Pastor's Comments November 29, 2008

July 11, 2009

Pastor’s Comments continued from June 19, and July 3, 2009

Nimrod and Medical Science

Dear Brethren,

In this writing we will consider the present practice of medical science and their modern vaccines and drugs in view of its historical beginning with Nimrod. With this in mind, the question needs to be asked: Is there a real difference between then and now?

For understanding it is necessary to review and parallel the contents of the past two Pastor’s Comments with the findings of the medical practice of today.

A Shocking Surprise

It is realized these writings regarding the origin of medical science are both shocking and unbelievable to virtually everyone both inside and outside of the Church of God! Nevertheless, they are true; and they can be checked for accuracy in historical writings, many of which can be found on the Internet.

The shocking surprise is virtually the same in this area as it was to have our minds opened to the truth of God’s teachings. This is especially true for those of us who have had some background in one or the other of the Churches of this world.

By studying carefully the Holy Bible, while considering the blinded world about us (Revelation 12:9), it can easily be seen that all of humanity, with the exception of the very few, is steeped in the Babylonian Mysteries that began shortly after the Flood with Nimrod and Semiramis.

It is the very few that grasp the depth of how Satan the devil used this man and his mother-wife to begin and develop every deceptive practice in every field of man’s endeavor of what we now see and experience in today’s world, and made known in Holy Scripture as the Babylonian Mysteries!

These Babylonian Mysteries are made known in our time through the Catholic Church and her daughters who are the modern counterpart of ancient Babylon.

Though the Catholic Church and her daughters would not reach their fullness for some years before the time of the apostle John, he nevertheless saw the beginning of it through Simon Magus and his followers.

He also saw it in the letters to the Churches, especially in the Thyatira Era, where Jezebel is mentioned by name; the woman who is the embodiment of the Catholic Church! Seeing the fullness of its development in vision, he marveled with great amazement; a church and system that have continued over the millennia to the very end-time. Though modern as it would come to be, there would in reality be no real difference in its teachings and practices from its beginning.

A Church Whose Claim is Foretelling Prophecy

In historical writings one can find that the Catholic Church is a Church of Prophecy—claiming to be able to foretell things to come – just as Satan enlightened and used Nimrod in both religion and in the medical areas.

From the historical writings quoted in the past two writings we found that Nimrod’s eyes were opened to perceive what was needed in both fields to move mankind away from the recognition and worship of the true God.

Nimrod then murdered those who persisted in obedience and worship of the LORD God; just as was done during the inquisition! The men who tried bringing the writings of Holy Scripture to mankind in print were also murdered in horrible manners. This persecution continued through the millennia and will come to be very harsh once again here in the end-time (Revelation 13).

Note the vision the apostle John saw of her with great amazement:

. . . I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication:


And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus . . .” (Revelation 17:3-6).”

A quote from the internet:

The Persecuting Church The woman of Revelation 17 is drunk with the blood of Christian martyrs: Rev 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

The Roman Catholic Church during the “dark ages” is responsible for the persecution deaths of uncounted thousands of Christians who dared to read the Bible, translate the Bible or preach from the Bible or denied the apostate Catholic doctrines or dogma.  That the Roman Catholic church felt compelled to ask for forgiveness for her persecution sins of the past on March 12th, 2000, only serves to further confirm she is the apostate persecuting mother church responsible for the blood of the saints spoken of here in Revelation!”

Satan’s Great Deception, Page 17, Dr. C. Paul Meredith:

“Mankind immediately after the Flood knew God, but they did not like His laws - - they did not like to be obedient to Him. Their carnal minds rebelled.

To whom did they turn to worship in His place? They remembered the Serpent of the Garden of Eden (God’s and man’s adversary) - - they would worship it, for had it not been through it that they had obtained the knowledge of good and evil? The Serpent had not commanded them to do anything. So it came about that the Serpent was worshipped as the Enlightener of mankind. . . . Just as the Serpent was considered to be the Enlightener of the spiritual world, so also was the Sun the Enlightener of the physical world. Thus it came about that one of the commonest symbols of the sun or sun-god is a disc with a serpent wrapped around it (Bunsen’s Hieroglyphics, vol. 1, p. 497). . . . Satan, by deceptively inspiring mankind, was associating himself with objects mankind tended to worship in such a way to receive the worship himself. This is the time referred to by Paul (Romans 1:22-25).” [My emphasis]

The Representative Symbol of Medical Science

That symbol of the serpent wrapped around the staff has also made its way from its beginning; and as modern as Medical Science is today we see it continues to be the representative symbol of the Medical Profession it connects with Satan the Devil, as he appeared to Adam and Eve in the form of a serpent in the Garden of Eden. The same is true in other areas as well.

From the Internet: Ask Yahoo “How did the Medical Emblem of two snakes intertwined around a dagger originate?

“. . . The U.S. Army medical corps adopted the caduceus as their insignia because of its similarity to the staff carried by Asclepius, the god of medicine. The staff of Asclepius is considered the "true symbol of medicine" -- it features only one snake, and no wings. It's the emblem of the American Medical Association.”

The Use of Vaccines and Drugs in Modern Times

As we have read from the historical writings quoted in my past two Pastor’s Comments, the sources of drugs and vaccines in the time of Nimrod and his successors; and we compare them to what is made known about them today, there appears to be very little difference, if any.

Consider the following from the internet:



It has been proved beyond any reasonable doubt that DISEASE is and always has been a universal phenomenon. Disease is as old as man himself! The medical profession claims to be the oldest known to man  and with reason, as disease was one of his first major problems.

The work of numerous scientists in paleopathology has presented the historian with an amazing picture of ancient diseases. The following diseases were cited: chronic rheumatism, periostitis, osteomyletis, congenital deformities, all the modern dental ailments, smallpox, bilharzia, plague, tuberculosis, anthracosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, Potts disease, spinal meningitis, leprosy, diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, gastro enteritis, cholera, typhoid fever, malaria, gall stones, appendicitis, cirrhosis of the liver, tonsilitis, constipation, and obesity.

Even the most modern fatal diseases were found to be common: heart and vascular failure, infantile paralysis, and cancer.

Such a panoply of disease is AMPLE EVIDENCE that people of ancient times suffered physical ailments as we do today!

A fully capable medical faculty existed 4000 years ago. The testimony of history showed the ancient physician to be a professional man able to meet all the contingencies of his practice in the manner of his modern counterpart.

The following advancements of ancient medicine were explained: pharmacology of Egypt, origin of accurate prescription, ancient anesthetics, bacteriology, surgery, antibiotics, and the CONFIDENCE expressed by doctor and patient alike in this system.

Medicine was a highly advanced art over 4000 years ago!

The origin of medical practice was traced through a maze of mythology and secular history to the early rulers of the first civilizations after the flood. The original great physician proved to be the Biblical NIMROD! It was through him the gods guided the development of that pivotal age in history.

Babylon was the recognized center of civilization where the universal pattern for the development of medicine was set. Nimrod, the first man to exercise world power, wrote numerous volumes on medical subjects. He is revealed to be the patron deity  indeed, the FATHER OF MEDICINE  to all nations of the world!

The major point yet to be explained was WHY the development of medicine was necessary at such an early age. Medical practice originated as a SUBTLE PLOT to insure the establishment of a separate society. Medicine proved to be an essential tool supporting in the open opposition to God!

Following the initial rebellion, which led to the building of Babel, disease struck! This was the natural prophesied result for transgression of Gods laws. Something had to be done  and done quickly! Inspired by Satan, Nimrod initiated the practice of medicine!




Medicine developed as a result of and in conjunction with the REBELLION at Babel! The purpose for producing a medical practice was to make possible a rebellion which led mankind away from God! This is THE SIGNIFICANCE, behind the origin of medicine in the early ages, which no secular source has ever grasped!

Notice again the Biblical warning  the cause for disease:


But it shall come to pass, IF thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day; that ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON THEE, and overtake thee . . . The Lord shall make the PESTILENCE cleave unto thee, until He have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it (Deuteronomy 28:15, 21).


In the face of these dire circumstances, Nimrod and his band of rebels set themselves to oppose God. Their cause was hopeless and doomed to a failure laced with suffering. It has been truly said, There is no length to which man will not go to relieve himself of disease. But to no avail! The records amply demonstrate that the peoples of the ancient world died waging an unending, unsuccessful war against disease  the same diseases fought today.

The Bible reveals medicine was not and is not the answer to ill health. Go up [as did Ahaziah] into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of EGYPT: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured. For thou HAST NO HEALING MEDICINES (Jeremiah 46:11, 30:13).

Considering the origin of medicine and its ancient failure, mankind should reconsider the wisdom in its use today. Traditionally, medicine has been used and needed by only those in open rebellion to God, those perpetuating the civilization established at Babel. Those ancient peoples sought protection from God through medicine! Is man seeking the same protection today?



The Use of Vaccines

Vaccinations - Deception and Tragedy 

"At the present time there are growing public and professional concerns about the safety of currently mandated childhood vaccine programs, as reflected in by a series of annual Congressional hearings in Washington DC that have taken place since 1999, sponsored by the U.S. House Government Reform Committee under the chairmanship of Congressman Dan Burton. At an annual conference of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine during April 2001, with several hundred physicians in attendance, when one of the speakers asked how many in attendance had concerns about the safety of current childhood vaccines, a large majority raised their hands. The Autism Research Institute of San Diego is now widely known as an active support group for families with autistic children and is one of the more active organizations in this field. Its founding director, Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., has provided the statistics that, in their experience, from 50 to 60% of parents with autistic children believe that their children were damaged by vaccines. In our own office we have seen many autistic children in recent years, and our own experience has been very similar, many parents reporting that deterioration of their children took place following vaccines." Dr. Buttram more

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Viera Scheibner, PhD - "Ever since mass vaccination of infants began, reports of serious brain, cardiovascular, metabolic and other injuries started filling pages of medical journals." In fact, pertussis vaccine has been used to induce encephalomyelitis, which is characterized by brain swelling and hemorrhaging"

Bart Classen, a Maryland physician, published data showing that diabetes rates rose significantly in New Zealand following a massive hepatitis B vaccine campaign in young children, and that diabetes rates also went up sharply in Finland after three new childhood vaccines were introduced.

The FDA admits that the 12,000 reports it receives annually on pharmacologic side effects from vaccines represent only a fraction of what actually occurs. read more

Congressman is calling for criminal penalties for any government agency that knew about the dangers of thimerosal (mecury) in vaccines and did nothing to protect American children. Congressman Dan Burton (R-Indiana) during Congressional Hearing: "You mean to tell me that since 1929, we've been using Thimerosal, and the only  test that you know of is from 1929, and every one of those people had mennigitis, and they all died?" For nearly an hour, Burton repeatedly asked FDA and CDC officials what they knew and when they knew it.

Mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids
Vaccinosis Dr. Richard Pitcairn Discusses Chronic Disease Caused By Vaccines
New Hepatitis Vaccine Can Devastate Newborn's Health - Polio vaccine
Class Action Law Suit In the United Kingdom Personal Stories of Vaccine Damage
Government Enforced Vaccinations
A Criminal Consequence of Vaccine Injury
Why Natural Health Parents Reject Vaccination

Vaccine Reaction Register   ---  Gardasil HPV Vaccine Blamed for Teen's Paralysis
Flu Vaccine Facts 90 Percent of Flu Shots Contain the Toxin Mercury.
Adverse reaction to the DPT vaccine
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS / cot death ) and Childhood Vaccines
Misdiagnosed Shaken Baby Syndrome SBS or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis?
Do Children's Shots Invite Autism? by Bernard Rimland Ph.D.
Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes by Harris Coulter, Ph.D
Dr. David Ayoub, M.D.  lectures on the crippling effect of vaccines

Rebecca Carley, M.D - "If children receive all recommended vaccines, they will receive 2,370 times the "allowable safe limit" for mercury in the first two years of life (as if there is such a thing as a "safe" amount of a toxic poison). Yet, even after Congressional hearings instigated by Congressman Dan Burton (whose own grandchild became autistic after receiving vaccines) resulted in the FDA requesting (not ordering) vaccine manufacturers to remove this toxic heavy metal from their products, mercury is still present in many vaccines." info

Immunizations are "mandatory" in the U.S. for all children; 7 visits to a healthcare provider for a total of 32 vaccine mixtures - all before the child enters school. Every year, between 12,000 and 14,000 reports of adverse vaccine reactions are filed with the FDA. These include hospitalizations, permanent brain damage, and death. The FDA estimates that this figure may represent just 10 percent of the true damage being done. In just 7 years (by August 31, 1997), the U.S. government spent more than $802 million compensating moms and dads for brain injuries and deaths inflicted on their children by mandated vaccines.(National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

"The FDA admits that the 12,000 reports it receives annually on pharmacologic side effects from vaccines represent only a fraction of what actually occurs."Nicholas Regush

Manipulation of Polio Statistics in the 1950's
Dr. Bernard Greenberg, a biostatistics expert, was chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s. He testified at a panel discussion that was used as evidence for the congressional hearings on polio vaccine in 1962. During these hearings he elaborated on the problems associated with polio statistics and disputed claims for the vaccine's effectiveness. He attributed the dramatic decline in polio cases to a change in reporting practices by physicians. Less cases were identified as polio after the vaccination for very specific reasons. 

SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine

In the late 1940's and early 1950's the polio virus was taking a savage toll on the American public. Thousands of children and adults were crippled or killed. In 1955, Jonas Salk discovered how to mass produce polio vaccine by growing it on the kidneys of rhesus monkeys. By 1960 a problem had surfaced, a problem which would come back to haunt the nation forty years later.  Some of the polio vaccine given to millions of American children from 1962 until 2000 could have been contaminated with a monkey virus that shows up in some cancers, according to documents and testimony to be delivered to a House committee Wednesday. The vaccine manufacturer said such claims "don't have any validity," and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agrees. Some batches of the first polio vaccine used from 1955 until 1962 were contaminated with the monkey virus. The virus has also been found in some cancer in humans, although it has not been determined that the virus caused the cancer. Between 10 and 30 million Americans may have received a contaminated dose of that vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The monkey virus is suspected of causing cancer in laboratory animals, including brain cancers, bone tumors and a usually fatal cancer in the membranes around the lungs called mesothelioma. 

Polio Vaccine Information Website
Since 1979 virtually every case of polio in the United States has been CAUSED by the vaccine
BSE/Mad Cow Disease Contamination  in Vaccines from JAMA - Journal of American Medical Association 

Dr. Viera Scheibner, PhD: "I did not find it difficult to conclude that there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccines or any kind are effective in preventing the infectious diseases they are supposed to prevent. Further, adverse effects are amply documented and are far more significant to public health than any adverse effects of infectious diseases. Immunizations not only did not prevent any infectious diseases, they caused more suffering and more deaths than has any other human activity n the entire history of medical intervention. It will be decades before the mopping-up after the disasters caused by childhood vaccination will be completed." Dr. Viera Scheibner, PhD  Excerpt from Pat McKay's Natural Immunity


In fall 1997, two influential professional magazines featured articles asking the question: Has the decrease of infectious diseases in childhood through the mass use of vaccines been replaced with an increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma? The Economist, a prestigious international magazine read by world leaders in government, business and public policy, and Science News, a magazine read by both health care professionals and the general public, explored the reported links between vaccines and chronic diseases in their November 22, 1997 issues. 

"If the multibillion-dollar vaccine industry had heeded Hippocrates' ancient dictum and concentrated on making vaccines safe, the 300% to 500% nationwide increase in autism probably would not have occurred."

Testimony of Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. Before House Committee on Government Reform April 6, 2000 "Autism is not the only severe chronic illness which has reached epidemic proportions as the number of (profitable) vaccines has rapidly increased. Children now receive 33 vaccines before they enter school – a huge increase. The vaccines contain not only live viruses but also very significant amounts of highly toxic substances such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Could this be the reason for the upsurge in autism, ADHD, asthma, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and other chronic disorders?"read the rest of the testimony

Worries About Safety Of Its Anthrax Vaccine Put the Army in a Bind (Excerpt from the Wall Street Journal, Friday, October 12, 2001 (front page)

"For both anthrax and smallpox, the side effects of the vaccines are serious enough that widespread vaccination could cause more damage than the diseases themselves" "Fear of the vaccine is perhaps greater than fear of anthrax. As many as 400 members of the U.S. military have been court-martialed or have resigned rather than submit to the vaccination because of the perceived risks. Some physicians share their misgivings." "All told, vaccinating all Americans against smallpox could cause 3,000 severe adverse reactions and a much larger number of lesser problems, according to Thomas Monath, an executive at British vaccine manufacturer Acambis" Los Angeles Times October 29, 2001

Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Mullins 
After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded ´contributions´ which that country had made to modern medicine. This action came after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail. 

The Assembly Bill # 849, 850 without a name or titled, (Mandated Vaccinations/Emergency Health Powers Act) was passed under Rep. Greg Underheims directions in March 2002 "The Wisconsin Department of Health Services may order any vaccination series and may isolate anyone who does not take the vaccinations, or unwilling to take them.  It calls for a $10,000 fine and/or nine months in prison for those who do not get vaccinations."  Will your state may be next?

This Emergency Health Bill - Mandated Vaccination and other demands, is in every state, but under different names. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said that all Americans should know that they "have their name on a vaccine shot in our inventory." Hope you can stop this in your state-- we couldn't. Sponsored by Rep. Greg Underheim and Rep. Frank Urban-Wisconsin The Assembly Bill # 849, 850 without a name or titled, (Mandated Vaccinations/Emergency Health Powers Act ) was passed under Rep. Greg Underheims directions. Underheim deserves all the credit for the passage hence we should call it the "Underheim Black Helicopter Bill." It his words, "We don't care what you think, the bill will be attached to the budget bill. For those in states, in which this bill has not been passed, this is how they did it in Wisconsin. Underheim sent out a fax approximately 3 weeks ago, calling it then the Bio-Terrorism Bill relating to the Emergency Health Bill. However, the bill did not come out of the Legislative Bureau until Monday night, 2/25. It was posted on the Internet on Tuesday, 2/26. On Wednesday morning 2/27 it passed. Sierra Times and 
the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons website

Soldiers Ordered Inoculated Against Biological Threat Claim Harsh Side Effects. "...But soon after his first inoculation in February, the 29-years-old Mr. Nietupski showed up at an urgent -care facility with sores all over his mouth and throat. "The side of my tongue was all raw with little canker sores, and bloody mucus was comingout of my nose, " Mr. Nietupski says. His maladies, ultimately diagnosed as an autoimmune disorder in which his body accidentaly attacked itself, grew worse as he got the next two installements of the six-shot regime. Mr. Nietupski and several of the doctors who have examined him, believe the anthrax vaccine caused his severe reaction and may also be to  blame for the blood clots Mr. Nietupski experienced in his legs months later."read the entire story in the Wall Street Journal, Friday, October 12, 2001 (front page)more on anthrax vaccines

Avoiding vaccines To avoid all vaccines, you will need to take a religious exemption.

The Effort of Maintaining the Correct Balance

To bring this present writing to its conclusion it seems necessary to add the following statements to help maintain a balance regarding the areas of Medical Science that can be helpful to everyone as opposed to the bad areas as made known by the quoted writings of medical doctors, etc.:

Internet - Current State of Medicine Today 

There is a great dichotomy in the state of medicine today.  While modern medicine is greatly able to take care of many health problems it is incredibly inept and handling many others.  Medical professionals are very adept at repairing bodies broken in accidents, but in trying to correct chronic health problems like thyroid disease, diabetes, or any of a long list of diseases, they are virtually helpless. 

Is it a Sin to Seek Help from Medical Science?

The Plain Truth about Healing, 1979 Publication, Page 72, Mr. Armstrong

I have made it plain that God’s Church does not condemn medical or other doctors—nor sit in judgment of those who are weak in faith and rely on MAN. There is much doctors can do for us today.

I have given the BASIC PRINCIPLE: God does for us what we humans cannot do. One could get into endless arguments and controversy on technical specific issues of what we may go to man for and what to rely on God to do. I've given the broad guidelines. The church will encourage God's people to believe God -- rely on God -- to say, with the apostles,". . . Lord, INCREASE OUR FAITH (Luke 17:5).

God does not expect his ministers to make your decisions for you -- and God's Church will not sit in judgment of you if you go to a doctor but God says one of his benefits, for which he makes no charge is that he offers you the loving services of a miracle worker -- the living Jesus Christ!”

To be continued—

In my next writing we will consider the present practice of medical science and their modern vaccines and drugs in view of what Holy Scripture reveals about them.

Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Don Billingsley


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