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It might happen AFTER we have launched the promised
invasion of Europe, suddenly releasing these four to five million
Nazi soldiers to be rushed across Europe to the new Western Front.
And that, very possibly, might result in utter military defeat for
Is it not true, then, that if we launch this vast-scale
invasion of Hitler's Europe at all, that we are doing it in FULL
TRUST that Russia will not stop fighting, even after she has
reached the German borders and accomplished all she wants to
accomplish in the war? Are we not TRUSTING the Russians to keep
most of three 300 German divisions occupied on the Eastern front?
Are we not forced to put our faith in Russia,--and in Russia doing
that which may be against her proclaimed objectives and interests?
And then there's a third possibility. The Germans may
actually have this secret weapon that they claim--one that, at the
last desperate moment, will turn the entire tide of war back in
Germany's favor. This idea is not being scoffed in higher miliary
circles. It is at least a definite possibility. And in that case,
the Germans probably would not consider throwing out Hitler at all.
In event of ANY of these possibilities, the outlook is
NOT SO BRIGHT AND ROSY for us, this year! And the most likely
possibility of all is that this will go down in history as the YEAR
No MAN can look into the future and know what lies
ahead. The outcome of wars often turn suddenly, unexpectedly, on
a hair. Some unexpected, odd, strange apparent coincidence often
alters the entire course of a war overnight, the apparent victor
becomes the vanquished. General Eisenhower does not KNOW that we
shall conquer the Germans this particular year. NONE BUT ALMIGHTY
GOD KNOWS WHAT SHALL HAPPEN! "Armies do not bring victory to a
king," says the Eternal God (Psalm 33:16, Moffatt translation). No
the Eternal God Himself brings to NOTHING what the nations plan---
and it is HE and He alone who determines the final outcome of wars!
What is prophesied for NOW? An easy, victory-laden
year? A Utopian PEACE to follow? "ALL THESE," said Jesus Christ
who KNEW the future, speaking of this very world war--of the famine
and disease now following its wake--of the EARTHQUAKES now
occurring such as the one just last Sunday in South America--"All
these are the BEGINNING OF SORROWS!" Just the BEGINNING!
Nowhere does the Biblical prophecy hold out any hope of
brighter times immediately ahead. JUST THE OPPOSITE! More chaos,
strife, bloodshed, and DEATH! More disease, starvation! Man is
reaping what he has insisted on sowing in direct REBELLION against
Almighty God. God has permitted us to live as we have pleased. We
have sown the seeds of malice, jealousy, resentment, hatred--we
have lived selfishly. Now we are reaping the HARVEST! And God
will let this world go on reaping it a little longer, to the end
that this world SHALL LEARN ITS LESSON! Yes, learn it well enough
that we shall turn to God and to His ways--and then, with Christ
once more on earth, this time as the KING of kings, ruling the