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A personal letter to all the brethren of The Churches of
God, from your pastor, co-laborer, and fellow-servant in
Christ, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene.
Number 3
March 20th, 1944
DATES OF H O L Y D A Y S , 1944
The LORD'S SUPPER, or PASSOVER will be observed this year
on Thursday night, April 6th, after sundown. April 7th is the
"PREPARATION". This date, sunset April 6th until sunset April
7th, 1944, is Abib 14th, sacred calendar.
The seven DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD begin with a night
service, on Friday night, April 7th---the "night to be much
observed unto the Eternal,"---and lasting thru to sunset Friday
April 14th. All leaven must be out of our homes before sunset
April 7th. The FIRST HOLYDAY falls on the weekly Sabbath, April
8th. The second holyday, an annual Sabbath upon which no work
may be done except preparation of food, and on which we should
hold an all-day meeting at each church, falls on Friday, April
14th (beginning, of course, sunset April 13th.)
PENTECOST falls on May 29th. (From sunset Sunday, May 28th
thru Monday to sunset).
FEAST OF TRUMPETS, 1st day of seventh month (sacred
calendar), September 18th (beginning sunset 17th).
DAY OF ATONEMENT, 10th day seventh month sacred calendar,
Wednesday, September 27th. (Begins sunset 26th).
FEAST OF TABERNACLES, 15th to thru 22nd of seven month
sacred calendar, begins with night meeting after sunset October
1st, lasting until sunset October 9th. The annual Sabbaths are
Monday, October 2nd, and Monday October 9th.
* * * * * * * * *
WHY should you brethren who meet at Eugene Church have
this church? And you brethren at Vancouver---up in Everett---or
down in Los Angeles, WHY should you group yourselves together into
a local CHURCH group? Do we have a divine PURPOSE and FUNCTION?
Are we sure we know what it is? Let's search the Scripture and
First, we must fix in mind the truth that this world today
literally is "in BABYLON." Satan is the god of this world (II Cor.
4:4)---he appears as an angel of LIGHT---he has his ministers who
claim to be the ministers of Jesus Christ (II Cor. 11)---he is the
god worshipped by the worldly churches! The whole world is
ORGANIZED today, according to Satan's pattern. It is organized