unexplored AGE OF ATOMIC POWER. Adjectives have been exhausted in
an attempt to describe the staggering magnitude of this thing.
It's a NEW AGE---but one destined to be of extremely SHORT
DURATION. It's an age crunch with horrifying, imagination defying
possibilities. Yet it's an age which at once opens to us marvelous
new opportunities---and a most STUNNING challenge and
RESPONSIBILITY in the work of Almighty GOD!
Thousands of years ago men started the terrible scourge of
WAR with elementary weapons---knives, swords, sling-shots, bows and
arrows. As a prominent military analyst expressed it, the most
effective military weapons are those which can be caused to strike
at the enemy in the quickest time, at the longest distance, and
with the most destructive power. A sword is a more effective
weapon than a knife or dagger, because it reaches farther. A
sling-shot, or arrow, can be projected to reach the enemy at still
farther distance. But a soldier with a rifle could conquer or kill
one with a bow and arrow because he could project his missile
FARTHER, and FASTER, and therefore could reach and destroy his
enemies FIRST. It's the old saying of getting there "Firstest,
with the mostest." Machine-guns, cannon, field artillery, when
invented, made warfare still more destructive, because they hurled
more destructive missiles still FARTHER. Then came the tank and
the bombing-plane, just at the close of World War I, presaging the
war of the future---World War II. During this war we were able to
send still more powerful missiles a distance of 600 miles,
destroying Berlin from bases in England. Then came the super-
fortresses, giving still greater range and increased destructive-
power in the war against Japan.
And now, as World War II came to an end, the WEAPONS OF THE
FUTURE again put in an appearance---jet-propulsion and rocket
weapons, carrying missiles still faster and farther. Had the
Germans WON their race against time by perfecting those before they
were defeated, they would have turned the tables and snatched last-
second victory out of certain defeat! We began, with knowledge of
these weapons, to look with consternation toward the possibilities
of a World War III!
And then, the tremendous CLIMAX! The best-kept secret of
the war---the ATOMIC BOMB, suddenly perfected, and just TWO of
these undesirable weapons of destruction and death dropped upon
Japan bringing the war to a sudden END!
Now, COMBINE the unbelievable destructive power of this new
bomb with the rocket as a means of HURLING it from any given point
on earth to any other given point in the land of the enemy, and you
have a weapon beyond the ability of the human mind to grasp---a
weapon so diabolical---a power so vastly destructive---as to place
within the control of mortal MAN the power to DESTROY ALL LIFE UPON
Any POWER is beneficial, or dangerous, depending upon human
ability to direct and control that power. Uncontrolled, or wrongly
directed, and the greater the power the greater the potential
What does it all mean? It means that sooner or later some