Chapter 16
The Beginner
Of the
The Catholic Church
It is important at this point to identify and make known the beginning instrument Satan would use to begin what is known today, as the Universal Church, or better known, as the Catholic Church.
Knowing he was unable to foil Jesus Christ in His mission to this earth (Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4), and then unable to prevent Him from beginning His Church after his death and resurrection (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:1-47), Satan then brought into existence this great mother church by using a man already steeped within the Babylonian Mysteries established by Nimrod and Semiramis about the time of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10:8-12; Acts 8:9-24)!
This man would establish the deceptive mystery teachings within this great false church by referring to it as the Church of God, the Universal Church.
The Attractive Mystery Church
This Church would parallel the true Church of God almost from its very beginning in 31 A. D., and would continue to the time of the return of Jesus Christ.
To make it appeal and attract the masses it was designed with all of the religious trappings, pomp and ceremony, so as to bring mankind into its destructive embracing arms.
Its growth in membership has been phenomenal over those many years bringing into its fold many millions of people, including kings, queens, and very high and leading officials.
Its growth has reached a new high in our time as noted in the following news item:
Jewish World Review, February 3-0 Number Of Catholics Worldwide To Surpass 1.1 Billion
“The number of
Catholics in
the world is growing-expected to surpass 1.1 billion this year-and the
growth rates are in the developing world, especially Africa. In
countries, the number of Catholics remains stable, but most
practitioners there
appear to have lost interest in active Church participation. Europe has
had to
import clergymen from around the world, and the Vatican views Africa as
spiritual resource capable of "re-evangelizing the West." African
however, might want higher accolades. The proliferation of democracies
Africa, however flawed, and the growth of Catholicism there have led to
religious freedom that is manifesting itself in part in the competition
papal succession.”
In stark contrast, Jesus Christ referred to His Church as “… a little flock” (Luke 12:32).
Satan’s Use of Christianity
Though there are
the other
major religions, such as Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, it was
that Satan knew he had to use if he were to have any real chance of
and destroying the membership of God’s true Church.
This is why he
brought about
the birth of the Catholic Church in about 33 A. D. Though since
perverted for
destructive use, Satan used the wisdom God had instilled within him at
creation (Ezekiel 28:12), to begin the process to make it an
almost exact
counterfeit or copy of the true Church,
Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong has
said that the Catholic Church is an exact counterfeit to the true
Church. And
when you analyze and consider it in view of the priesthood of Israel
combine it with the teachings of the Church of God, this can be more
To try and cement the claim that the Catholic Church is the true Church that Christ built, they use the same Scripture that has established God’s true Church by erroneously misapplying the meaning of the Greek words in that Scripture to that of their Church.
The Promise of Jesus Christ to Build His Church
In response to
Peter answering
the question correctly as to who Jesus Christ really was at that time (Matthew
16:13-17), Jesus said to Peter:
“And I also say
to you that
you are Peter (Greek: Petros
- little
rock), and on THIS ROCK (Greek: Petra - huge rock, Jesus Christ Himself), I will build My Church and the gates of Hades
(death and the grave)
shall NOT prevail against it” (Matthew 16:17-18).
It is this
Scripture the
Catholic Church base their claim that their Church is the one Christ
built on
the fallacy that Christ named the Apostle Peter as its first Pope.
Bible Handbook, 24th
Edition, Page 768 “Peter”
“The Roman
tradition that Peter was the First Pope is fiction pure and simple.
There is no
New Testament hint, and no historical evidence whatever, that Peter was
at any
time bishop of Rome. . . .”
The Apostle Peter and the other 11 apostles were sent to the lost tribes of Israel (Matthew 10:1-15), not to the Gentile nations. That was the Apostle Paul’s mission (Galatians 2:8).
The First Pope
Halley’s Bible Handbook,
Page767 “The
First Pope”
“The word Pope means ‘Papa,’ ‘Father.’
At first it
applied to all Western Bishops. About A.D. 500 it began to be
restricted to the
Bishop of Rome, and soon, in common use, came to be Universal Pope. . .
Summit of Papal Power— Page 776
“Innocent III (1198-1216). Most powerful of
Popes. Claimed to be ‘Vicor of Christ,’ ‘Vicor of God, supreme
sovereign over
the church and the world,’ Claimed the right to Depose Kings and
Princes; and
that ‘all things on earth and in heaven and in hell are subject to the
Vicor of
He brought the Church into Supreme Control
of the
State. The Kings of Germany, France, England, and practically all the
of Europe obeyed his will. He even brought the Byzantine Empire under
control. Never in history has any one man exerted more
power. . . .
The inquisition, called the ‘Holy Office’
instituted by Pope Innocent III, and perfected under the second
following Pope,
Gregory IX. It was the Church Court for Detection and Punishment
of Heretics.
Under it everyone was required to inform against Heretics. Anyone
suspected was
liable to Torture, without knowing the name of the accuser. The
were secret. The Inquisitor pronounced sentence, and the victim
was turned
over to the Civil Authorities to be imprisoned for life or to be
Burned. The
victim’s property was confiscated, and divided between the Church and
In the period immediately following Pope Innocent III, the Inquisition did its most deadly work AGAINST THE ALBIGENSES (see Page 785) . . . It is stated that in the 30 years between 1540 and 1570 no fewer than 900,000 protestants were put to death in the pope’s war FOR THE EXTERMINAION OF THE WALDENSES (see page 785). . . . it was used by them for 500 years, to Maintain their Power. . . .”
The False Prophet and the Beast
History has a way of repeating itself. Think of the near future when the Pope will have been given the power of miracles. And using the authority that will have come to
him through the
acceptance and adulation of Christianity, he will give life to the
Roman Empire. Then he will choose the man (called the Beast)
to head
the 10 nations of Europe under his control.
They will be used
to conquer
the House of Israel and martyr the Saints of God as did the Catholic
through the centuries – History repeating itself once again!
God’s true Church has continued to exist from 31 A. D. in spite of the fact that the Catholic Church has done all in its power to destroy it through the centuries, through deception, persecution, and murdering its members.
The Evolving of the Catholic Church
Over time the Pope’s successors were aided in those devilish pagan teachings by the cover of splendor, beautiful, costly cathedrals with lofty spires and crosses that would attract millions of people and bring them into their seductive and deadly embrace.
There would also be
the bells
to ring, burning of candles, pictures, and statues. The pope,
cardinals, and priests
would cloak themselves with beautiful rich and colorful robes.
There would also be all of the pomp and ceremony to accompany these symbols of worship and would appeal to humankind by appearing to be very religious.
In addition there
would be the
very beautiful singing of religious songs by professional choirs and
using very talented and skilled musicians to accompany them.
When we consider all of these relics of worship, unless a person has the spiritual blindness completely removed from his or her mind, it can seem so right as it now does to their extremely large membership. The question would be in their thoughts, “How could all this possibly be so wrong?”
Worship God in Spirit and in Truth
In contrast, God
tells His true
people that He is to be worshiped in Spirit and truth without
the pictures and statues of worship for that would be idolatry (John
Exodus 20:2-5).
Worshiping God in this Scriptural manner is not appealing to people for the desire is within them to see, touch, and feel.
An Inherit Need to Worship God
From the beginning
of creation
God placed an inherit desire within mankind to worship Him. Satan
this desire within mankind, but also knowing the desire to see, touch,
and feel,
he used this knowledge within mankind to worship Him to full advantage
giving them, pictures, statutes, etc.
And without
realizing it, they
are actually worshiping Satan himself through his instruments instead
of the
true God.
Satan Appears to Mankind as an Angel of Light
Scripture makes
known that
Satan appears in whatever form he chooses to fit the occasion. He was a
that had four faces: An ox, eagle, a lion, and a man (Ezekiel 28:14;
10:14) He
also appeared to Adam and Eve as a snake or dragon (Genesis 3:1;
He also appears in a very deceptive manner as the Apostle Paul wrote:
“And no wonder! For
Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (II
It is by
‘transforming himself
as an angel of light’ that
Satan entices,
attracts and charms mankind into his deceptive deathly embrace through
destructive abominable pagan teachings that seems so religious and so
right to
DECEIVE the many, and it does (Revelation 12:9)!
Satan’s ultimate
however is the effort to reach out to DECEIVE and DESTROY the Church of
God by
using the teachings of the Catholic Church and her daughters to do so
infiltrating within the true Church wolves dressed as sheep.
Mother Rome Gives Birth to Wayward Daughters
It is also
essential to
understand the Catholic Church gave birth to her daughters, the
Churches, who came out of her in protest; this began with Martin Luther
“Indeed, I will
cast her
into a sick bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great
unless they repent of their deeds” (Revelation 2:22).
