The living Christ is directing, inspiring, empowering and
BLESSING it. He is constantly opening new doors before us! But,
so far as OUR part goes, the RESULTS will depend more on OUR
COMBINED earnest and heartrending PRAYERS for this great Work,
than on my efforts, or my son's, or any of us having ACTIVE direct
part in it. The real POWER must be that of God's Holy Spirit! If
we are a real PRAYING Family of Co-Workers, RESULTS WILL BE THE
GREATEST OF ALL TIME! I ask you to PRAY for this Work as never
before. Pray for all of us, individually, who have the direct
active responsibilities in it, even as I pray daily for every one
of YOU!
Let's SACRIFICE for this NEW START of the Work, that there
will be sufficient financially to get it going more and more
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong