go down hill.
The spiritual HARVEST of this year has been TREMENDOUS --
into the thousands in changed and converted lives.
WHAT A WONDERFUL PRIVILEGE to have a part in such a wonderful
Work where the living GOD is working, opening doors, performing
miracles! After such a seemingly IMPOSSIBLE miracle has actually
taken place are WE going to let down? N E V E R ! It will mean
sacrifice for most of us this year. But NOTHING ELSE counts, now.
This could even be our LAST YEAR, for this time, in this Work.
World conditions are closing in FAST.
Let's put our shoulders to the wheel this year and get on
with GETTING THE JOB DONE while we may, for "the night is coming
when NO MAN can work."
I THANK YOU from the heart for YOUR part, and great shall be
your reward!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong