May 25, 2012


Then the word of the LORD came to me (Jeremiah), saying: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:4-5.


Dear Brethren,

Since we are now playing the recorded broadcast tapes of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong from the Book of Jeremiah, and hearing him say that the Prophet Jeremiah had come to Ulster, Northern Ireland from Jerusalem with King Zedekiah’s daughters (Jeremiah 44:14, 28;41:10;43:6; see UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY, Pages 124-127, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong),

I wrote Sam Scott, a Church of God member of Faithful Flock, who lives and is a native of Northern, Ireland, if he might be acquainted with the ancient annals of Jeremiah coming to Northern, Ireland.

Sam replied that he had done research in this area and sent what he had learned to me.  He also gave me permission to make this available to you.

Perhaps after reading this historical writing from Sam Scott, it should give one much greater interest and study in that book.

At the same time, perhaps we should be able to picture that period of time in our minds when Jeremiah brought the two daughters of King Zedekiah to Northern Ireland to make possible the lineage of King David to continue unto this day with Queen Elizabeth of England presently seated on the same throne of David. 


Jacob’s Pillar Stone


Jeremiah brought the Pillar Stone of Jacob with him to Ireland in 583 B. C.

Since that time kings and queens have been coronated on that same pillar in Scotland, Ireland, and England.

The same pillar can be traced here and there and used for kings to be crowned as the following Scriptures make known.


King Abimelech of Israel


Abimelech was crowned king at the PILLAR in Shechem in 1150 B.C.

Judges 9:1, 6 Then Abimelech the son of Jerubbabel went to Shechem . . . And all the men of Shechem gathered together and made Abimelech king beside the terebinth AT THE PILLAR that was in Shechem.


King Joash of Judah


Joash was crowned king of Judah in 798 B.C.

II Kings 11:13-14 Now when Athaliah (Queen of Judah) heard the noise of the escorts and the people, she came to the people, into the Temple of the LORD. When she looked there was the king (Joash, approximately eight years old)) standing on the Pillar ACCORDING TO THE CUSTOM (Companion Bible; Jacob’s Pillar, Adam Clarke Commentary); . . .).


Queen Elizabeth II of England

Mr. Richard D. Armstrong, eldest son of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, was there for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth 60 years ago, Elizabeth II's coronation (when she was crowned queen) took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.

He wrote an article immediately afterwards for the Plain Truth Magazine, July 1953, entitled: Why Was Elizabeth II crowned Queen of Israel. In his article, he wrote, “On the second of June, I witnessed the coronation procession of Queen Elizabeth in London, England.  . . .


Origin of Coronation Ceremony


This ceremony has been carried down from the times of King Solomon, whom David had crowned King of Israel.  . . .

The people were told to shout, “God save King Solomon”—the same as the people of Britain shouted “God Save Queen Elizabeth, Long Live the Queen, May the Queen Live Forever.”

The meaning of this ovation is explained in the ceremony itself.  The bishops of the church pray that the Queen may be granted eternal life by the Saviour, that she may be granted to rule under God forever—not in this present life, as everyone known that kings and queens die the same as anyone else, but in the life to come, after the resurrection. . . .

Elizabeth II was crowned ‘Queen of Thy People Israel.’” Further, he wrote in that article: “Few people in the United States realize that the coronation ceremony is one that was instituted by God as His way of crowning the kings of His people of Israel.  This ceremony was carried down from the times of Solomon, whom David had crowned king of Israel (I Kings 1:32-36). . . .

In the Abbey of Westminster, just before and at the moment of crowning, the choir sings this anthem written by George Handel: “Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the prophet Anointed Solomon King: And all the people rejoiced and said: God save the King! Long live the King! May the King live forever. Amen. Allelujah.!”

Elizabeth II was crowned “Queen of thy people Israel.”  She recognized the fact that God rules and she is only granted the privilege of ruling under Him.” . . .


End of Quotes


Also in that same Plain Truth Magazine, July 1953, Herman L Hoeh also wrote an article entitled: Inside Story of the Coronation—

“A queen has been crowned—a queen of the oldest ruling dynasty in the world. . . . The real significance—and the most astounding fact—is that on the English throne is seated a descendant of the oldest ruling dynasty in the world—a dynasty which God established and which He has protected and perpetuated through every generation for 3000 years! England’s throne is important in God’s sight! Men can’t abolish it! God said so!


Real Significance Behind Throne


The coronation of Elizabeth II occurred in Westminster Abbey which Dick Armstrong and I visited last summer. Surrounded by royal dignitaries in the Abbey, the queen was anointed, given the royal robe, the crown jewels and finally crowned in the famous coronation chair which was specially built for the stone of destiny—a rock that has been in recorded history for 3700 years! . . . If you were to go to Westminster Abbey, you would see that this stone is labeled Jacob’s pillow stone or Jacob’s pillar stone!  . . .”    End Quotes

To read the entire articles in that July 1953 publication of the Plain Truth by Mr. Richard D. Armstrong and Dr. Herman L. Hoeh, please go to our website: This can be found in the archives of the Plain Truth.









Stone of Jacob

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some Scottish legends surrounding the Stone of Scone, traditionally used for coronations of Scottish kings in the High Middle Ages, have identified this stone with the Stone of Jacob. Supposedly the Stone of Jacob was brought to Ireland by the prophet Jeremiah and from thence to Scotland.[2][3]

These legends also feature prominently in British Israelism, a set of beliefs that consider the British monarchy as the legitimate heir to the ancient Israelites. From 1308 to 1996, the Stone of Scone - identified with the Stone of Jacob - rested in the Royal throne of England at Westminster.

Read more:

Return to Scotland

In 1996, in a symbolic response to growing dissatisfaction among Scots at the prevailing constitutional settlement, the British Conservative Government decided that the Stone should be kept in Scotland when not in use at coronations. On 3 July 1996 it was announced in the House of Commons that the Stone would be returned to Scotland, and on 15 November 1996, after a handover ceremony at the border between representatives of the Home Office and of the Scottish Office, it was transported to Edinburgh Castle, arriving on 30 November 1996, where it remains along with the crown jewels of Scotland (the Honours of Scotland) in the Crown Room. The handover was done on St. Andrew's Day (patron Saint of Scotland); the Queen sent as her representative Prince Andrew. Provision has been made to transport the stone to Westminster Abbey when it is required there for future coronation ceremonies.[14]

End of Quotes


The following is what Sam wrote from his own historical research from those historical records and has made it available to all of you in this pastoral writing.


The History of the Prophet Jeremiah in Northern Ireland by Sam Scott

Mr. Billingsley,

Even here in Northern Ireland practically no one at all is aware that Jeremiah came here, let alone knows that two Princesses arrived with him. It is interesting to look back at history and see exactly how God has fulfilled prophecy regarding King David's throne. May Christ return soon to usher in and 'return again' His Kingdom on this sick perverted planet (Luke 1:31-33).

I know about Jeremiah having spent the last years of his life here in Ulster (Northern Ireland) and I also know that he was accompanied by at least two of King Zedekiah's daughters when he made the journey from the Holy Land. According to Northern Irish tradition Jeremiah's Tomb is located in a place called Devenish Isle, in Lough Erne here in Northern Ireland.

Also for thousands of years, Northern Ireland and Scotland have been closely linked in kinship and culture. A Scottish historian John MacLaren published an interesting history of Scotland entitled, 'The History of Ancient Caledonia'. In that history he reveals that the early Christians of Scotland believed that according to the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, they had been taught by the Apostle Peter's brother Andrew, the 'patron' saint of Scotland. Mr. MacLaren's book repeatedly refers to Ireland as 'Jeremy's Land' pp. 56-57."

The Lord permitted the Romans to persecute the Jews (66-73 AD) but He afflicted the Romans with famine and pestilence. As the orders were that no Jewish slaves were to be allowed to land there (at Rome), but were permitted either in Britain or Gaul (France, Belgium), or 'Jeremy's Land' (Ireland), or any other port beyond the great god Gib's Rock (Gibraltar), they set sail from Rome bound for Jeremy's land (p.56) Clearly Jeremy's land refers to Ireland.

