in existence, as the preliminary PROVING-GROUND!
It's a most GLORIOUS privilege and opportunity! It will
require our UTMOST effort---we must give of OUR VERY BEST, directed
by the Eternal God, going forward in HIS GREAT SPIRITUAL POWER! So
as we come, now, to the very "Zero-hour" of this great campaign, I
feel HUMBLED, SOBERED, realizing fully the responsibility and what
shall be required! So I ask EVERY CO-WORKER to take this matter
seriously to heart---to PRAY MOST EARNESTLY for the work just now!
To stand with me now as never before! For it not only is a
glorious opportunity to proclaim the GOSPEL MESSAGE, and to win
precious souls for Christ's Kingdom, but it is a campaign that will
multiply the EXPENSES of the work THREE TIMES OVER!
Now We are Beginning this Great Campaign
As always, we are proceeding on PURE FAITH! God has led,
opened the opportunity. What God starts He is able to maintain,
and finish! I am reminded in this sober hour of the inspired words
God caused David to write: "The Eternal intervenes on my behalf:
Eternal One, thy kindness never fails, THOU WILT NOT DROP THE WORK
THOU HAST BEGUN!" (Psalms 136:8, Moffatt Translation).
But we are not to "tempt God" by acting impulsively with-
out due caution and sound reason. We must not on an impulse run up
a crippling debt, get ourselves into a hopeless hole, and then
expect God to pull us out.
When this EVERY-NIGHT campaign was opened to us, I knew
instantly what a marvelous opportunity it was. But I knew, too,
it meant an EXPENSE almost THREE TIMES present expenses---which
means also three times as much as we now have coming in! But by
past experience I know, too, that listeners voluntarily respond
with tithes and offerings much more liberally when hearing the
program SIX times a week than when they hear it only ONCE! And,
too, such an intensive campaign adds NEW Co-workers. I know, too,
by experience, it will take from two to four weeks before this
increased sum in offerings is received.
So God graciously provided a way for us to use this
highly valuable time EVERY NIGHT without taking chances of getting
into a financial hole. I will go no farther, at any time, than we
are able to pay! But I want our Co-Workers to realize fully
exactly what this means! It means that if, by the end of the first
two weeks of every-night broadcasting on XELO only, the financial
response is not increasing sufficiently to pay the added cost, I
shall have to CANCEL the every-night program forthwith and
instantly, BEFORE I become entangled in a financial obligation I
can't pay.
Remember, dear Co-Worker, while my entire time is devoted
to the conduct and management of this work instead of in EARNING
MONEY, and MY PART in the work is to conduct it, do the preaching
and writing---and while YOUR PART in the work is to provide the
financial means to keep it going,---yet by the very nature of the
work it is I, not you co-workers, who must sign the contracts, and
assume ALL THE FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS! Providing the money is not