in the United States and Canada.
I will reveal to you these gigantic new outlets for getting
the Message TO THE WORLD as fast as they materialize so that I can
let them be known -- but I can say this much -- SURPRISING things
are on the way for this great Work -- such as never before -- AND
FULFILLING PROPHECY in a breathtaking way!
WE EACH HAVE OUR PART in what the living Christ is opening
up, and leading. This "Danny-the-Red" who organized and started
the student uprising and national strike and crisis in France --
that almost succeeded in overthrowing Charles de Gaulle's
government -- is trying to start several NATIONAL REVOLUTIONS, in
order to CHANGE THE WORLD! He sees that things are WRONG in the
world. But he does not have the solution. He is MAKING THINGS FAR
WORSE! JESUS CHRIST is the One who has the SOLUTION! He is going
to CHANGE the world -- and then SAVE THE WORLD -- and He has called
YOU and me to be His Co-Workers -- to HAVE A PART in CHANGING the
world, and far more -- SAVING THE WORLD! He is now MOVING FAST!
You and I must get right under this burden and do OUR PART with
Him! There is no other Work like this! It is the ONLY ONE that
HAS THE ANSWER! Soon there will be WORLD PEACE!
Never was YOUR part and sacrifice for this Work so
necessary! Try to keep the tithes and special offerings for the
Work coming THROUGH THE COMING MONTH, as often and as generous as
God makes possible! Even every widow's mite helps! But also the
larger sums, as well as larger loans of amounts you cannot give
outright at this time are urgently needed.
THANK YOU -- and I do, on behalf of our directing Head and
Leader, Jesus Christ, give you THANKS from the heart -- but also
you and I should give HIM thanks in real GRATITUDE that He gives us
the great and glorious PRIVILEGE of having a part in His Work --
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong