part of Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan, and the
This will reach MANY MILLIONS of people in many parts of
the world. Then a big super-power radio voice is opening to us --
even what may become the most powerful radio voice on earth, that
could be heard WORLDWIDE. Negotiations are still pending. This is
so top secret I cannot reveal, now, where it is -- but if God wills
this will be the most sensational news of radio history. The
living Christ who directs and HEADS this fast-growing worldwide
Work of GOD is now opening bigger and mightier doors!
Exciting? Yes, thrilling beyond words!
But all this fast stepping up of the Work lays on our
shoulders more and more grave RESPONSIBILITY! God is moving, now,
miraculously -- but He works through us -- uses us as His
instruments -- and we have OUR PART as Co-Workers WITH THE LIVING
CHRIST, preparing THE WAY for His very imminent return to this
earth. THEN He will take over the GOVERNMENT of every nation on
earth -- set up the WORLD GOVERNMENT of the KINGDOM OF GOD ruling
over ALL NATIONS, putting down all this violence, murder and WAR --
bringing the world PEACE at last!
When I started this letter what I had in mind to say to you
was to EXPLAIN, in a way I never thought of before -- in a way that
would make it more clear than ever before -- just WHAT this Work is
-- WHY this advertising space is being purchased by Ambassador
College -- in fact, WHY are we organized THE WAY we are? There is
nothing else like it on earth. But there are vital REASONS why
this whole Work is organized THE WAY it is.
I have tried to explain this time after time. But somehow,
just this morning, it came sharp and clear to my mind just what is
the REAL EXPLANATION in a way I never thought to put it before. I
had just picked up a copy of a booklet we published a few years
ago, on the INSIDE STORY of The WORLD TOMORROW. That is now out of
print, but somehow it failed to explain it as clearly as it came to
my mind this morning.
But I need to rush this URGENT letter to you immediately,
and so I think I shall get this off to Pasadena at once, and then
take time to write that FULLY -- either as an editorial in the
"Personal from the Editor" column in the next PLAIN TRUTH, or as a
special booklet -- or perhaps BOTH! I'll get that to you later --
and I think you'll find it interesting and ENLIGHTENING.
Modern methods and machines and instruments make possible
a Work today that could not have been done a few years ago. For
instance, we now have TELEX. That is like our own private
telegraph service, with our own TELEX instruments in our own
offices here in England, in Pasadena, at the Texas Campus -- in
fact in all our offices around the world. I will have this letter
put on our own TELEX here, and INSTANTANEOUSLY they will have it in
Pasadena, where my own secretary will retype it yet this morning --
and her typed letter will then be put on our giant printing
presses, and will be mailed yet today to our family of Co-Workers