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About the same time, doors began to open for personal
contacts and private meetings with heads of governments -- kings,
presidents, prime ministers, etc. I KNEW by the absolutely
unusual favor I was given in their eyes that this was of GOD.
I said then, I did not yet know WHY -- but I knew God was
providentially opening these doors -- giving me this unusual
warmth, confidence, even affection in their eyes. I myself
made no effort to open these doors, or to work my own way
into these contacts. For example, when King Leopold of
Belgium gave me a handwritten personal note to deliver to
his friend the Imperial Crown Prince Akihito of Japan, I
made no effort to make contact myself, because I did not
want to make any personal effort myself to get to see the
Prince. I was well acquainted with his uncle, Prince Mikasa,
brother of the Emperor. But I had never met the Crown Prince.
So I had the note taken to the Belgian Ambassador, asking him to
deliver it.
Even though I made no personal effort to meet the Crown
Prince, some months later the invitation came from him for a
private meeting. And it proved to be a very interesting meeting
of 45 minutes.
And by the way, since I last wrote to you, at the end of
November, I was invited by Emperor Hirohito himself for a private
audience. This is regarded as a most rare and high honor in Japan.
I know many Japanese Congressmen who have not had the honor of a
private meeting with their Emperor. No one was permitted to go in
with me but the United States Ambassador. And even he said not a
word, except the opening greeting, and on leaving, except to speak
softly into my ear a couple of times when, because I am a little
hard of hearing, I did not understand the Emperor.
But these doors kept opening. And finally, about a year
ago, I came to realize WHY God was opening these doors.
This, unrealized at first, was the answer to the prayers.
God was opening THE WAY to get HIS MESSAGE into these great nations
where all doors had seemed to be slammed completely SHUT!
This past year, 1973, I have spoken to highly
distinguished guests at dinners in Bangkok, Saigon, Manila,
Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Tokyo, and New Delhi, India. At New Delhi
I spoke to one hundred of India's very top people -- members of the
Cabinet, members of Parliament, judges, leading businessmen, some
ambassadors from other nations. At Tokyo, I spoke before 57 very
distinguished guests, all invited by Prince Mikasa, including
members of the Diet (their Congress), of the Cabinet, presidents
of the two largest and most prestigious universities, leading
But where does this bring us at this date?
Remember, I did not plan all this out in advance. The