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OUR Co-Workers'
Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers
informed of the progress, the problems, and the
future plans for carrying on God's Work in these
closing days of this age; --broadcasting "The WORLD
TOMORROW," publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, and
other Gospel literature. Herbert W. Armstrong,
Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.
VOLUME VI. Number 5.
August 23, 1945
GREETINGS! dear friends and co-workers for Christ: I have just
had a 27-minute long-distance call from Texas.
The man who managed Dr. Brinkley's famous radio station in
Mexico called to inform me of an unexpected opportunity---to
purchase and OWN, ourselves, a station on the border in Mexico with
an internationally-clear channel that can be made the most powerful
radio voice in the western hemisphere.
I want to tell you the details, and all about the marvelous
opportunities opening to us for a greatly expanded work in this
fearful, awe-inspiring, post-war world we suddenly find ourselves
living in.
A N E W A G E D A W N S !
Since I last wrote you, May 28th from San Francisco, we
have lived thru the most momentous events of world history. At
that time, we had entered the period which has been the most vital
PIVOT in American and world history. President Roosevelt had died.
The military war had ended in Europe. Mussolini had been
ignominiously put to death and buried. Hitler had either died or
fled to a secret hiding-place---more probably, I still believe, the
latter---but in any event, the world for the time being was rid of
But even greater news has followed. World War II has come
to its final end, and as I write General Mac Arthur is preparing to
go into and occupy Japan at the head of the most impressive display
of military might ever beheld by mortal man---on land, on the sea,
in the air. This is planned in order dramatically to convince the
Japs they have been completely whipped.
But the most important news of all is the announcement,
with the actual horrifying demonstration, of the atomic bomb and
the age of atomic power. This, say scientists, will at once
completely revolutionize both peace-time life and warfare upon
Within the past 400 years the world has passed thru the age
of exploration, and then the machine-age. Now we suddenly find
ourselves plunged headlong, without warning, into a new, totally-