the interest and inspiration in these wonderful letters.
I wanted to use several pages in this BULLETIN just to
reprint interesting portions from some of these letters. But
Mrs. Olson tells me the paper shortage limits this BULLETIN to 5
pages, and here I am on page 4, so I can give you just a few.
Thousands of people over the United States are being
helped spiritually, coming into a better, deeper, fuller
understanding of God's Word, being led into a closer walk with
Him, their lives being changed as they are converted---CHANGED. I
just now happen upon a letter from California, typical of these.
This sister writes: "In accordance with your suggestion I have
been praying and studying the Bible, and as much as I have enjoyed
reading novels in the past there are none of them as interesting as
the Bible to me. God's plan is slowly being unfolded to my
bewildered mind, although it seems entirely too slow as I become
more and more inquisitive. I got so hungry to talk with someone
who has a like belief, I can hardly wait from one Sunday to the
next to hear you short sermon. I say short because I am so anxious
to understand and know God's laws and get a clear perspective of
just what my duty is in life. My children have some problems I
hope you can advise me with. I certainly hope you can get those
articles on the story of the Bible written soon." And let me add
I'm more anxious than words can express to get this big series of
articles written and printed, but it seems my time and capacity are
limited, and it is taking time.
A most interesting letter from Flagstaff, Ariz., says in
part: "Ever since I listened to your broadcast on the subject
"World of Tomorrow" I have listened attentively each Sunday night.
Your clear explanation seems to give one a greater desire to study
the Bible and become interested in it. The fact that you are
undenominational, do not attempt to play upon one's emotions, speak
with authority in the kindest, yet intelligent, sort of way, begets
confidence in what you have to say in plain language that all may
understand. All who hear your Message should have a strong and
burning desire to learn more of Him thru the intense study of His
Word now as it is daily applying to world affairs, in this terrible
struggle. I first heard your address over XELO, Mexico. Now I am
most interested in getting copies of these publications. There is
nothing in this whole world I desire more than an intelligent
knowledge, and true of course, of prophecy as it applies to world
affairs. Please, please, send me all the literature available."
I want now to give you part of a letter received last year,
most interesting, which I treasure---from a man of wide experience
and great accomplishments, who, in SPITE of this is interested in
GOD and His Word---a rare thing among men highly successful in this
world. The letter comes from his executive offices in Florida:
"It was just after midnight thru WOAI I listened to your most
interesting and convincingly practical message---so favorably
impressed I am taking this means of getting in touch with you
personally and will esteem it a great favor if you will send me
such literature as you may have to spare. I have lived all over
this world, amongst all people, a vigorous prosperous life of
intense activity---building docks, railways, arsenals in China and