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but one small spot--just ONE TREE. There was, in effect, a no
trespassing sign around that tree. God had not given them dominion
over that--He reserved that for Himself. DID HE ALLOW ADAM AND
EVE TO INVADE THAT SPACE, and take of that tree? Yes He did--but
immediately they were whisked out of there, and they were forced to
suffer the consequences!
God DID NOT ALLOW them to CONTINUE in possession of that
forbidden territory! Already God has allowed both Russia and the
United States to send up satellites, with dogs and monkeys, and now
even a man. But soon, now--ten or fifteen years--unless God
intervenes, MAN will actually invade Mars and other planets! God
has endowed man with great powers--but man is not guiding and
controlling those powers in the right direction!
Two terrifying human accomplishments are converging to a
simultaneous CLIMAX. One, in ten or fifteen years some mad-man in
power in some major nation will set off the fuse of world war that
would blast all human life from this planet earth. The other, in
ten or fifteen years man will be conquering and controlling outer
space--Mars, other planets! JUST BEFORE these two supreme events
take place, GOD WILL STOP IT ALL! He will first send supernatural
Christ as KING of kings and LORD of lords to RULE this earth and
all mankind with a NEW GOVERNMENT--the Government of GOD! If you
have any doubts that we are just approximately THAT CLOSE to the
END of this present world, and the coming of CHRIST, and the
peaceful, happy WORLD TOMORROW, all you have to do is LOOK AT WORLD
EVENTS--look at progress toward wiping out human existence, and
toward space conquest--man's CONQUEST against the very REALM OF
GOD! All prophecy points toward it!
Remember--we do not set DATES! But to say these things are
going to reach a climax within some ten to fifteen years is not
going out on any limb--it is no wild guess--it is a safe, sound and
conservative certainty!
Look over my shoulder and read a letter I have just
received from a major in the USAF Strategic Air Command: "I am the
pilot of a B-47 bomber in the Strategic Air Command. My family and
I heard your broadcast, and we want you to know that we agree with
your message. By virtue of my job I have access to top secret
information that cannot, of course, be divulged. So perhaps I have
a better understanding and belief of the end times that we live in.
It may be even nearer than you expect, and it does appear to be
very near, even now."
This man has top secret information. He KNOWS this END of
present world affairs is near--IT MAY BE EVEN NEARER THAN I EXPECT,
he says! Well I, too, have TOP SECRET INFORMATION--from the Word
of the very Ruler of this Universe. God's prophecies say it is
That does not mean it will come tomorrow, or even this
particular year. There is still TIME for GOD'S WORK to be