OUR Co-Workers'
VOL. V. Number 5.
October 27, 1944
Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers
informed of the program, the problems, and the future
plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days
of this age; --- broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW"
publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and other Gospel
literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oreg.
THINK of it! The largest super-power radio stations in
the United States are 50,000 watts. Most United States stations
are licensed to use 250 up to 5,000 watts. But on the Mexican
border, in Juarez, Mexico, just across from El Paso Texas, is a
super-power station of 100,000 watts of power---double the power
of America's strongest stations.
Beginning last Sunday night, "The WORLD TOMORROW" program
is being sent out over the North American continent by the
tremendous power of station "XELO" 800 on your dial.
Not only that! Almighty God miraculously opened up to us
on that station of tremendous power the very best TIME of the
whole week---the time when more people are listening than any
other---8 o'clock Sunday night! Never before have we been able
to secure such a favorable and valuable time on any station. This
is known in radio circles as the very BEST of the "A" time. For
instance, the highest-priced radio time in America is station WABC,
New York. Since few of our Co-Workers have any conception of the
cost of radio time on these super-power stations, it will be
interesting to read their rates, as published in "Radio Advertising
Rates & Data Book" by Standard Rate & Data Service, used by all
advertising agencies and large purchasers of radio time. "A" time
is 6:30 to 10:30 PM on station WABC, Columbia's great key station
in New York where so many CBS programs originate. A half hour on
this station between these hours costs $810. Class "B" time, when
check-ups prove fewer people are listening---6 to 6:30 PM week-days
and 12 noon to 6:30 PM Sundays, costs $600 for a half hour program.
Still fewer people would be tuned in during Class "C" time, 9 AM to
6PM week-days, and 9AM to noon Sundays, and 10:30 to midnight
daily, when the rate for 30 minutes is $405. Class "D" time,
midnight to 1AM, and 6 to 9AM, costs $300 for 30 minutes, and Class
"E" time, 1AM to 6AM, when most people are sleeping, costs $90.
Of course a station like WOAI, San Antonio, which carries
our program at 11:PM Sunday nights, altho it has the same power---
50,000 watts---charges much less because it is a smaller city and
far less populated territory, altho at that hour of night because
of its location near the center of the United States, it is heard