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far closer to Him. I am ready, now, for this big LEAP AHEAD in
this Work. Mrs. Armstrong will be, too, as soon as God removes
the main difficulty, which we expect momentarily.
Would YOU join me in praying for her? God has used her
mightily in His Work--and I need her DESPERATELY! But pray
earnestly, intensively, in contrite spirit, and IN FAITH,
BELIEVING! If you need fasting and prayer, do it--for your own
sake! GOD BLESS YOU for this! THANK YOU!
I have shown you in recent letters how God uses YOU in
proclaiming HIS GOSPEL to the whole world--to more than 45 MILLION
people every week! Please keep PRAYING, in dead earnest, for this
great Work!
I have shown you, too, how your personal tithes and
offerings have been getting Christ's Gospel preached to an average
of 615 people every week--that's JUST YOUR PERSONAL PART--beside
paying for 25 people to read The PLAIN TRUTH --beside YOUR PART in
the conversion and redemption of many THOUSANDS of precious lives
every year! To neglect would prevent that portion from receiving
these matchless blessings.
WE DON'T DARE let up, or slacken off on our efforts! YOU
have your part in God's Work, the same as I. Many of our
Co-Workers are poor people of very meager means. But even the
widow's two mites meant more to Jesus than big sums of those better
able. Of course, the very fact so many of our Co-Workers have such
limited financial ability, means that those of larger means and
larger incomes MUST give LIBERALLY, GENEROUSLY, of their larger
ability, or this Work would collapse! Let us be generous according
to ability.
The loans, (of money not needed until later, if unable to
GIVE this sum), do HELP in a very BIG way!
Did you notice, I addressed you differently in this letter?
I said, Dear Co-Heir with Christ! Do you realize that through
Christ, we become His begotten CHILDREN--the very HEIRS of God--and
CO-HEIRS with Christ, JOINT-HEIRS with Him? We are to INHERIT all
our heavenly Father has! Think of it--ALL. That means everything
in the UNIVERSE!
We are the VERY CHILDREN of GOD--as long as His Spirit
dwells in us (Romans 8:16,14). "And if children, then HEIRS; heirs
of GOD, and JOINT-HEIRS with Christ; if so be that we suffer with
Him, that we may be also GLORIFIED together." (Romans 8:17.)
Jesus became a BORN Son of God by the RESURRECTION (Romans
1:3-4). He is no longer an heir, but now an INHERITOR! "....that
He might be the first-BORN of MANY BRETHREN!" (Romans 8:29). He
was BORN to the INHERITANCE first-by the RESURRECTION! We are His
BRETHREN--now, still heirs, but, at the time of Christ's return to
earth, to be BORN as an INHERITOR of Eternal LIFE, by the
resurrection (or, if then still living, by an instantaneous CHANGE
from mortal to IMmortal--from material flesh-and-blood to SPIRIT