January 16, 2009
“Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for THE MARRIAGE of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then He said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb’” . . . (Revelation 19:6-9).
“The LORD Reigns in Righteousness”
“His Wife Has Made Herself Ready”
Dear Brethren,
CIVILIZATION IS AT THE CROSSROADS! Mankind already has the capacity to wipe all life off the face of the earth -- if God would fail to intervene! But thanks be to our wonderful God and His beloved Son Jesus Christ, He will soon be standing on the Mount of Olives with His new Spirit Family (Zechariah 14:1-4).
A New Age Soon To Dawn
Very soon now the sun will set on this present age; the sun will then rise revealing a new millennial age – one that will be far different from the one into which we were born and have had our human existence; the one we have known all of our human lives.
It is to be a world governed by the newly coronated KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, Jesus Christ (Daniel 7:13-14). The Wonderful World of Tomorrow that will be based on righteousness. And He will be aided by those of the ELECT who will have qualified to rule with Him.
Ambassador Bible Correspondence, Lesson 5: Jesus Christ is soon to return to earth in supreme POWER and GLORY, to put down all rebellion, to RULE all nations with divine power and force, to institute a totally new and different system of education . . . !
All those who refuse to submit to God’s loving rule of government will perish: “But bring here those enemies of Mine, who did not want Me to REIGN over them, and slay them before Me” (Luke 19:27).
Church a “Teacher’s College”
Mystery of the Ages, Mystery of the Church, page 227, Mr. Armstrong
“Bear in mind further: In order for Christ to RESTORE God’s Government over the earth, he would need with and under Him a qualified and organized personnel of God Beings—all having rejected Satan’s false way and having proved their loyalty to the government and righteous ways of God.”
In view of the purifying tests Christ is putting each of through at this end-time before our acceptance by Him as His Bride, it should be simple and obvious to anyone that based on Holy Scripture, and the writings of Mr. Armstrong, as members of God’s true Church, we must have inculcated in our lives obedience to God’s Government now or we will never become a member of God’s Family. The simple point is: Before one can rule one must learn to be ruled. God will not have a Satan in His Family.
Obedience to God’s Government
I received a phone call from a member in another state this week with his compliment for clinging to the full true teachings that Jesus Christ restored within His Church through His late apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. For as he said to me there is no one else doing it. Further, he said from his observations in talking to members who have disassociated themselves from us, is that they have a problem with the Government of God that Jesus Christ has instilled within His Church.
Further, while talking to one of these members, this person told him that his belief is that everyone will go to the place of safety regardless. Needless to say this belief is based on human reason and not on Scripture.
The Rejection of God’s Government
Please note a letter sent to me from two of our members with their observations after having read a recent Pastor’s Comments in which I attached a member letter written by Mr. Armstrong dated, May 2, 1974, entitled: “Final Exams and Church Government”. In that letter Mr. Armstrong made very clear the vital importance of each of us being obedient to the Government of God (permission was given to use it):
Dear Mr. Billingsley,
We were pleased to receive the article by Mr. HWA. It was very clear what he thought of all those dissenters who did not like the government of God. Moses had to contend with people who did not agree with how he was running the government. (They did not realize it was not Moses they were fighting against,,, it was God Himself.) Just like now. When people begin to accuse the Minister of God, I think of the devil accusing the brethren. The devil is using these people now and they cannot even see it themselves. It is astounding how quickly it happens. They seem to be alright. I find it hard to think they could turn so fast from the way of Holiness. (Like . . .)
But God is in charge and He will take care of us. And of course God provides for His people. God will replace those who have gone... and give their crown to somebody else.
I guess when people decide they have had enough of God's way... any excuse is good enough to go out the door. I remember the guy who quit the church over a cup of cold coffee. (Years ago, I believe at the feast in Big Sandy.)
Thanks for your efforts. We are holding on tight. By our fingernails. Just don't let loose. (Remember Jacob saying, I will not let you loose until you bless me.)
Love... Angie and Lenny
The Government of God
Speaking of the ministers and many members who left the Church over the years of his ministry, though they had various excuses as to why, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong said the bottom line was always, Government! This was the real reason.
To understand this subject thoroughly one should re-read my Pastor’s Comments as of December 12, 2008, Subject: “Preparing the Bride”. To this current subject I have attached a few quotes from his writing on Final Exams and the importance of God’s Government, May 2, 1974.
President and Pastor
May 2, 1974
Dear Brethren of God's Church:
It is vital that you read carefully every word of this letter. Do you know where we are right now, IN PROPHECY?
We are in the very time of Daniel's prophecy: At "the time of the end, many shall be purified and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand" (Daniel 12:9-10).
God's people are in the time of final trying and testing-- like taking final exams to determine whether we graduate.
Today some in the Church of God do not UNDERSTAND just what the Church of God really IS! Some have become confused as to whether there is ORGANIZATION or government in it -- and I mean in GOD'S OWN CHURCH! And God HAS ONLY ONE CHURCH! (I Corinthians 12:12, 13.) But we of "the wise" shall understand! That understanding shall be made PLAIN in this letter.
But what does GOD say about DESPISING GOVERNMENT?
"But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and DESPISE GOVERNMENT, Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities, whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption" (II Peter 2:10-12).
Brethren, THAT'S GOD'S WORD, not mine!
Let those who have gone out of God's own Church, because they have allowed Satan to subtly inject into their minds an attitude of resentment and rebellion against any authority over them, tell me where and when I ever exercised any harsh, hostile, unChristian "lordship" over them. I know that no such attitude is in my mind or heart.
In the world of the unconverted, those in authority do exercise lordship over those under them. Christ said it should NOT be so with us. But He did not in so saying abolish all authority or rulership. He PUT RULERSHIP in His Church. He DELEGATED authority. What He was teaching His future apostles, is that we in GOD'S GOVERNMENT should NOT bear rule IN THE SAME HARSH AND UNLOVING MANNER as the unconverted in the world.
May God's richest blessings continue upon you.
With deep-love, in Jesus' name,
[ Signed Herbert W. Armstrong ]
An Interview with Dr Herman L. Hoeh
Please note the following letter sent to me by a member who interviewed Dr. Hoeh as to why he remained with the Worldwide Church of God after the apostasy had set in within it (The member gave me permission to use it):
“. . . To answer your question, in 1993 my family and I attended the Keystone feast site where Dr. Hoeh was the featured speaker. I did spend time with Dr. Hoeh asking questions and getting very frank answers.
During the middle of the feast, Dr. Hoeh spoke at the Vail site, and I traveled the short drive to hear him speak to the brethren there. He gave a very strong sermon on the subject of not leaving WCG.
He said during that sermon at Vail that the reason he was the only one of the pioneer students still remaining in WCG (at that time in 1993) was because he understood the issue of government. He gave the example that in 1974 during a ministerial conference at Pasadena there was a man on stage who said, "If I wasn't in complete agreement with the doctrines of this church then I wouldn't be here." Dr. Hoeh, sitting in the audience, whispered to his wife, "In a year he won't be here." Dr. Hoeh said that the church goes off the track from time to time, but that it is still God's church. He compared church government to family government: parents sometimes make mistakes, but the children are still commanded to honor them. The final comment Dr. Hoeh said to the brethren at Vail before leaving the stage was, "Don't leave!"
In addition, Dr. Hoeh spoke several times at Keystone. At that site he stated that those who have left WCG to start other churches had set themselves up in competition to the true church. They were trying to do Christ's job for Him of correcting church leadership from the top down. Dr. Hoeh said the fruits of WCG from 1934 through 1986 proved that God's government was in it -- all nations had been reached with the gospel during that time (the PT mailing list had included addresses from every nation). . . .
In addition, Dr. Hoeh said many things privately to me in response to my questions. He said that Mr. Tkach was ambivalent, unable to research doctrinal matters and that he relied on his advisors, who were themselves off the track. He predicted that the Global church would eventually split due to doctrinal differences between Dr. Meredith and Mr. McNair. I later had the chance to ask Mr. McNair about this, and his response was, "There are no two ministers on the face of the earth closer than Dr. Meredith and myself!" It is interesting, in retrospect, to see how Dr. Hoeh's prediction came true.
I would like to add that I remained in WCG for several years after talking to Dr. Hoeh, until after much prayer and study I came to discern that the Bible says it is impossible for God to lie, that God can not lie, and that the Spirit of God is the Spirit of truth. When one becomes positively sure that his church has a spirit of lies, then that can not be the Spirit of God leading it. Satan is the father of lies, and the Spirit of God has been exchanged for the spirit of Satan. When I realized these things, then I led my family out of the WCG.
I hope this is helpful, and answers your question.
Thanks for writing,
Your friend,
Did Mr. Meredith and Mr. McNair Reject God’s Government by Leaving WCG
In view of the following Scriptures to the Church at Ephesus, as well as many others, it can be seen that both of them were right in leaving the WCG:
“I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And that you have TESTED those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars. . . . Remember therefore from when you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly AND REMOVE YOUR LAMPSTAND FROM ITS PLACE—UNLESS YOU REPENT” (Revelation 2:2, 5).
How were they TESTED? Scripture makes known by their fruits, conduct, and beliefs (Matthew 7:15-20).
Was I Wrong for Leaving Mr. David Hulme?
Though Mr. Hume is an evangelist and has the right form of Government, I left his Church for the same reasons.
Though I knew the United Church of God did not have the right form of Government I remained with them for some time hoping for change, but it did not happen. Finally I left it as well.
The Living Church of God
After having left those Churches I was called by the leading evangelist of the Living Church of God and asked if we would go with them.
I told him that if I were to go anywhere I would go with his Church. That did not mean I would. I said this based on my belief at the time he was remaining faithful to the teachings as they were taught by Mr. Armstrong.
Since then I have learned of a number of problems within that Church from former elders and members of that Church that I could not accept unless changes were made to go fully back to the teachings and rulings made by God’s late apostle, and the Elijah to come.
Though I love the long-time ministers in it as well as all of the ministers in the corporate Churches mentioned here, and elsewhere, I mean no disrespect to any of them, However, I have no choice but to remain within the remnant of the Philadelphia Church of God that Christ began with Mr. Armstrong and used him to restore His true teachings within it. Those of us who are remaining faithful to those true teachings are identified in Revelation 3:7-13.
The Teacher Sent to Mankind by Jesus Christ
It is my firm belief that the true ministers of Jesus Christ should not only be basing their beliefs and teachings on the holy Bible but also using the unedited Mystery of the Ages.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong was the teacher (Apostle and Promised Elijah) sent to us by God and Jesus Christ. And even though Mr. Armstrong is dead his Recorded Works live on and can be listened to and read on our 14 websites.
And because of this belief of mine and my continued full acceptance of his Recorded Works, I know this is a part of the true Church of God and the one Jesus Christ is now using to do His end-time Work (Habakkuk 1:5). Therefore I am obedient to the Government of God within it for Jesus Christ is the Head of it. And I follow and obey Him.
Your friend and servant in Christ,
Don Billingsley
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Church of God Faithful Flock