or three visits -- often even on the very
first visit -- very unusual favor has been given me in the eyes of
the head of state, and his aides and other high ranking people in
the government.
Then, a dinner has been arranged at which 50 to 100 of the
nation's leading and distinguished people attend, and at which I
speak. As well as I possibly can, in a speech of from 25 to 50
minutes, I do proclaim in this speech the Gospel of the KINGDOM
This whole procedure has developed over a period of nearly
five years. I have had to learn HOW to put the Message. And
Christ the Head of this Work has led me to understand HOW to say
it, and how NOT to say it.
But I do now speak bluntly, and with all the force and
power God gives me through His Holy Spirit!
Then, after this dinner, at which I have proclaimed the
real heart of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, the first big
PUBLIC MEETINGS are planned, actually sponsored by officials high
in the government!
And now, in a matter of DAYS, is to come the FIRST of the
PUBLIC appearances, in Saigon. The United States has now pulled
its soldiers out of South Vietnam, and I thought it fitting that
we select that as the site for the FIRST public proclamations of
God's promise of PEACE through the soon coming KINGDOM OF GOD!
Government officials are back of it -- planning it --
inviting the leading people of the country to come. The meetings
will be Thursday night February 21, Friday night the 22nd, Saturday
night the 23rd, in a 2,000-seat auditorium, and then the final BIG
meeting, Sunday night the 24th, outdoors in the big university
STADIUM. The stadium has 12,000 bleacher seats, but with a
football field inside a quarter-mile running track, there is
standing room for MANY thousands.
Members of the South Vietnam Senate are planning it, and
will see to getting out the crowds. It is possible that President
Thieu may introduce me the final night at the stadium.
These meetings will be followed up with weekly Bible
studies, similar to the programs for the Garner Ted Armstrong
Personal Appearance campaigns in the United States and Canada.
number of people in that country. But it is absolutely UNIQUE in
that it starts FROM THE TOP! Those RESPONSIBLE for the thinking
and, to large extent, the beliefs of their people are hearing it
first, and sponsoring the proclamation of it to their people!
The SECOND Public Appearance will be in Manila, a month