SPIRIT OF GOD which started this Work in Him as an individual,
continued it after His resurrection, through the COLLECTIVE BODY
of the Apostles and their Co-Workers who together formed the CHURCH
OF GOD. Christ's Commission to them was, 1st, proclaim HIS MESSAGE
--the Gospel or Good News of GOD'S KINGDOM, in all the world--not
to convert everybody, but AS A WITNESS!
The secondary commission, in GOD'S WORK, was (AND IS) to
"feed Christ's sheep" whom God gives us. In other words, to
properly feed, with the WORD OF GOD, and minister to, those to whom
God grants repentance, and begets by His Holy Spirit. This means
their lives are totally CHANGED!
But the first commission is to proclaim Christ's Message
in all the world AS A WITNESS! Today more than TWENTY-TWO MILLION
PEOPLE are hearing that Message proclaimed with POWER every single
week! In evidence of this, we are receiving, just from the United
States and Canada alone, more than an average of 100,000 letters
from listeners every month! That is more than the White House
receives, according to an article in a mass-circulation magazine.
Beside this, it requires a large office staff in our
Sydney office to read and answer the letters that come from
listeners in Australia, New Zealand, and south-eastern Asia. There
is also a large office staff at the college here in England,
answering the thousands of letters coming in from all parts of the
United Kingdom and Europe. Beside these, offices of from four to
six on the staff are required at Manila, The Philippines; at
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; at Dusseldorf, Germany; at
Johannesburg, South Africa; and, in process of opening soon, in
Geneva, Switzerland, to handle the French-speaking mail. The PLAIN
TRUTH is being published in both German and French languages--and
the three English editions printed simultaneously, in Los Angeles,
London, and Melbourne.
GOD'S NEWS is GOOD! And that news is this: His GOOD
NEWS of His Kingdom--of salvation--or coming WORLD PEACE--is going
out in mighty POWER, into every inhabited continent on earth! In
scope and power this mighty Work, empowered by God's Holy Spirit,
directed, guided, and blessed directly, in Person, by the living
CHRIST, who is the HEAD of this Work, is leaping constantly forward
at the rate of a 30% growth every year!
Jesus Christ actively guides, directs, and controls THIS
WORK! But He doesn't do it alone. He doesn't do it FOR us! He
does it with and through us! He uses YOU and all our Co-Workers
and me as HIS INSTRUMENTS! That is for OUR good! It is a
privilege and a blessing to be able to have our part in HIS WORK!
Are you thankful--grateful?
We must never slacken or let down in OUR PART! Rather we
must make this Great Commission--this WORK WITH CHRIST--the very
first interest in our lives! We must put it before every other
financial WANT, and even sacrifice other things for it!
Time is running out on us. Only a few more years remain
to finish God's Work! But the Work is, as of this moment, still,