persecution. It could get blown up out of all proportion and do
tremendous harm to God's Work.
This is just one more indication we are in the very LAST
DAYS of this present evil world. These are the days when Satan
knows he has but a short time left. DO YOU KNOW IT? Do YOU
realize how short a time we have to FINISH the Work for this time
-- this present portion of it? Satan is angry. He is ACTIVE. He
is the FALSE ACCUSER of God's people (Rev. 12:10). He is now
attacking this Work in GREAT WRATH (Rev. 12:12).
But are WE aroused? Are YOU? Are WE doing all we can for
God's Work? Some are! God bless all you who are! But many are
NOT! Are YOU one who is indifferent, whose mind and heart and
interest is in other things? Do you realize GOD'S WORK is the only
thing that COUNTS anymore, now? Those who don't will most
assuredly wish they had, VERY SOON NOW, when it is too late, and
they look back and wish they had taken the Work of God more
We have to be VERY DEEPLY CONCERNED with what happens when
this trial comes up in Jerusalem on October 6. We need to PRAY,
deeply earnest, as never before, that God will stay the hand of
Satan, and not involve HIS WORK. Scores of newspaper men will be
Satan is more powerful than we. But GOD is far more
powerful than Satan. Now we need THE DIRECT POWER OF GOD to
protect this great Work and its good name. That is one way YOU can
help. By constant earnest PRAYER!
In Jesus' name, I call on you to TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY, get
to your knees -- keep on again and again and again earnestly
beseeching the living GOD to stay the hand of the enemy.
and effort to discredit this Work. Already there has been MUCH
persecution. I have ignored it, for up to now it has come from
little groups with little influence. But from now on it will begin
For years I have known it was coming. The question now is
whether we are right now at the time mentioned in the prophecy of
Revelation 12:7-13, where there is to be a titanic and furious
battle in heaven. Satan and his demons at WAR against God's
archangel Michael and the angels. Satan is to LOSE this great
battle, and be cast down to the earth (verse 9). Then the Devil
(verse 13) is to go forth in great FURY to persecute GOD'S PEOPLE.
And since God's people are God's instruments in His Work, Satan
is to attack THIS WORK!
From this moment on, we should have just ONE SUPREME
INTEREST before our minds -- THIS WORK OF GOD! We should make
every sacrifice for it we can. I do NOT want any to "go overboard"
and unwisely OVER-sacrifice, but it is necessary now that we go
right up to the very limit of our ability, sensibly, in
contributing for the Work, in LOANING larger sums IF we are UNABLE