would permit the Germans to RETAIN a considerable amount of the
conquered territory in Western Europe. THAT POSSIBILITY IS STILL
VERY MUCH ALIVE! It might still be pulled any time between now and
Spring. The Russians are already past the original Polish border
in one sector. The Russians have made public what they WANT in
Poland. It is known the Russians do not want a completely
conquered, de-militarized, occupied Germany. They want a
de-Nazified Germany, but a strong independent Germany. In a word,
they want a Germany friendly enough to permit their propagandists
to go to work inside Germany. The Communists had almost swung into
power in Germany when Hitler suddenly and dramatically beat them to
it and swept into absolute power in 1933. Goebbels's propaganda
machine, backed up by the Gestapo, stamped out Communism and swung
the German thinking to the opposite extreme of Fascism.
The Russians do not want to invade, conquer, and attempt
to rule Germany by brute force. They know too well of the secret
underground movements in every country Hitler has conquered and
tried to rule by force. The Communist method is to conquer a
country's MIND before it tries to conquer its body. The Russians
probably could keep marching right on into Berlin--but they won't.
They don't even want to occupy Germany with their soldiers in the
peace. They want merely to throw Hitler out. They know the
tendency of masses to swing from one extreme to the other. They
count on a re-action after the war. Nazism stands at the extreme
so-called RIGHT, while Communism goes to the opposite EXTREME--
extreme leftist as it is called. Now they count on turning the
German people against Hitler and Nazism, swinging them to the
opposite extreme or Communism. The Russians ARE out to communize
all Europe--and the world! Make no mistake about that!
And so, if the German generals should throw out Hitler,
give the Russians everything they want on the East, WHAT WOULD
THERE BE LEFT FOR RUSSIA TO FIGHT FOR? Russia certainly will not
go on fighting OUR battles--fighting for a war objective to which
Russia is opposed.
And, incidentally, IF one party to an agreement wishes
to break that agreement, he usually starts out by accusing his
partner of something that will JUSTIFY him in breaking it, hurling
the blame on the other party. And as this is written the Russians,
thru their largest, and official government-controlled newspaper
"Pravda", are accusing the British of talking peace with the
Germans. That gives the Russians the justification for making a
separate peace with Germany, IF SHE WISHES!
It might happen BEFORE we launch the much-advertised
second front. It might happen AFTER. If it happened before we
invade Europe across the English Channel, then we would not be able
to launch the invasion--not until we could send to England an army
of five to seven MILLION men for the task--and that would require
perhaps three times our present number of ships, and twice our
present Navy! What would be our chances, THEN, of winning the war
against Germany? Would we not be forced into seeking the best
armistice terms we could get? And perhaps, with close to five
million German soldiers released from the Russian front, the
Germans might not then WANT to stop the war!