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faithfully, and RELY ON the living Christ for guidance and support,
almost immediately He opened the door of MASS COMMUNICATION --
radio and the printing press. Both started the very smallest
possible. Even so, I was enabled to get the true Message to
hundreds, and then thousands, where it had been only dozens before.
But it grew. More and more people heard and read Christ's living
The broadcast started the first Sunday in 1934. The PLAIN
TRUTH appeared first as a homemade mimeographed "magazine" February
1, 1934. But there was no subscription price! There was no appeal
for money over the air. I didn't look to people for backing -- I
looked to the living Christ -- on my knees.
God does conduct HIS Work through human instruments --
through those whose hearts are willing, whose minds are yielded to
Him. I didn't have to ask or solicit people for support. The
living Christ whom I serve was able to move those yielded to Him to
recognize His Message, and voluntarily to want to have a part in
His Work. Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
they follow me" (John 10:27).
They were so very few, at first. But a few did recognize
the Truth, and become Co-Workers with Christ in His Work.
Gradually the listening audience grew -- and The PLAIN TRUTH
circulation -- and gradually, also, a few additional Co-Workers
came to us. After two years a second radio station was added.
Soon we were able to print a few small booklets, which I could
offer, FREE. Then more radio stations. The growth seemed so very
slow -- yet it was expanding 30% a year -- doubling in less than
three years.
As additional stations broadcast the Message, the little
family of Co-Workers increased -- very gradually -- because it had
to be voluntary on their part. I could ask GOD to open minds and
hearts to receive His Truth -- to use me to reveal it plainly -- to
change their lives and bring them into His Kingdom -- but I
couldn't ask them to become Co-Workers.
From then on it has been a gradual, steady, uphill growth
through the years, to worldwide power and scope. Never have we had
to beg or plead -- or even invite people to become Co-Workers. The
living Christ Himself has led more and more, gradually through the
years, to become HIS Co-Workers in GOD'S WORK which Christ Himself
heads and blesses with abundant results. And He has BLESSED,
spiritually and financially, those who have become His Co-Workers.
THEY -- and we who now devote fulltime to God's Work -- are
gratefully having a part, not only in CHANGING, but also in SAVING
the world -- yes, soon THE WHOLE WORLD, after Christ's coming. And
we have a part, now, in preparing THE WAY for that world-shaking
blessed event!
Millions have been deceived into dedicating their lives to
godless Communism, in the misguided faith that they are having a
part in CHANGING THE WORLD. Actually they are only enslaving it --
all but the FREE world. In all candor, how REASSURING it is that,