Publisher of The PLAIN TRUTH Magazine
An educational service at all levels
for all people worldwide
June 28, 1971
Dear Inner Family of Co-Workers:
I want to tell you, privately and in confidence, that many
men high in the governments of Germany, Belgium, India, Israel,
Japan, Singapore and such nations around the world, have recently
been visiting Ambassador College campuses.
Last month I told you of the almost unbelievable manner in
which giant doors have been opening before me for personal meetings
with kings, presidents, prime ministers, and other high government
officials. But now, more and more, WORLD LEADERS are coming
themselves to visit our campuses -- to see for themselves the
EXAMPLE we are setting for bringing about WORLD PEACE!
World rulers are beginning to realize that this Work -- in
which YOU are a Co-Worker -- is making the greatest contribution
toward WORLD PEACE in our time! All through history, nations and
their governments have been striving for WORLD PEACE! But their
striving has led only to wars -- and more wars! There is the
Biblical truism: "The WAY of peace they know not." For 37 years,
we in this Work have been proclaiming to the world THE WAY to world
peace. And on three Ambassador College campuses in the United
States and Britain, we have been SETTING THE LIVING EXAMPLE of
Until the past three or four years, instead of this kind of
recognition, we had only persecution and opposition from the world.
Of course, there is still the persecution, misrepresentation and
opposition. But also NOW, there is coming to be RECOGNITION,
APPROVAL, RESPECT in many high places of the world. Now, more and
more, men who rate very high in the world are coming to visit
Ambassador College campuses. And always they are tremendously --
and FAVORABLY -- impressed!
Instead of the hippie-type students, the protest, the strife,
the disharmony, the riots and violence so prevalent on college and
university campuses today, they see peace -- harmony -- motivation
-- purpose -- smiles that radiate inner HAPPINESS on the Ambassador
Last month I told you how King Leopold of Belgium had so
highly honored me for the accomplishments of THIS WORK toward WORLD
PEACE. And that is the Work YOU are having a part in! His father
was King Albert. After the armistice ending World War I, King