It applies to
birthing of the daughters from the body of the Catholic Church,“A Sick Bed” – for children to be born from her body. The
Church was vulnerable during that time due to the hardships being
placed on
their members requiring indulgences.
Internet: Best Answers: At the
time of Martin
Luther, the catholic church had a strangle hold on all of Europe. Even
didn’t have the power of the church. As a result, greed and corruption
common. Martin found people committing sins and buying they’re
forgiveness from
their local church. The church was in need of reform. He didn’t leave
to start
a new religion but instead renounced the behavior of the catholic
church and
wound up with followers.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation.[1] He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money . . .
Thesis 86, which asks: "Why
does the
pope, whose wealth today is greater than the wealth of the richest
build the basilica of St. Peter with the money of poor believers rather
with his own money?"[29], He insisted that,
since forgiveness
was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved
from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error.
Best Answers: Martin
Luther tried to revive the Catholic Church
on October 31, 1517, when he nailed
the 95 Theses or issues to the door of his Wittenberg
Church in what is now Germany. The source of Luther's complaint
was a
project to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, for which church
were offering indulgences in exchange for donations. Martin Luther
objected and
produced a list of 95 complaints to spark public debate.”
This was the SICKBED of the Catholic Church from which was the beginning birth of her daughters, the Protestant Churches.
Internet: West European History: Protestantism
“In 1529 several German princes banded together, and signed a decree at the Diet of Speyer, publicly declaring their support for Luther and his teachings. They became known as the protesting princes. Hence the word Protestant.”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“The Reformation was a triumph of literacy and the new printing press. Luther's translation of the Bible into German was a decisive moment in the spread of literacy, and stimulated as well the printing and distribution of religious books and pamphlets. From 1517 onward religious pamphlets flooded Germany and much of Europe.[14]
By 1530 over 10,000 publications are known, with a total of ten million copies. The Reformation was thus a media revolution.”
This led to the printing of the King James Bible that began in 1604 and was completed in 1611.
The Secondary
“Indeed, I will
cast her
into A SICK BED, and those who commit adultery with her into great
unless they repent of their deeds” (Revelation 2:22).
2) ‘Sick Bed’ - this also has the dual meaning of the daughters born to the parent apostate Worldwide Church of God.
By December 1994, eight years after the death of God’s late apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, very similar to the Catholic Church the Apostate Leadership of the Worldwide Church of God had such a strangle hold in power and authority over the membership they publically made known their total acceptance of the beliefs and teachings of the pagan beliefs of Protestantism. Over 100,000 members accepted the pagan teaching in total or in part.
Church Leaders in Protest
The birth of the
daughters from
Worldwide began small with a few groups that had formed and left the
earlier, however it began on a larger scale in 1995, and mushroomed
over later
Though a few very weak protests were made to the apostate leader, they were not heard.
To follow up and
put down any
potential problems, ministers and members were disfellowshipped that
did not
agree with them.
Though a few came
out of her in
protest they were too weak to do anything about it. They then began
forming their
own individual corporate churches. Over the following years the
formation of
new corporate churches continued until their number has reached
approximately the
same number as that of those who broke away from mother Rome, 666 to
In a sense these churches could also be called: Protestants.
Though some major
differences between mother and daughters of the Catholic and Protestant
Churches, they still continue to believe and practice many of the same
The same is true between the apostate mother and daughters of Worldwide Church of God, some slight differences, and others continue to cling to a number of those same beliefs.
Spiritual Blindness
Satan has virtually
all of them
blinded through their acceptance of the pagan teachings; however there
are a
few who have remained faithful to all of the true doctrinal teachings
as taught
by Christ through His late apostle.
The Apostle Paul
made this
known by comparing physical Israel in the time of Elijah to Spiritual
Israel of
today, the ELECT:
“God has NOT
cast away His
people whom He foreknew. Or do you NOT know what the Scripture
says of Elijah,
how he pleads with God against Israel, saying, ‘Lord, they have killed
prophets and torn down Your altars, and I alone am left’? But what does
Divine Response say to him, “I have reserved for Myself seven
thousand men who
have not bowed the knee to Baal.” EVEN SO
OF GRACE. . . . What then? Israel
has NOT
obtained what it seeks, BUT THE ELECT
HAVE OBTAINED IT, and the rest
BLINDED . . .” (Romans 11:1-8)
These are the ones
Satan is
focused on to try and destroy in any way he can. Once Satan realizes he
has gone
as far as he can through the power of deception, and no longer can lead
the faithful
and enduring members astray from the one and only true Church, he will
seek to destroy the elect through outright persecution as was done
through the
centuries (Revelation 12:13-17).
