they are now being transferred to Texas, where Mr. Chapman will
supervise the building and equipping of our new radio studio on the
campus of the coming new college there (to open its doors to
students one year from now). Primarily, however, he will serve in
the ministry in that area.
I do not often talk about ourselves personally in these
letters, but thought you might welcome that bit of personal news.
Now for GOD'S NEWS!
We have had four teams of men on baptizing tours this
summer, covering the United States and Canada. Hundreds have been
baptized. Remember, the angels of God SHOUT for JOY over even one
sinner who repents. Do YOU feel like shouting for joy? It is your
prayers and your tithes and generous offerings that have made
possible the broadcasts, the literature, the training of these
dedicated men in Ambassador College, their travelling expenses--
everything that has gone into OUR part in bringing these precious
lives to repentance, and begettal as GOD'S OWN CHILDREN to enter
His glorious and eternal Kingdom!
Of course let us not forget that none can come to the
Son, Jesus Christ, except the Spirit of God the Father draw him.
people, have been heard and have had their part in the fact that
God's Spirit did convict these precious lives, and move them toward
repentance. Of course, they, themselves, had to YIELD and make the
unconditional SURRENDER to God--His will, His Word and His law--in
each case.
Those baptized are less than half of those who wrote to
us requesting baptism. Some failed to meet with our men. One man
who requested baptism rewarded our men for travelling to visit him
by threatening violence and running them off his place. Many had
not really repented--had not surrendered their wills to God--were
not yet ready. Many of these--we know from years of experience--
will be ready by next year, and will be brought into Christ's fold
then. This means that, in addition to those hundreds being
baptized now, other hundreds are on their way.
Of course, our ministers stationed in various locations
all over the United States are counselling with, and baptizing,
scores of people every month. Those baptized on these summer tours
are only those living in areas where our ministers have not been
available to call on them earlier, during the year.
In Britain we have had two baptizing tours out this
summer, with the largest harvest of precious lives for God's
Kingdom of any year so far. In Australia and New Zealand it is now
WINTER--and our baptizing tours reaped a good harvest there some
months ago. A German-speaking team is on a baptizing tour of
Germany and Austria right now.
I wonder if you realize how different is this true WORK
OF GOD from the churches or religious works of this world. Jesus
Christ STARTED this work, in Person, 1936 years ago. The very same