and commit it into God's hands. The first two weeks,
approximately, she was in great abdominal pain, with cramps, unable
to hold anything on her stomach. She did sip water, and take
crushed ice into her mouth--but always her stomach rejected it, and
it was thrown up. Then, a week ago, I'm sure God performed one
miracle--I awoke at 6:30 A.M. and was told she had taken about a
half glass of homemade grape juice at 4:30, and her stomach had
retained it. She has been taking prescribed amounts about every
two hours since. For about three days she was able to take small
amounts--two or three teaspoons at a time--of a beef juice, then
her stomach refused it further. We have been able, however, to
alternate some fresh carrot juice, and even some gelatin.
This nourishment, during the past week, has given her some
added strength, and she has been getting in better rest and sleep,
and is much improved in mind and spirits.
God has some purpose in delaying her complete healing. His
ways are, often, past finding out! But this critical illness has
had a dynamic and profound effect on thousands who have known of
it--including all the ministers in this great Work stationed at
various points all over the world--over the United States, Canada,
Britain, Europe, Africa, Australia, the Philippines, etc. It has
shaken up God's ministers, in leading executive positions here at
world Headquarters of God's Work. It has produced a spiritual
awakening and rejuvenation we realize, now, we needed. Mrs.
Armstrong smiles and says she is glad if her suffering has been the
means of helping others--and even the whole WORK!
But Jesus Christ suffered IN HER PLACE--paid the penalty
for her that she has been suffering--and God has PROMISED to
release her from it and heal her. We stand on His PROMISES! In
this ordeal, I have fervently asked God to increase my faith,
giving me more of CHRIST'S own faith--and He is answering. We
cannot set a time limit on God. He has NOT promised how or when He
will heal--He has just promised to HEAL! I rely on Him.
Dear Co-Worker with Christ, this great Work of God is on
the very threshold of the greatest leap forward in power and scope
in its history. The really BIG work is yet to be done. God
started His Work for this time through my wife. He used her to
bring me to Him. God said it is not good for a man to be alone
--and He gave her to me to be my help. She has been my
partner--the other half of this team God called, and has used in
building His great Work. As we now face a greatly stepped-up,
BIGGER Work, I need her desperately at my side. God, of course,
knows this.
During this ordeal I fasted ten days. I did not fast for
her--because we do not bring God "to our terms" by suffering and
"doing penance." I fasted to bring myself closer to God. When
that was accomplished I broke the fast. I had been concerned over
a heart condition and high blood pressure. I was slowed down in my
work. That is now all gone. This heart condition I have felt for
some four years is no longer noticeable. I have renewed verve,
bounce, energy. God has, in this fasting and prayer, opened my
eyes to many things--changed my entire daily routine, brought me