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to give them outright at this time.
And, even MORE important, to put our WHOLE HEARTS into our
constant daily PRAYERS for this Work.
Read Ephesians 6:12. Our real foe is not other people, but
the Satanic powers of the EVIL SPIRITS under Satan. God will
protect and deliver us, if we cry out to Him in earnest and TRUST
Him and RELY on Him. We can't carry on this great Work in our
own human strength. It is by GOD'S Spirit -- by GOD'S ALMIGHTY
God's Work is in need!
This month of September started out with good sums of
tithes and offerings coming in -- for a few days -- and then
slacked off! Please send in contributions AS OFTEN as possible --
and keep it up during the last half of the month. The need is
great, and serious and urgent. THANK YOU for your prayers and your
With great love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong