In that Body we do not all have the same office or part.
Mrs.Armstrong and I are grateful, and rejoice that we are able to
put approximately 30% of our personal income (all derived from the
U.S.--none from United Kingdom) into God's Work, beside our whole
LIVES, and our entire time, virtually night and day! WHAT A
BLESSING! Yes, HOW blest we are! God has also made it possible
for YOU to help greatly in this work with your prayers! Will you
pray constantly and earnestly for the work? Also God has blest YOU
by making it possible for you to contribute YOUR financial part,
according as He has prospered you. Remember, Jesus Christ said
that the poor widow who gave to the Lord's treasury her two mites
actually gave more than the rich men--for she gave more in
proportion to what she had. Yes, even the smallest "mites" help
greatly in God's work--although God's work sorely needs the larger
amounts, too--from those whom God has made able.
God does expect His children to GIVE, cheerfully, and
generously, according as they are able. That is YOUR glorious part
in the greatest and most important work on earth! Jesus Christ
Himself came to earth and started this Work of God. Today, it is
a revived work, starting anew and afresh, gaining momentum and
power as no other activity on earth today! Christ is carrying it
Remember, we never ask for money over the air. We never
charge for anything we have--the magazine, booklets, Correspondence
Course, or, now this whole BOOK, the second volume of The Bible
Story. I want you to be sure to write in for your copy.
Till next time, God will bless you,
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong