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Supreme divine POWER and GLORY of the AWESOME, ALL-MIGHTY GOD -- to
restore PEACE to this earth -- and universal right education,
universal prosperity, good health, and HAPPINESS to all peoples and
The Almighty God has raised up THIS WORK -- HIS WORK --
using us as His instruments, to pave the way -- to WARN this world
-- to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD to
bring abundant well-being for all to this earth!
This Work, for 34 years, has grown in power and scope and
impact on this world, at the rate of 30% per year, continuously!
There is nothing lake it -- because it is GOD'S WORK!
It has a tremendous MISSION. It is actively, dynamically,
performing that Mission! It GROWS mightily because the POWER OF
GOD, AND HIS SPIRIT, empowers it -- the living JESUS CHRIST heads,
directs, and blesses it!
And WHO sponsors it?
It started small -- the very smallest -- as all things GOD
does through humans must start. Thirty-four years ago I faced a
personal crisis. MEN, who then paid me a salary as God's minister,
demanded that I preach and act contrary to God's Word. To refuse
was to lose their financial backing -- give up the salary.
I saw clearly, then, that if men paid my salary I should
have to serve MEN. If I were to serve GOD, I would have to rely on
God, in LIVING FAITH, for financial support. My wife and I made
the decision to SERVE GOD, and to RELY ON GOD. We knew,
definitely, God had called us into His Service.
Walking over a gravel country road to a one-room country
schoolhouse, where I could preach without paying hall rent, a man
said to me: "You won't get far -- you're preaching the PLAIN TRUTH
of the BIBLE. It's too strong for people -- you're telling people
their SINS! People will never support you!"
"But," I replied, "I'm not working for people. I'm
working for GOD. If I work for the Ford Motor Company, I'm sure
they would be able to pay me my salary, and provide financially for
whatever expenses were required for what they wanted me to do. God
is much wealthier and more able than Ford."
God did provide. I took up no offerings or collections in
those meetings. I asked for no contributions. But a small few,
who also had living faith -- and knew that through proclaiming
CHRIST'S GOSPEL, and His soon Coming -- they could HAVE A PART in
not only CHANGING THE WORLD, but SAVING THE WORLD, in total world
peace, prosperity and happiness -- that little few voluntarily
contributed their tithes and offerings. Thus they became active
Co-Workers, having their part in the WORK OF GOD.
After I had made this crisis decision to serve God