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for which we are not, as yet, prepared. These workers should be
thoroughly trained for their tasks. They should be competent.
They should be CALLED OF GOD, filled by His Spirit. And out of
this college of which God has given us the vision, will come SOME
whom we shall later recognize God has called---who will be trained,
fit, prepared in every way.
As a matter of fact what is contemplated is a GENERAL
COLLEGE---the kind of college God would organize and conduct. It
will be quite different from the ordinary WORLDLY college. We live
in a "babylonish" paganized society, tho most of us hardly realize
it. One of the most babylonish influences in the world today is
the system of education---particularly higher education.
Mrs. Armstrong and I did not send our daughters to
college. I'll tell you why. It is not that we do not believe in
education, for we most assuredly DO! But universally today
colleges and universities base their entire teaching on the God-
denying, soul-destroying theory of EVOLUTION. Surveys have shown
that 95% of freshmen, entering college, at least BELIEVE IN GOD---
that is, in the fact and existence of a CREATOR. But 95% of
graduating seniors are full-fledged atheists, who firmly have been
convinced there is NO GOD! I would rather my children were
ignorant, than to have a trained mind stuffed with soul-damning
lies and MIS-education.
What God is leading us now to formulate is a college that
will give a general SOUND education. No man is educated who is
ignorant of the greatest text-book of all---THE BIBLE. No man is
educated who is still ignorant of God's revelation to man. The
Bible ought to form the very BASIS of all sound education. It is
a revelation of things man would not otherwise know and could never
find out for himself. But there are MATERIAL sciences which are
EXACT sciences---containing the organized knowledge of material
FACTS man has been able to OBSERVE, and MEASURE, and KNOW, for him-
self. Among them are physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. The
so-called sciences of biology and geology as now generally taught
are so intermingled with the REASON of atheistic minds drugged by
evolution that they EXPLAIN things observed about the fauna and
flora in a manner that all will someday come to recognize as
ridiculous. All known FACTS of geology and biology only PROVE the
CREATOR and the revelation of the Bible. This college will teach
TRUTH, not fables dressed up in the guise of "higher learning,"
"rationalism," etc. We will teach foreign languages, so that those
whose "fruits" prove them to be called of God to His ministry may
be equipped to follow the commission "Go ye into ALL THE WORLD, and
The faculty of this school will be composed of those who
are thoroughly competent, and measure up to highest standards---
those whose educational qualifications are fully adequate---those
who are natural-born TEACHERS, not misfits---those who are living
according to Christian standards, clean, moral, of highest
character. I already have the principal in mind---a man thoroughly
qualified, experienced in the field of education.
I expect to give most of the Bible instruction myself