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Japan, mines in Malay, oil wells in Burma, dams in Africa, steel
mills in India---now as familiar with all our fighting fronts as
our local main street. Have enjoyed personal acquaintance with all
our Presidents since U. S. Grant--when I used to sit on his knee
and play with his waste-basket collecting stamps, etc., most of all
so-called royalty and potentates occidental and oriental. Made
millions and spent same as generously. I know your country, too
(Oregon). My wife drove the golden spike Pacific and Oregon Short
Line in the 80's. I am a student of human life as IS, and as
should be. The environment is overdue for marked change. I have
never lost faith in our merciful Father God. There is much to do
ahead of us. My boy (officer) on his battle-ship is doing his
part. I must be doing mine, you yours, of one mind." Just thought
you, too, would find this interesting. Yes, prophecy says we are
So many women write that their unconverted husbands, who
never go to church or listen to ordinary religious broadcasts,
have become interested and listen regularly to "The WORLD
TOMORROW." Here's one I just now came across: From Missouri: "My
husband was born and raised a Catholic, but now he enjoys and
watches for your Sunday night broadcast." Usually such husbands
have never been in any church. People everywhere tell me, (that
is, those who have checked up), that most of the people listening
to The WORLD TOMORROW are those who have not been going to church.
I wonder if our Co-Workers really grasp the fact that our program
is DIFFERENT---utterly different! Just as Jesus' preaching was
different in His day on earth, so the SAME MESSAGE is "different"
today. Just as people were "ASTONISHED at His doctrine," so are
they still astonished at it today. Just as Jesus either was the
ONE true prophet and divine Son of God, or else a total imposter,
so with the SAME identical Message proclaimed over the nation on
The WORLD TOMORROW program, today! GOD CALLED US to this Mission
---your mission as well as mine! Let's press on more determined
than ever!
My, I have close to 100 letters here before me as I write,
and I had hoped to get a large portion of them into this BULLETIN
---they are all so interesting I don't see how I can leave any out,
yet I must stop here and report on the progress of the work.
First, a fund has been started toward the PURCHASE of a
great multi-super-power station of OUR OWN in Mexico, at the border
of the United States. We hope to purchase either a station, or
equipment of one which I happen to know has been available, which
can be moved to the very best spot on the border, and it is our
plan to increase the power to 250,000 watts. That's FIVE TIMES the
power of the largest super-power stations in the United States.
Probably it would be the most powerful standard-wave broadcast
station on earth, surely the most powerful in this hemisphere.
With it we could shout God's last solemn warning to this entire
continent. It would come in like a local station everywhere.
People everywhere would hear it without static or interference, but
strongly, plainly. Our audience would be many MILLIONS. Its very
power and the Message carried would astonish the nation, attract