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fault: or gossiping; or criticizing. He will try to tempt you to
become envious, or jealous, or resentful -- and finally, get you
"hooked" with bitterness!
I know that some of you, feeling we may have now less than
3 1/2 years to go, in getting out GOD'S WORK, begin to want to cram
in all of THIS WORLD'S interests, possessions, interests or
delights you possibly can, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! You are Getting
YOUR EYES OFF OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD! All of a sudden, that seems
far away, unattractive -- but that new color TV set, or the new
car, or the new clothes, or some other interest, seems MORE REAL.
Seems more close at hand -- yet seems slipping away from you to
enjoy forever, if you don't hurry and enjoy those physical things
One member and wife who were being ensnared in exactly
this way, into greedily possessing desired material things to enjoy
before it was too late -- obtaining what they could not afford --
have found that disaster suddenly struck! Now they are losing all
those things and what they had previously beside! Now they are
bitterly repentant -- at least I hope they are!
Satan's temptations and material deceptions are attractive
-- alluring! They appeal to the eye -- or other physical senses!
He dangles before your eyes every kind of gadget, vanity-
stimulating trinket, luxury item, sensuous entertainment and
activity. He tempts you with TV commercials, with beautiful ads,
store windows. Satan makes it easY to GET, through installment-
plan buying, buy-now-pay-later schemes, credit-expanding loans.
Not all, but too many of our members!
So WHAT IS HAPPENING? Great numbers of our members seem to
be falling in WHOLESALE with these temptations. Many of you have
gotten up to your necks in debt. Many of you have no savings, no
reserve, no ability to withstand any financial reverse or crisis.
SO, hundreds of you are SLACKING OFF in your
Once again, the property fund is RUNNING BEHIND LAST YEAR,
when it ought to be running 30% ahead of last year! Many of you
are slacking off in paying tithes and in free-will offerings!
Many, facing your third-tithe year, decide it's "impossible" --
can't see how you can possibly do it -- when through the years we
have been getting many letters from those who DID IT, even though
they couldn't see how they could make it, saying that,
SURPRISINGLY, they came through that third-tithe year better
financially than in the preceding years! You see, God PROMISES to
help and prosper the honest and faithful tither! CAN YOU RELY ON
Here we are at the very CLIMAX of the 6,000 years God has
allotted for humanity to go its own way! We're at the time JUST
BEFORE Christ is to come in all supernatural POWER and GLORY to S
M A S H this world's evils, and its governments, and to BRING US