Here is an information link to the Northern Ireland (Ulster) flag; The early inhabitants of Ireland were known as the people of the 'Red Hand'.

From early times the people of my country, Ulster, have used the Red Hand as an emblem of our heraldry. Even today, as you can see from the link above, the official flag of Northern Ireland features a 'Red Hand', 'The St Georges Cross with the ancient regional emblem, the blood red Right Hand of Ulster, at it's centre surmounted by the Royal Crown, forms the flag of Northern Ireland.

Ancient Irish histories indicate that there were two 'prominent eastern ladies' both of who appear to have been Zedekiah's daughters, Scota and Tamar Tephi, two royal Jewish princesses.

According to Irish historians, Tea Tephi married a prince of the royal line of Zerah of the red hand. Scotland derives its name from Zedekiah's daughters name Scota. It is also interesting to me on a personal level that my surname is 'Scott'.

It is claimed that The Red Hand of Ulster is symbolic of Genesis 38:24-30, 'the scarlet thread tied around Zerah's hand. Also very interesting is the fact that the ancient Knights of Ulster were the most distinguished in the history of Ireland. They were known as the Knights Of The Red Branch (of Zerah)

Jacobs 'pillar stone' was also transported by Jeremiah from the Holy Land to my country. The 'Stone of Scone' as it is also called now resides in Edinburgh, Scotland [having been moved to Scotland from England on November 15, 1996, and placed in Edinburgh Castle in a closely guarded museum].

In its early days it was carried about by Israel's priests on the march in the wilderness. (Genesis 35:1-15). The stone itself is described as a 'calcareous sandstone' of which outcroppings can be found in Palestine. Bethel, where Jacob got his 'pillow stone', is situated in the inland part of Palestine.

Personally, I do not see myself as being ‘British’; I identify myself as being 'Ulster Scots'. Americans use the name, 'Scotch Irish'.

All Irish and Scottish historians agree that the present occupants of the British Throne trace their ancestry back to the kings of Scotland and Ireland. But many are unaware of this important fact.

The Ancient annals of Ireland and Scotland also show Northern Irelands Royal roots going all the way back to the ancient 'House of David' in Israel. Jesus Christ is a son of David (Mark 10:47-48; Romans 1:3; 2 Timothy 3:8). Luke gives Christ's true genealogy through his mother Mary, all the way back to Judah, through David's son 'Nathan' (Luke 3:30-33), whereas Matthew gives Jesus lineage through his legal father Joseph (Luke 1:16)

Since King Solomon did forsake the Lord and His way of life (1 Kings 11:1-13). God then determined that His own son Jesus Christ, would 'not' descend from Solomon, but would be of the lineage of Solomon's older brother Nathan (Luke 3:31).

The present British Royal Family has descended from David through King Solomon and they will cease to rule on David's Throne, a person (Jesus Christ) from another branch of the House of David will instead be placed on that Throne.

God promised that David's throne would continue to all generations (Psalm 89: 3-4) One of the heirs would sit upon his Throne forever (vv. 29-37). It is impossible for God to lie (Titus 1:2; John 10:35). God has kept His promise that there would always be someone sitting on David's Throne until Christ returns to sit on that throne forever more. (Luke 1:32)

Jesus Christ, a descendant of David's son Nathan will fulfill in His own person, God's promise to King David that one of his descendants would reign over 'Israel' forever, through all generations, and that His throne will then rule all nations from Jerusalem (Jeremiah 3:17; Isaiah 2:1-3; 9:6-7; Revelation 11:15)


End of Sam’s Writing

Brethren, hopefully this will make the Radio Broadcasts, as well as reading the Book of Jeremiah, even more interesting since you know a little more about how God used this ancient prophet during the years of his long life.

As stated, he is very probably buried in Northern, Ireland, waiting for Christ to return and his resurrection form the dead along with all of God’s prophets, apostles and saints (Hebrews 11).

Your friend and pastor,

Don Billingsley

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Brought to you by the Church of God Faithful Flock