Albert visited a battlefield. The King of the Belgians was
horror-stricken at realization of the great slaughter of human
lives that had occurred there. He had an iron cannonball from that
battlefield melted and formed into four black watchcases to encase
four fine watches. He wanted to encourage efforts toward world
peace by presenting these watches to the four men who had made the
greatest contribution toward world peace.
World War I was known everywhere -- then -- as "the war to
make the world safe for democracy" -- the war to END all wars!
King Albert consequently felt that the victorious chief generals,
and the French Premier, had made the greatest contribution for
world peace. One watch was presented to the Supreme Commander of
all Allied forces, Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch. The second watch
was presented to General John J. Pershing, Supreme Commander of all
United States forces. The third was presented to Premier Georges
Clemenceau of France.
Apparently he did not feel the man or activity to be awarded
the fourth watch had appeared, at that time. It was passed on to
his son, Leopold III, to award. King Leopold had kept that watch
all these years. And finally, while a dinner guest in my home in
Pasadena, California, he told me he felt he should present the
watch to me. He had visited two of our campuses. He knew about
our worldwide educational program, pointing THE WAY to world peace,
with its impact on more than 100 million people. He had seen the
living EXAMPLE of real PEACE on the Ambassador campuses.
WHY have we never had WORLD PEACE? I repeat, there is a
Biblical truism: "The WAY of peace they know not." There is A WAY
that CAUSES peace! It is as simple as "two plus two equals four."
Everything is a matter of CAUSE and EFFECT. For every
EFFECT, there has to be a CAUSE. There has to be -- and there IS
-- A WAY that CAUSES peace. But nations' governments have never
turned that way. Again and again, I state it simply. There are
two WAYS of life. One is the GIVE way -- the other is the GET way.
The WAY that CAUSES peace is the way of giving, helping, serving,
sharing -- the way of OUTGOING CONCERN for the good and the welfare
of others equal to self-concern. The way that has CAUSED all wars,
strife, violence and unhappiness, is the "GET" way -- the way of
vanity, greed, selfishness, envy, jealousy, hatred.
The one is THE WAY of LOVE. And LOVE is simply outgoing
concern -- toward God and toward man. The other is the WAY of
UNconcern for man or God -- concern only for SELF. The WAY of
peace is defined Biblically as "the law of God." And it is
PRACTICAL -- it WORKS -- it really produces PEACE! David wrote:
"Great PEACE have they which love THY LAW." The wise Solomon
wrote: "My son, forget not my law but let thine heart keep my
commandments; for length of days and long life, and PEACE, shall
they add to thee."
WHY is this great Work, in which YOU are a Co-Worker, making
the greatest contribution toward world peace! Because we have been
proclaiming to the world for 37 years THE CAUSE that produces
peace, happiness, and abundant well-being. Thousands of lives have