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August 28, 1972
Dear Brethren of God's Church:
I simply have to write you about it! Last night I enjoyed
one of the most moving experiences of my life. It was Sunday night
-- the third and last of the first of the new PUBLIC APPEARANCE
meetings being conducted by my son, Garner Ted Armstrong, in the
large and beautiful NEW auditorium in Calgary, Alberta (Canada).
At each of the three nights hundreds were turned away --
every seat filled in the 2700-seat auditorium.
It was beyond description. I'm not out from under the
emotional impact of it yet. Never have I heard my son preach as he
did last night. Yet it was not he -- it was the Great GOD speaking
in and through him! That audience was MOVED! Tears streamed down
cheeks. If we had had 200 or 300 counselors there to counsel with
the people who sought help and counsel at the close of the service,
they would not have been enough. Ted pulled no punches. He showed
them the CAUSE of the escalating mountain of evils in this world --
the widespread immorality, the revolt of youth, the drug evil, the
mounting crime, the broken homes and rising divorce rate, the
rioting, violence and wars.
And in tremendous POWER he made them realize the KINGDOM
OF GOD is at hand -- that the time has come for them to take this
condition of affairs SERIOUSLY, and to REPENT, and turn to GOD and
God's ways! If ever a servant of God did CRY ALOUD, and spare not,
and LIFT UP HIS VOICE like a trumpet, and show the people THEIR
SINS, it was done last night!
It resulted from impassioned, heartrending PRAYER. And
then, just about five minutes before 8:00 p.m., and the start of
the service, with all the Ambassador College Band, the Chorale,
counselors and helpers assembled in the auditorium's "Green Room,"
Ted asked me to lead them in a final prayer. I asked God to help
Ted yield completely into HIS hands, and for the living Christ to
SPEAK THROUGH HIM, putting God's thoughts in his mind and God's
words in his mouth, to say what GOD wanted that audience to hear.
Several of those God has chosen to be leaders in His Work
were there. Mr. Portune, Mr. Antion, Mr. Dart, Mr. Norman Smith
-- all Vice Presidents (and their wives), Mr. Dean Wilson, Director
of the Canadian Work, and Mr. Richard Wilding, the local pastor.
At about one minute before eight we went in to take front-row seats
the ushers had reserved for us. The curtain was raised, behind
which was the Ambassador College Band, playing about a two or three
minute overture. Then Mr. Joseph Bauer, M.C., came out with