Los Angeles, in the offices of the Katz Agency, one of the two or
three largest firms of radio and TV station representatives in the
country, and who represent KCMO. It was hard for them to believe
any religious program could HOLD a listening audience, and turn
over a big audience to the sponsor who follows. They demanded
So they got out the rating reports. First they looked at
the KLZ ratings in Denver. They were astonished to find that the
rating agency surveys in Colorado showed that The WORLD TOMORROW is
rated number one in Denver. We had the largest listening audience
of any station. We HELD our audience the second 15 minutes. They
looked at the rating of the program following. It held right up--
only one-tenth of 1% drop! They called up the management of WLAC
in Nashville. They found we were the highest rated program. The
management there recommended that they accept The WORLD TOMORROW.
They found we are the number one rated program on WWVA, according
to an extensive Hooper survey.
The manager of KCMO immediately cleared the time of 9:05
to 9:35 P.M., following 5 minutes' news at 9:00 P.M. He then
called his friend who is manager of KRMG, Tulsa, told him what he
had found about our program, urged him to accept the program. KRMG
did--9:00 P.M. every night.
Getting on KCMO automatically opened up to us our first
station in Arizona--KPHO in Phoenix--every night of the week at a
good time.
That all happened between 10:00 and 11:30 A.M. Monday
morning. Then our advertising agent and the top man in radio sales
for the Katz Agency telephoned for a luncheon engagement with me.
At 1:00 P.M. they arrived at the college. They were really
excited. Things were happening like miracles! There was some kind
of tie-up between these stations and the Storer chain.
This Storer company owns several important 50,000-watt
stations. These include KGBS, Los Angeles; WGBS, Miami; and WIBG,
Philadelphia. We have succeeded in getting on these three 30,000-
watt stations on SUNDAY ONLY, but so far we had been unable to
convince them of the true facts about The WORLD TOMORROW and they
had refused to open up time week-nights, which we need seriously
in these important areas.
These men explained that the "home base" original
"mother" station of the Storer group is WSPD, the NBC station at
Toledo, Ohio. Although this station is only 5,000 watts, its
ratings show it has more than half of the total radio audience in
its district. Six or seven other stations in the area divide the
rest of the audience.
"This station is the key," said its West Coast
representative from the Katz Agency, "to getting complete every-
night time on these three other Storer stations. We called them on
the telephone. We can't convince them. We think that if you go
over there and talk to them personally, Mr. Armstrong, you may be
able to present the facts in a way so they will come to see how