finished--God will see to that--but we need to WAKE UP--we need to
SPEED UP--we need to realize that the ONE OVERPOWERING PURPOSE OF
OUR LIVES right now is OUR PART in this great End-Time WORK OF GOD,
directed by the living Jesus Christ from His Father's THRONE OF
GRACE, empowered by God's Holy Spirit.
We are called to be Co-Workers together WITH CHRIST! He
HEADS this work. He directs it! He blesses it. For more than 27
years now He has been DOUBLING the size and scope and power of this
great work every two and two-thirds years! As world events speed
up with increasing momentum, so does God's Work, shouting CHRIST'S
OWN GOSPEL in great power WORLD-WIDE! Those whom Satan has
deceived and blinded are becoming alarmed as CHRIST multiplies the
POWER of His Work. They are getting stirred up--beginning to pour
out a flood of false, defaming, character-assassinating accusations
against this WORK OF GOD. Yes, YOUR BIBLE foretold this--it says
Satan is now "having great wrath, because he knoweth he hath but a
short time" (Rev 12:13, 9, 17). Satan KNOWS it--do YOU? The
persecution is stepping up. Lies, hearsay, misrepresentations--
usually imputing evil motives to me personally, are being hurled.
But CHRIST has opened the door for the thundering of HIS
OWN GOSPEL to the whole world--and He says (Rev 3:8) no man can
shut it! I believe Him! Yes, Jesus CHRIST is stepping up His
Work! In just the past three months many powerful and leading
radio stations have been added in the United States--and around the
world! Among them are KCMO, Kansas City; KRMG, Tulsa; WOW, Omaha;
KHQ, Spokane; WINS, New York; KPHO, Phoenix; WSPD, Toledo; KRLD,
Dallas; KWKH, Shreveport; KTHS, Little Rock. Six of these are
50,000-watt stations. The others are, in each case, I believe
beyond dispute, the leading stations in their areas. All broadcast
The WORLD TOMORROW six or seven nights every week!
In New York, en route to England a week ago, I OK'd TEN
more stations in Australia, to carry The WORLD TOMORROW six or
seven nights per week. Also the addition of the now most powerful
station on earth, Radio Europe Number ONE, 500,000 watts, in two or
three languages!
MORE! We are now actively planning for more full two-page
messages in powerful Reader's Digest in Spanish, French and
German-language editions. Many of our most-wanted booklets are now
published in these languages.
Yes, JESUS CHRIST is opening doors--SPEEDING UP His
powerful Message to a dying world. As world events hurl a helpless
humanity faster and faster toward DESTRUCTION, so CHRIST hurls to
a deceived world, faster and faster, His Message of PEACE, and
SALVATION by God's GRACE (those who try to deceive people into
thinking we preach a gospel of salvation "by works" are deceived or
deliberately misrepresenting to serve Satan)! The way is being
prepared before CHRIST'S RETURN TO EARTH! Christ's own Gospel is
YOU are one whom the glorified CHRIST has called as a
Co-Worker in this great and mighty work. Without YOUR part, this
work could not go on. Of course God could simply rain down