the REAL R I C H E S! All the REALLY good things lie just ahead --
And this living Christ has called YOU as well as me, to
thunder THIS MIGHTY WITNESS to the world -- preparing the way for
His coming -- preparing the way for the TRULY GOOD THINGS! And
some of you are letting down, and going a whoring after the FALSE
VALUES, neglecting YOUR FULL PART in the only Work that counts
right now!
Right now, GOD'S WORK is leaping ahead as never before! We
have taken a far bigger increase in the POWER of the WORLDWIDE
IMPACT in the past six weeks than in any previous six YEARS! This
brochure shows you what stupendous NEW DOORS God is now opening
before us! All of a sudden, we are adding ONE HUNDRED MILLION
people, before whose eyes we are placing these forceful ads!
Yet we stand in MORTAL DANGER of having to STOP this
campaign! Now is the time when we are entering the FINAL PUSH of
this entire Work. We are on what I have described as the "GUN
LAP." We are coming in, as the saying goes, "on the home stretch."
THIS is the time we must SACRIFICE other things, and put our WHOLE
May I mention something personal? Yesterday, at the
Sabbath service of God's Headquarters church, I mentioned that now,
in my 77th year, I can look back with real satisfaction and deep
gratitude on a life of accomplishment and success which God has
granted -- resulting in many, many thousands of CHANGED LIVES --
many thousands begotten as children of God, HEIRS of HIS KINGDOM!
Many hundreds who have come to the three campuses of Ambassador
College -- young people of 17 to 22 years of age, mostly. And
GREAT CHANGES have taken place in their lives. Fine, upright,
godly CHARACTER has been developed. I have seen these fine young
people blossom out into the very finest kind of men and women --
and nearly all of them now devoted full time to GOD'S WORK!
Two paragraphs back I broke off writing to go for a bite of
lunch with one of the men on our staff. He mentioned how it
encouraged and inspired him to hear me say that yesterday. So I
thought on it and commented further about it. It is NOT a great
success that I, by my personal power and efforts, have achieved.
It is a success that GOD HAS GIVEN. Yet I have been an instrument
in God's hand. I know that I do not possess the ability to have
built so great a Work of myself. Two things, at least, God looked
for that were basic and vital. First of all, God looks on the
HEART -- that is, the spirit -- the attitude. He, Himself, brought
me to complete SURRENDER to Him and His Word. For 28 years He kept
me in virtual abject poverty, after I had been quite successful as
a young advertising man -- in order to root out as much as possible
of the vanity and conceit, and bring a humility that develops the
CONFIDENCE which is FAITH in GOD replacing SELF-confidence.
I know that the HEART was right -- the hostility was gone
-- the INTENTION was to do God's will as He revealed it. Then,
second, He required absolute LOYALTY to Him and His Word. Once He
revealed His truth, He required that I keep it inviolate, never