personally. Plans already have been formulated so that I can do
this without undue strain on myself or over-burdening myself with
too many duties.
Now I mention this to you---and it has never been
mentioned to any before, except just those on our own staff here in
Eugene---because this college will have a vital connection with the
building program, and possibly the selection of the site.
The church building, to be connected with, and part of,
the office building, will be so designed that the auditorium will
serve as the college chapel, with classrooms in connection. Thus
it will serve the double purpose of housing the school, and
providing the auditorium for public services and a place of
At present we plan to start the school not later than a
year from this coming September. If we had the building and
equipment, I could tell our listeners of this college on my radio
program over the most powerful radio stations on the continent, and
put an article about it in The PLAIN TRUTH, and we would have
applications from all over the United States for two or three times
as many students as we could take, the first year.
Since God started all things thru human agencies SMALL,
and causes them to grow great, I plan to start this on a small
scale---around 30 to 50 students the first year, with a faculty of
two, beside myself. Now I believe that either site proposed would
provide ample space for the school also, for the first two or three
years, at least---since the one building will house it all.
Frankly, knowing how God causes everything in which HE is working
to grow greater and greater, I expect the college to outgrow the
facilities now planned inside two or three years. But if and when
it does---if and when it comes to need additional buildings, a
campus, etc., then we can remove the college from the structure now
planned, find ground for a campus perhaps farther out, in another
location, and build new buildings. We can cross that bridge when
we come to it. Either site now being considered, however, is ample
for all that is being now contemplated.
Now, dear friends and Co-Workers in Southern California,
this is a most important step we are contemplating. It is no small
and light matter to move a work that has developed as large as
this, more than a thousand miles. But, in order that The PLAIN
TRUTH may at last be published EVERY MONTH, not less than 16 pages
and more attractively than now---in order that the radio broad-
casting may now grow as a great national and international power---
it seems that the move is imperative.
It will strain the financial resources of this work to
the limit just to build the office structure to house the radio and
publishing work. We plan now to build into the new building our
own printing department, with a modern new press for doing all our
own printing except The PLAIN TRUTH, which is now too large for any
but a major-size magazine rotary press---and that will be
substantial---of concrete fire-proof construction---along plain,
simple, clean and neat architectural lines---one that will be a