of whose early schooling was there, but now a naturalized Canadian
citizen, who, with his family, is now moving to Dusseldorf to
manage the new office there.
Up to now, both German-speaking and French-speaking people
have had to write to our British address for all literature.
German and French people are a little reluctant to write to England
for things. With our German mailing address for Germans, and the
Paris office for French people to write to, we feel that probably
two to four times as many people will respond, and write in for
literature--which now will be mailed to them immediately from the
Dusseldorf and Paris offices. THIS WILL MEAN A GREAT STEP FORWARD
in reaching those peoples with Christ's Gospel! I know you will
rejoice with me!
But this opens up another BIG STEP forward in reaching the
French and German people with the Gospel. Some two weeks ago I
spent a morning in the offices of our London Advertising Agency,
and big plans were made for putting the Gospel into PRINT, in the
one media that reaches MORE PEOPLE than any other magazine or
publication on earth--Reader's Digest.
I suppose you have seen some of our full TWO PAGE Messages
we have been publishing in the British edition of Reader's Digest.
One out of five of all adult people in United Kingdom reads this
magazine. Many THOUSANDS of English people have first heard of
God's TRUTH through these pages we have purchased in this mass-
circulated magazine. But now we are planning to purchase two full
pages, either every month, or every other month, in the German
edition, with the same messages in the German language--and also
two pages in the French language in the French and Belgian
editions. Two pages, paid for at the regular advertising rate, in
these mass-circulation magazines is very expensive. Yet, the cost
per person who will read these powerful, gripping, challenging
Gospel messages, is VERY SMALL, less than any other way we could
reach them.
Soon we expect to put these same messages in two pages in
editions reaching, in their own languages, Holland, India, South
Africa, Switzerland, and in Arabic language all the Arabic nations
--Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Saudi-Arabia, Sudan.
In the republic of South Africa, until recently a
Commonwealth nation, we have for some years now had the largest
listening audience of any wireless programme, according to British
surveys. We have been broadcasting over that country via the
super-power Radio Lourenco Marques three nights every week. NOW
beaming SIX full half-hour broadcasts every week over that nation!
IN EVERY WAY, our Head and Leader, the living Jesus Christ,
is increasing the POWER of this great work! Christ's own original
Gospel is hitting with terrific impact every continent on earth
today. This tremendous activity is empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT OF
GOD. It is GROWING in power and scope constantly, as no other
activity on earth! We, together, form the BODY of Christ through
whom CHRIST works!