PLAIN TRUTH immediately--so it can be in the mails in less than
four weeks! Between a third and a half of it is already set to
type. Most of the remainder of this issue is already written. I
believe you'll find it the MOST INTERESTING issue yet! But, in
addition to our weekly expense now running into hundreds of
dollars, we must have ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS additional before this
next PLAIN TRUTH can be printed and mailed. I must order the
paper AT ONCE, cash in advance--and I do not have the cash on hand!
We have 10,000 empty envelopes addressed to ten thousand people who
have asked for the booklet "United States in Prophecy." It will
take $500 to print this edition to fill those envelopes and other
requests still to come. GOD'S WORK IS WAITING ON OUR CO-WORKERS!
We are storing up treasure in heaven, when we put our tithes and
free-will offerings cheerfully into this glorious work of the
Eternal. The need is great--it is URGENT. Let us keep up the good
fight! We're in this war, too! This is GOD'S "loan drive."
You'll be paid back with overwhelming interest--Christ will bring
your reward with Him when He comes--SOON! KEEP PRAYING! Stand by
me! And GOD BLESS YOU! In Jesus' name.