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January 21, 1971
Dear Brethren of God's Church:
I have some exciting news! You may have heard it already via
"the grapevine." I announced this a week ago Friday night at Bible
Study here in Pasadena, and things announced here seem to spread
at lightning speed over the United States and Canada. These
announcements received a thunderous applause here.
First, whenever Garner Ted or I visit one of the churches
away from Headquarters, the question almost everybody asks is:
"WHEN are we going to be able to receive the television program of
The WORLD TOMORROW here in our area?" Well, Brethren, THIS is the
year when we must expand our television coverage to blanket all
markets over the entire United States -- IF we are to finish the
present phase of God's Work before the Great Tribulation stops us.
We already have coverage in nearly every major market in Canada.
THIS is the year when, if ever, we MUST reach all the rest of
the world. I wrote you a few days ago about plans for opening the
Work in Japan. Recently we have been reaching the Scandinavian
countries through double-page advertising space in Reader's Digest.
The response has been very good.
We are now on the air in MEXICO CITY for the first time. They
now claim a population of 8 million in Mexico City. We are on the
ONLY English-language station there, with Garner Ted Armstrong's
half-hour programs at a prime time seven nights a week. Response
so far is JUST GREAT!
But, if we are to expand the TV coverage we must IMMEDIATELY
build the larger permanent studios to produce the program. Up to
now the TV program has been produced in a make-shift temporary
quarters in an old building scheduled soon to be torn down. We
have been terribly cramped for space there. We have been producing
a very fine program -- but until we can have the expanded
facilities in the much larger permanent building, we cannot produce
the kind of PERFECTION the program must attain -- if we are to get
the NATIONAL COVERAGE necessary to finish GOD'S WORK for this time.
Just the other morning we held a most important conference
with four of the top executives of one of the major firms of
building contractors in southern California, here in our Hall of
Administration. We are planning, now, to RESUME our long-postponed
BUILDING PROGRAM -- including the new TV studios.
Also, IF the day-to-day income for God's Work -- and