Analyses Today's News, with the
Prophecies of the WORLD TOMORROW
Box 111, Eugene Oregon
The P L A I N T R U T H
May 31, 1946
Dear Friend and Co-Worker:
I want to take you into my confidence about a MOST
IMPORTANT decision I must make for the future of this work, and
ask your advice and help.
This may come as a surprise to you, but for some three
years I have been thinking of moving our offices and headquarters
into the Los Angeles area, specifically in Pasadena. To that
end, for close to three years we have been holding Box 111 at the
Pasadena post-office.
The work has completely outgrown Eugene.
We are up here in Eugene, Oregon, because this is where
God started us in this work. It was back in the summer of 1933
that friends, won over to the Truth thru my preaching there two
years before, called for me to come and hold meetings in a little
one-room country school house near their farm, eight miles west of
Eugene. Several were converted in the meetings, and I found myself
with a little flock of 19. So I stayed on to minister to this
little group, and continued the evangelistic effort in and around
The first Sunday in 1934 I started the "Radio Church of
God" on the local 100-watt radio station, the smallest in power in
the United States. That month Mrs. Armstrong and I started work on
The PLAIN TRUTH. I borrowed a typewriter and the use of a mimeo-
graph, and Volume I, Number 1 of The PLAIN TRUTH came out February
1st---a little mimeographed paper produced and mailed (all 250
copies of it!) for a total cost of five dollars!
Surely this work started as small as it could start: the
evangelistic work in a small one-room country school-house; the
broadcast on ONE small town station as small as the smallest in the
country; The PLAIN TRUTH a little mimeographed paper of 250 copies!
God ALWAYS starts things, thru human agencies, very small. The
nation Israel started with one man. The coming Kingdom of God, to
rule and ultimately to fill, the earth, started with a handful of
disciples that momentous day of Pentecost! FAITH, too, starts
small in us all, and GROWS GREAT! Yes, if God is in it, it always