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MY PART, yet I alone and personally must and do assume the full and
sole financial obligation as my own personal responsibility!
So this campaign has all been planned and arranged, as
worked out and made possible by our heavenly Father Himself, so I
do not have to go farther than we shall be able to pay. The first
two weeks of daily broadcasting on this one station, XELO, I can
assume, and that much I know we can pay for. Therefore we shall
start, and go that far. But, unless you Co-Workers dig down deep,
sacrifice, and respond now AS NEVER BEFORE, and unless NEW
Co-Workers join us during these two weeks, I shall have to cancel
it suddenly at the end of the first two weeks, and the daily
programs will never be even STARTED on XEG!
But if, as I have every confidence, thru FAITH in our
God, the financial response increases within these two weeks
sufficiently, then we shall continue on with XELO the NEXT two
weeks, and also start our first two weeks of EVERY-NIGHT broad-
casting on XEG. If enough money keeps coming to pay for it, the
program will keep right on until---LISTEN!---UNTIL NEXT APRIL---
clear thru the winter! and early SPRING!
I know all you Co-Workers will want this frank and candid
statement of the situation. NEVER have we had such an opportunity!
NEVER did this old world NEED the Message as NOW! NEVER was this
world in such a CRISIS HOUR! An NEVER have we faced such a sober
financial responsibility! I have written all contracts for this
time, subject to almost immediate cancellation! I know you won't
let me down, or fail our God in this great crisis! It mean much
MORE than the material things of this world you probably had
planned on getting for yourself. We have to sacrifice and GIVE UP
things we want very badly sometimes, if we are to serve our God in
these very LAST DAYS! Most of us have been laboring together in
Christ's vineyard for one to ten years. You can't know what an
inspiration it is to me to know from OUR long experience together
as Co-Workers for Christ, that our Co-Workers will rise with me to
this emergency, put forth a supreme EXTRA EFFORT, sacrifice as
never before, and PRAY as never before---and together, with God's
help, we shall carry forth in this greatest campaign of our
Now FIT For My Part!
I have realized fully the tremendous drain on my own
energy and strength such a heavy program will exact.
Few of our readers and listeners, in all probability,
realize the very large amount of reading, study and research after
the FACTS of world conditions as they are fulfilling prophecy, as
well as of continuous Bible study, that is required to create just
one broadcast on The WORLD TOMORROW program. Often whole books,
three or four magazine articles, several "columns" are read thru,
in order to locate and assemble together just two or three
paragraphs of script for a radio program. But this is what makes
the programs scintillating with INTEREST---makes them authentic,
convincing. Thousands and thousands of non-Christians, non-church-
goers, yes, even atheists are being shaken in their unbelief,