NOTE: For information about past horrors practiced by the Catholic Church, please read the section devoted to it in Halley’s Bible Handbook, beginning with page 767, in the 24th printing of it. The same can be found in other printings of his handbook.
Simon Magus the Magician
For a better grasp in understanding as to how Satan continued his effort of thwarting God’s plan of redemption for mankind that began with the early Church, it seems necessary to add more background to the sorcerer that Satan used to give the beginning of life to what came to be known as the Catholic Church.
Satan’s Key Human Instruments through Time
It was about 33
A.D. that the
very same teachings that began with Nimrod and Semiramis (Genesis 10),
found in Balaam, Nimrod’s successor (Numbers 22-24). They were
by Queen Jezebel, a pagan high priestess, during the time of Elijah (I
16:31). And during the time of the early Church of God
another key
instrument of Satan the devil emerged— Simon the Sorcerer or
Simon Magus was
deeply involved
within the Babylonian mysteries, and as such, he and his successive
Popes would
be the perfect instruments in Satan’s Master Plan to try and destroy
the true Church
of God through the next 2,000 years.
“But there was A CERTAIN MAN called Simon, who previously PRACTICED SORCERY in the city and ASTONISHED the people of Samaria, CLAIMING that he was someone great, to whom ALL gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “THIS MAN IS THE GREAT POWER OF GOD.” And they HEEDED him BECAUSE he had ASTONISHED them with his sorceries (Margin: magic arts) for a long time” (Acts 8:9-10).
‘A CERTAIN MAN’— these three words make known this was no ordinary man, but would be the leading man to begin the great false religion.‘Called Simon’— when we consider that this was also the name of
Simon (Peter),
the apostle of Jesus Christ, we have to ask, “Was this a mere
One cannot help but wonder in view of the fact this name would be used
with the
religious title given to Peter (Greek: Petros, meaning a
small stone)
by Christ to His apostle, Simon (Matthew 16:17-18), and it
would also
be used by Simon the Sorcerer?”
This title ‘PETER’
has another meaning as well which fits with the leading roles of both
Peter, the apostle, and also Simon Peter the Sorcerer.
NOTE: Nimrod according to ancient tradition was the OPENER of secrets, the firstborn of human deified human beings. He was the religious hero. The word for ‘OPENER’ in the Babylonian tongue (a dialect in Hebrew) was ‘PETER’ (Genesis 10:8).
Opener in this context has also the meaning of a
leader opening
up new ways in religion whether true or false.
Simon Magus was the
choice for Satan to use for he was the head of the Babylonian
And as such he was the first to fill the office of the pope.
He was the Simon Peter who went to Rome, not the Simon Peter who was the true apostle. Scripture gives no indication that the apostle Peter ever went to Rome. His commission was to go to the lost tribes of Israel, not to the Gentiles (Matthew 10:5-6)). The commission to go to the Gentiles was given to the apostle Paul (Galatians 2:7).
“The tradition is that he (Peter) died a martyr in Rome about 67 AD, when about 75 years old. … It should be observed, however, that the tradition, that he visited Rome is only tradition and nothing more, resting as it does partly upon a miscalculation of some of the early fathers, ‘who assume that he went to Rome in 42 AD, immediately after his deliverance from prison (cf Acts 12:17).’ Schaff says this is irreconcilable with the silence of Scripture, and even with the mere fact of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, written in 58, since the letter says not a word of Peter’s previous labors in that city, and he himself never built on other men’s foundations (Romans 15:20; II Corinthians 10:15-16).”
Simon the Sorcerer Baptized by Philip
While baptizing
others, Simon
Magus was also baptized by Philip a deacon in God’s Church (Acts 8:13).
His baptism by a true leader in God’s Church would be used to delude
people by
saying he was a true member of God’s Church due to his being baptized
by a true
representative of it. This would throw people off-guard.
NOTE: The same carries over into our time of false ministers who were not only baptized by leaders within the Church of God, but some of the very leading ones were even ordained by Mr. Armstrong himself.
Peter and John Meet Simon the Sorcerer
Shortly after the baptism of Simon, Peter and John went down to Samaria and laid hands on the people that Philip had baptized for the receiving of God’s Holy Spirit. Closely observing those who were having hands laid on them for the receiving of God’s Holy Spirit, Simon knew he had to have that high office for that would make possible for him to do the same with others.
He learned they were apostles who had been taught directly by Jesus
Reflecting on the miracles he had seen performed by Philip, and being
by him, he jumped to the conclusion that to be able to confer that high
on himself, and also be able to perform genuine miracles could only
come by and
from the apostles themselves; while realizing Philip had not laid hands
on any
of them he had baptized.
Simon then offered
money to
Peter to be able to have that power that on anyone he would lay his
hands on
would receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17-19).
To really
understand what Simon
was seeking at that time, it is necessary to quote the following
from this incident:
Now when Simon
saw that
through the laying on of the APOSTLES hands (Acts 8:17) the Holy
Spirit was given, he OFFERED them money, saying, “Give me THIS POWER
ALSO (authority), that
anyone on whom I LAY HANDS may receive the Holy Spirit” (Acts 8:18-19).
With the perception that an apostleship could only be bestowed upon one by one who was already in that high office, Simon Magus then tried to buy the apostleship with its God-given authority.
Simon Magus begins a New Religion
Simon Magus knew
this was the
new path he had to take to bring his followers back to him and even
expand on
them through the claim of an apostolic office in which he would
proclaim that
he had been given it from God.
The old way he had
teaching was at a dead-end of itself. Upon his observance of what was
taking place he knew this new way of preaching Christ was the only way
he could
ever become a renowned religious leader.
The apostle Peter
understood what Simon was asking with his ambition to achieve a much
level of prestigious worship from people than what he previously had in
The apostle Peter
refused this
offer and did not lay hands on him for he perceived his heart was not
right and
sternly told him so:
But Peter said
to him, “Your
money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could
purchased with money! You have neither PART (of the 12 apostles)
nor PORTION (or lot, Acts
1:24, 26) in this matter (the
apostolic ministry), for your
heart is NOT
right in the sight of God . . .” (Acts 8:20-24).
While looking
directly at Simon
Magus, the apostle Peter was led by Jesus Christ to utter a
prophecy saying to Simon what he and his successors would come
to be as
the instruments of Satan:
therefore of this
your wickedness and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may
forgiven you. For I SEE that you are POISONED BY BITTERNESS AND BOUND
“Bound up by
iniquity”—as with chains,
steeped, held captive by iniquity by the
originator of sin—Satan the Devil (John 8:44). And by being used
as a tool or
instrument in the hands of Satan, he would be used to try and overthrow
truth of God.
A better
translation: “For
I PERCEIVE that you are dedicated to the OVERTHROW of the truth ...!”
NOTE: Simon was obsessed with the desire for power
authority. Failing to buy it, the poison of bitterness began swelling
up and
overpowered him due to seeing his former GREATNESS DIMINISH, his
leaving him after seeing the real miracles performed by Philip, and
then unable
to purchase the office of an apostle with its powers (verses 9-11;
Within his thoughts
came the
realization that he had all that was needed to become a renowned
leader. He
would preach this new way while claiming he was an apostle.
With his expertise of performing miracles, and mixing the Babylonian Mysteries teachings with those of Christ teachings, was all that he needed to be at the very top of Christendom. What he offered would appeal to the masses! And Satan saw to it that he was correct in his thinking!
A Brief History of Rome
In view of the
quotations it seems necessary to present a brief historical background
of Rome
for this was where Simon Magus later went and in later years it became
headquarters of the pope, just as it is today:
Rome: Once a small village by a ford
in the major river in central Italy, Rome lies on the banks of the
Tiber River.
The village grew into a
city under the rule of the Etruscans in the centuries before Christ. In
time it
covered the traditional "seven hills" beside the river. According to
tradition, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, two boys who were
said to
have been nourished by a wolf. The road known as the Appian
linked Rome with ports and both the east and west coasts of Italy.
The New Bible
Dictionary, page
1189 Article, ‘Simon Magus’
“... Justin (Apology
xxvi, cf. lvi, and Trypho cxx), himself from Samaria, says
Simon was born in the village of Gitta; and his companion Helen, a
prostitute, was widely regarded as his first divine ‘idea’, while he
WAS ACCLAIMED by multitudes in Samaria and Rome AS A DIVINITY.
Indeed, ROMAN
GOD. ... He seems to have developed his old theme of ‘THE GREAT POWER
INTO A TRINITARIAN scheme. Simon appeared to the Samaritans as
the Father, to
the Jews as the Son (he only seemed to suffer) and to the world at
large as the
Holy Spirit. He had a redemption myth in which he rescued Helen (‘The
sheep’) from the bondage of successive transmigrations in various
But Simon
also borrowed heavily from Greek paganism and Greek philosophy, and
concepts appear in more sophisticated Christian Gnosticism (q.v.). ...”
Please note another
regarding this infamous man that verifies his claim as a Christian and
DICTIONARY of the Bible, volume 4, pages 358-360, Article ‘SIMON MAGUS.
“... a hundred
years later,
although Justin attacks the followers of Simon, Meandear and Marcion,
with all
of his power, he nevertheless admits in Apol. 1.26.6 that their
followers are
called christians. ...
“The heretic.
For ca three
centuries Simon Magus gripped the imagination of early
Christians. They wove
him into a romantic saga which expressed Gnostic ideas. ...
Justin ... says
that Simon carried about with him a woman named Helena, who had been a
prostitute at Tyre; but that Simon, who was worshiped as the first god
considered Helena his first idea. ... She was the lost sheep of the gospels, and Simon came down
to redeem
her. ... Justin also says that the Romans worshiped Simon and had
set up a
statue to him on an island in the Tiber with the inscription Simoni
Sancto ... in 1774 a fragment of a statue was found with the
inscription Sermoni
Sanco Deo Fidio, etc, which has been erected to the Sabine
divinity Semo
Sancus. ... Eusebius ... says Simons followers worshiped him and
with pictures, images, idols, incense, sacrifices, and libations.
“So both the
world and the
flesh, which they created, and the scriptures, which they inspired, by
all who
trust in Simon and Helena, who are saved by grace, free, and can do as
please, hence the licentious practices to which Eusebius alludes.
Simonions, therefore, were like Marcion in rejecting the OT and
considering the
world evil. But whereas he emphasized celibacy, they turned to license.
ascribes a trinity to the Simonians: Simon appeared to the Jews as the
Son; to
the Samaritans as the Father; but to others as the Holy Spirit.
“The Antichrist.
... Simon
acquires virtually all of the features of the Antichrist, ... he not
only sets
up a temple to be worshiped, but also is the protagonist of sin.
He is ‘the
man of sin,’ the incarnation of Satan, who is determined to uproot the
faith. Simon is finally slain or is a suicide, One legend says he
had himself
buried with the promise of rising on the third day, which he could not
another, that he tried to fly ...”
Much more can be
learned about
this man in other writings. In all of them there is the remarkable
to that which came to be the Catholic Church and its popes by what he
and the leadership he displayed.
NOTE: The thought has been expressed in early years
that the
woman Jesus Christ met and talked to at the well in Samaria was very
Helena (John 4:3-42).
During the next few years after his meeting with Peter and John, Simon Magus and his successors began introducing their heretical teachings to the people at large. Among them were some of the members of God’s Church who were deceived by him into believing his false teachings).
With those
teachings there was
also the display of magical feats performed by Simon Magus that
left the
people in awe for they saw him do things that made them feel this man
had to be
of God (Acts 8:9-11)!
As the result he
was believed
and worshiped just as the man of the future will be believed by the
Christian world (Revelation 13:11-16; II Thessalonians 2:8-9)!
Simon Magus and his
ministry made a change with the Gospel. In his travels he came to
Galatia and
successfully taught that erroneous change with acceptance to the weaker
membership in God’s Church.
The erroneous
CHANGE moved away
from the true Gospel message that Jesus Christ the Messenger brought to
to that of being ABOUT Christ (Galatians 1:6-9).
The true Gospel
message began
to be lost to mankind until the 20th century when Jesus
opened the mind of His late apostle to understand it. He then began
using Mr.
Armstrong to proclaim this wonderful Good News of the awesome potential
mankind once again in the end-time.
This was the very
same message
that Jesus Christ, the Messenger, proclaimed to mankind during His
here on earth! And because of that message, He was crucified!
Upon learning what Simon Magus and his
ministry had
deceitfully done to the membership of the Church of God in Galatia, the
Paul was then led by God to pronounce a
double curse
on any false teachers who had or would bring about this wrongful change
of the
true message the Messenger, Jesus Christ, had brought to mankind
1:3-6)! The letter was
written in 51-52 A.D
This was a wrongful
change of a
true teaching that has continued to be taught and believed in the
professing Jesus Christ through the centuries until now.
Since the death of
Armstrong that change has now come to exist in at least three of the
corporate Churches of God! And to cloak it, it is combined with the
message and can be found in their doctrinal statements!
One can only
wonder if that
double curse is upon them because of accepting that change.
Though both
teachings are yet
held by them, one cannot help but wonder if over some time the wrongful
could very well replace the true gospel as it probably was done in the
in Galatia, especially so with unconverted leading ministers.
Simon Magus also
made the false
claim to this Church in Galatia, and other Church areas, such as
Colosse, that
the apostle Paul was teaching members they have to be under the law to
This very same
claim has been
falsely brought against Mr. Armstrong by many.
Mr. Armstrong often would make known in response, “It is not law OR grace, it is law AND grace.”
Simon’s Heretical Teachings Sweeps the Christian World
NOTE: Around 80 A. D. there was no Peter, James or
Paul – only
John. The apostacy was developing rapidly – especially in the West.
Many people
began to look for new leaders and a new headquarters. At this moment in
time an
old pagan tradition was revived and circulated that Peter had been in
Rome. The
most important part of Rome was ‘Vatican Hill.’ Vatis means ‘prophet’
‘soothsayer.’ There was a pagan cemetery where the headquarters of
Catholic Church is today. The chief object of reverence at the cemetery
is the tomb of ‘Peter’ (Nimrod). Anacletus (pope)
dedicated this
shrine of Nimrod to the apostle Peter around 80 A. D. Anacletus claimed
to have
been ordained by Peter (Simon the Sorcerer) hence the beginning
of the
development of what came to be known as the Catholic Church.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
“Pope Saint Anacletus (very rarely written as Anencletus), also called Pope Cletus, was the third Roman Pope (after St. Peter [Simon Magus] and St. Linus).”
[A depiction of art; pictures did not exist at that time of anyone. Check internet]
Vatican Hill
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tapestry featuring Vatican Hill (left), circa 1519
Vatican Hill (in Latin, Vaticanus Mons) is the name given, long before the founding of Christianity, to one of the hills on the side of the Tiber opposite the traditional seven hills of Rome. It may have been the site of an Etruscan town called Vaticum.
In the 1st century A.D., the Vatican Hill was outside the city limits and so could feature a circus (the circus of Nero) and a cemetery. St. Peter's Basilica is built over this cemetery, the traditional site of St. Peter the Apostle's grave. There was another cemetery
nearby, which was opened to the public on 10 October 2006, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Vatican Museums.[1]
The Vatican Hill is not one of the famous seven hills of Rome, although it was included within the city limits of Rome during the reign of Pope Leo IV, who, between 848 and 852, expanded the city walls to protect St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican. Thus, Vatican Hill has been within the walls and city limits of Rome (until the Lateran Treaties in 1929 it was part of the rione of Borgo) for over 1100 years.
Before the Avignon Papacy (1305-1378), the headquarters of the Holy See were located at the Lateran Palace. After the Avignon Papacy the church administration moved to Vatican Hill and the papal palace was (until 1871) the Quirinal Palace, upon the Quirinal Hill. Since 1929, part of the Vatican Hill is the site of the State of the Vatican City. However, the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, is not St. Peter's in the Vatican, but Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, which is extra-territorially linked, as indicated in the Lateran Pacts signed with the Italian state in 1929, with the Holy See.
Changes in Doctrinal Teachings
It now seems
necessary to touch
on the history of some of the changes in doctrinal teachings of those
beginning years of the true Church of God made by apostate and false
for the same problems in doctrinal teachings have surfaced in our time
and can
be found in some of the Corporate Churches of God.
This is why it is
so vitally
necessary to cover all of this background so we as God’s people can see
origin of these erroneous pagan teachings that is espoused by this
great Church
that is defined in Revelation 17:1-18.
It should sink into
our very
inner-most beings that God in heaven above condemns these very same
that can now be found in part or in whole in the corporate Churches of
God. It
is no wonder there is going to be a
martyrdom of the saints in
the near
And Jesus Christ
pleads with us
to separate ourselves from these abominable erroneous teachings that
stem from
Nimrod and Semiramis:
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her My people, LEST YOU SHOULD SHARE IN HER SINS, AND LEST YOU RECEIVE OF HER PLAGUES” (Revelation 18:4).
A Change in the Observance of the Sabbath Day
In the early years
of the
Church of God, the successors of Simon Magus also brought about a
change of the
observance of the Sabbath to Sunday observance and by decree on penalty
death forbade the observance of God’s Holy Sabbath (363
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge,
volume 1V, PP 2259-60, article, “Sunday (dies solis, of the Roman
Calendar of
the ‘day of the sun’, because dedicated to the sun), the first day of
the week,
was adopted by the [apostatizing] Christians, as a day of
worship. It was
called the ‘Lord’s Day’ ... ”
In 321 A. D.,
observance began to be enjoined by Roman state decree’. History reveals
that it
was the Roman Emperor Constantine “the Great” who made the decree to
world to observe Sunday, and thereby break the Sabbath of God.
His decree reads
as follows:
“On the venerable day of the sun (Sunday) let the magistrates and
residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed” (Codex
lib. 3, tit. 12:3; translated in History of the Christian Church, by
Schaff, Volume III, page 380).”
This change from Sabbath to Sunday
observance has
been made in this end-time by the once parent Church (Worldwide Church
of God)
and it’s affiliated Churches. Little do they realize what this
change will
come to mean in their lives unless there comes to be repentance.
The observance of Sunday, as the Sabbath, Became the Mark of the Beast!
Some little time
after 321
A.D., Emperor Constantine forced Sunday worship upon the world
armed MILITARY might! He used a decree issued in 325 A.D. as ‘legal’
It is noteworthy that he was a civil ruler, not a priest; as such, he
was a
type of the Beast soon to come and will enforce the MARK of the BEAST
again (Revelation 13:11-18).
Once Constantine
Sunday as the day of worship, the GREAT FALSE CHURCH took over the
CHANGE and BECAME THE CHAMPION OF IT and has continued the observance
of it
through the centuries until now.
This Church became
for causing the civil government of the empire to put people to DEATH
if they REFUSED
to rest on Sunday. The declaration of the Church reads as follows:
“Christians must
not judaize
by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, resting rather on
Sunday. But, if any be found judiazing [keeping God’s Sabbath],
let them be
declared anathema from Christ!”
Correspondance Course, Lesson
21, page 7,
Article - ‘Roman BEAST Instituted Sunday Law’
“History shows
that the
religion-dominated ‘Holy Roman Empire’, exterminated all known
in the Middle ages.”
They also made a
change from
the true date of the Passover to Astarte (Easter) Sunday. The world
keeping Easter instead to honor and worship Astarte or Asherah. (Read
about the Quarterdecimen, Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th
Edition). It continues today.
Britannica, 11th
Edition, article Passover:
“... Up to the
Council the Church kept Easter (q.v.) coincident with the Jewish
Passover, but
after that period took elaborate precautions to disassociate the
The worship of
Astarte, Easter, was revived in Israel and Judah during the time of the
Though it was removed from time to time it nevertheless continued to
thrive. It
was never fully removed from that time to now.
Jeremiah the
prophet dealt with
this many years later in the kingdom of Judah, but to no avail. The
people were adamant about observing it (Jeremiah 7:44).
Sadly, that observance and worship was even found in some of the 7 Church Eras (Revelation 2. 3.); it is now being recognized and even being observed by many members of the Worldwide Church of God. They once knew this to be wrong, but apparently no longer believe it.
A Change in the Passover Service
after becoming the
pastor-general of the Worldwide Church of God, due to the death of
God’s late
apostle, Mr. Armstrong, 1986, a change was made in the Passover
ceremony by
this newly appointed apostate leader.
As did Simon Magus
with the
change in the gospel, he removed the substance of divine healing by
putting a
different meaning on the morsel of bread that one partakes of in the
He removed the meaning of the bread that symbolizes the beaten body of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of physical sin to blend it with that of the blood of Christ, by saying, “Sin is sin.” A play on words that many thousands of members have accepted; therefore, they are not taking the true Passover symbols as shown in Scripture and as the result are partaking of it in an unworthy manner that has a curse with it (I Corinthians 11:27-30).
Warnings to the 7 Churches
the same problems are not mentioned in each letter to the 7 Churches in
Revelation 2 and 3, however the warning
words of Jesus Christ are
repeated in
each letter making known the same problems, to one degree or another,
would be
found in each Church era; and each one would have to resist those pagan
Notice this
repeated warning
from Jesus Christ to all 7 Churches:
"He who has an
ear let
him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches" (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17,
29; 3:6, 13,22).
Having in mind this WARNING from Jesus Christ, it becomes essential that we look at the problems of deceptive teachings within the Church of God Eras of Ephesus, Pergamos, and the Thyatira eras for they reveal the very same problems existing today within the Churches of God!
To be continued—
Your servant and friend,
Don Billingsley
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