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month (about $93.00 per week), your tithe ALONE paid for 960 people
hearing The WORLD TOMORROW 52 times -- or 50,000 hearing one
half-hour broadcast. IN ADDITION, you paid for a full year's
subscription of The PLAIN TRUTH for 72 readers, BESIDES paying for
inducing 216 people to start studying the Correspondence Course on
Lesson # 1, BESIDES, as one of a little group of 100, each with the
same tithe, bringing in 120 precious new lives to God's Kingdom,
and your little group of 100 ALONE put 10 students through
Ambassador College one year.
NEVER think that because you are unable to send large sums,
your small part in God's Work does not count. This great Work was
not built by RICH people, but by average people, including many
poor people, ALL TOGETHER getting back of it. It is our COMBINED
effort and sacrifice that COUNTS. YOU are HAVING A PART in
CHANGING the world, preparing the way for CHRIST, and, when He
BUT -- if the widow's MITES, and the below-average-income
people's tithes and offerings do SO MUCH, JUST THINK how much MORE
the LARGER AMOUNTS put into this Work are accomplishing!
THINK how much work a larger sum LOANED to this Work does
-- if you have a large sum you are not free to GIVE OUTRIGHT -- but
could loan it for one or two years. And, to those who have helped
by such loans, if you find you are able to turn it into a DONATION,
cancelling the loan, remember it is deductible on your income tax.
If you have loaned us a sum to be used in the Work, and find you
must ask for some of it to be returned, you will HELP greatly if
you ask for only PART of it to be returned at this time. I might
add that sound banking practice is considered safe if a bank keeps
10% of deposits in cash reserve for withdrawals demanded by
depositors. Frankly, we do not keep all of your loans on reserve
for repayment -- for that would not help the Work. But we DO keep
a reserve of 20% -- twice the bank safety level -- to guarantee
repayment if you are forced to ask for repayment.
Of course, if you are able to just GIVE a large sum, that
helps more than anything. It is our COMBINED EFFORT -- ALL
TOGETHER -- no matter how poor or how rich -- that KEEPS THIS GREAT
AND GLORIOUS WORK OF GOD GOING! No amount is too small to DO GREAT
GOOD! No amount is too large!
And there is ALWAYS NEED! If there had been half again
MORE funds for the Work during the past year, we could have
accomplished HALF AGAIN MORE! The need is always URGENT! Could
you INCREASE the amount this coming year? We MUST make the coming
year at least 30% greater than this past year! THANK YOU for your
With love and gratitude, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong