July 8, 2011
Behold! I will send you ELIJAH THE PROPHET, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5).
Introduction to the Book of the Three Elijahs
Because I believe Jesus Christ used me in devoting many hours to write the Book of the Three Elijahs, and knowing most of you have not read the 12 chapters posted on our website, like Mr. Armstrong having some of his books published in the Plain Truth in serial form, I am going to do likewise with this Book.
It is important for a full understanding of why Jesus Christ sent him to His Church and Israel to connect their declining history with the beginning of his mission when the House of Joseph was going into sharp decline, just as it was in the time when the LORD sent Elijah to ancient Israel (I Kings 17:1). The conditions are the same today as then.
Societys Rejection of God and Jesus Christ
This decline has degenerated to the extent in this present time that the ruling majority of the high offices of the political and judicial authorities are venting their hatred and rejection of Jesus Christ so much that the name of Jesus Christ or God is largely omitted in public prayers along with the 10 commandments removed from State and Federal buildings.
To do justice to this writing of necessity there are 23 chapters, often lengthy, but still each one can be read in one sitting.
Striking the Earth with Utter Destruction
Seeing this Book in full perspective one should be able to see why Jesus Christ fulfilled His promise of sending the Elijah of this end-time with a last ditch-warning, . . . lest I come and strike the earth with a curse (Hebrew utter destruction).
This understanding is more important than ever realizing the times in which we live due to the rejection of Elijah even permeating the Churches of God. For fear of losing their membership has led to the strong deception found among the leadership and away from the fullness of the TRUTH of God!
Sadly, it is only the few who recognize the truth of the identity of the Elijah and his mission in this present time to RESTORE the identity of the true God, His laws, statutes, and judgments (Malachi 4:3), with His doctrinal teachings (Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17:10-11)!
The Unwillingness to Recognize or Admit His Identity
Because they do not recognize this truth, or unwilling to face the truth of it, they have not only rejected him, but in so doing they have also rejected some to all of the true doctrinal teachings that Jesus used him to RESTORE within His Church and have replaced them with the Pagan teachings of the Catholic and Protestant Churches.
It is very important to understand that when any true prophet or apostle is rejected his teachings are also rejected as well as it was with Jesus Christ Himself. This is one of the many strategies of Satan the devil.
Unless the Corporate Churches of God that are off-track come to understand the life and death importance of this true teaching and repent (Malachi 4:6), they are soon going to suffer the horrors of the Great Tribulation.
It is the purpose of this lengthy writing to help each one understand in depth the identity of the Elijah of our time and why Jesus Christ sent him.
Worshipping the Elijah
There are those who object to his true identity make the accusation to their membership that those of us who do recognize this truth, and proclaim it, are worshipping him.
Please know we fully realize he was an imperfect man just as the original Elijah was (James 5:17-18, as well as Abraham, David, Peter, etc.), but because of the right heart, dedication to Gods calling, and purpose with endurance, Christ could and did use them.
This is the very same reason why you and I continue to be accepted as members today by God and Jesus Christ.
Prove all things Hold FAST that which is Good
Brethren, you need to know, and know that you know, this truth for in so doing this will aid you in escaping the strong deception from Satan who is using the corporate churches to deny this truth!
In addition, the importance of proving and knowing this truth will enable the members to be numbered among the Elect who will not be deceived with the soon-coming strongest deception of all that will come from those who were of us men who will be given the power of lying miracles in the fairly new future (Matthew 24:23-27).
To try and help each one to understand Gods purpose in sending this man in this time to RESTORE His truth in all areas is vitally important. As to whyto reject his identity is to reject the very purpose why Jesus Christ sent him in this time (Matthew 17:11-12).
Chapter one will be posted and mailed out with the next writing Pastors Comments. Added to this current writing is the index listing of each chapter.
Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Don Billingsley
Chapter 1 The Elijah to Come! ......... 1
Chapter 2 The Three Elijahs ......... ...... 30
Chapter 3 The Original Prophet Elijah ......... 58
Chapter 4
Primary Rulers and Judicial System of the House of Joseph
Have Legalized Sodomy
and Murder of the Unborn
Chapter 5 The Background and the Escalation of Lawlessness ........ . . 95
Chapter 6 Against this Background of Sin God Sent to Israel
Chapter 7 The Sacrificial Murder of the Newly-Born and the Unborn ......... 135
Chapter 8 Legal License to Murder the Defenseless ..... .. ....159
Chapter 9 The Beginning Advances of Technology and the Work .............. 194
Chapter 10 The Mastermind of all Evil, Satan the Devil .......... . ... 210
Chapter 11 The First Stages of Famine ............ ...... 219
Chapter 12 Together with the Famine the Deadly Pestilences ............ .. 236
Chapter 13 The Famine in Ancient Israel Ends ......... .. .. 255
Chapter 14 Different Times but Identical Problems .. ............ .. 260
Chapter 15 The Continued Worship of Pagan Religions Teachings ............... . 265
Chapter 16 The Church Era of Thyatira and Jezebel .
Chapter 17 The Church Era of Laodicea
Chapter 18 The Beginner of the Catholic Church
Chapter 19 The Master Plan of Satan the Devil .
Chapter 20 Warnings to the Seven Churches of God .
Chapter 20 Conclusion The Purpose of This Book
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