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Books and Booklets Section
Books and Booklets by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and Church of God Ministers.

Online Reading

1975 In Prophecy
FANTASTIC push-button world by 1975? It is being planned by modern science and industry. But now you're going to take a peek into the surprising future, exactly as it will happen! Not what men PLAN - but what GOD SAYS! Here, in understandable language, is a quick SUMMARY of all prophecy - the neglected one-third of your Bible - made PLAIN. It's truly startling! ....

A Tale Of Two Prophets
The accent in this booklet is on Moses because his true purpose and personality are not visible in most "Christian" literature. Our style of presentation is not pedantic, argumentative or coldly factual, but rather, personal, intimate­ an attempt to give human warmth and feeling. In that concept, some quotes are not intended to represent "Scripture"-adequate documentation of ac ...

Did the MIRACLE OF FLIGHT come from frayed, loosely hanging FISH SCALES? Did the myriads of birds EVOLVE from ungainly, hulking caymans and crocodiles? Evolutionists say they did. Reason, logic, common sense, TRUE science and the Great Creator God say they DIDN'T! Here's the PROOF! ....
A Theory For The Birds

A True History Of The True Church
Is Christ divided? There are more than 250 major denominations in America alone -- and other hundreds of little groups and sects. WHY? When did this confusion originate? How much do you really know about the TRUE CHURCH? Where has it been? Have you supposed it was re-established at the Protestant Reformation? IT WAS NOT! You will be ASTONISHED to see the true history of GOD'S Church. This true his ....

Did DOLPHINS and whales EVOLVE? Evolution says fish grew lungs and slithered ashore. Then, claims evolution, many RETURNED to the sea, DISCARDED their legs, changed them into flippers, "evolved" a built-in grin and became dolphins and whales. DID THEY, REALLY? ....
A WHALE of a TALE, or--

A World Held Captive
You live in a world of awesome progress, but paradoxically, of appalling evils. WHY? It's a world held captive, deceived into loving its captivity. Deliverance from kidnap in deception, human discontent, suffering and death hastens nearer. World peace, happiness and joy are just around the corner....
After Death ... then what?
Just what is death? Is there a resurrection? Do the dead know what the living are doing? Is suicide unforgivable? Where will you meet loved ones again? Why does God allow Christians to die? Does death ever come as punishment? What if one dies being unconverted? Is he lost forever? Here are the answers to these questions from God's inspired Word. DEATH is the enemy of man — and we all hate it ....

All About Water Baptism
IS WATER baptism essential to salvation? What about the "thief on the cross"? Was he saved without it? What is the proper form, or mode — sprinkling, pouring or immersion? Should babies and children be baptized? Suppose you were baptized by a minister you have since lost confidence in. Should you be baptized over again? Suppose you were baptized "in the name of the Father, and the Son ....

Answers From Genesis
THE first six chapters of Genesis present a brief sum­mary of vital high points of approximately the first 1650 years of mankind — from Adam's creation to just before Noah's Flood. In this basic summary of events, many details have been omitted. However, God saw to it that what we really needed to know was preserved for us today. Sufficient was recorded to show that mankind was instructed of God ....

Are We In The Last Days?
How can you know whether we are near "the end of the world"? Can we prove it? ARE we now in the biblically prophesied "time of the end"? President Reagan, of the United States, spoke of world conditions seemingly indicating we may be nearing "Armageddon." The atomic scientists some time ago set the doomsday clock one more minute forward from four to only three minutes ....

Are We Living In the Last Days?
"There have ALWAYS BEEN false prophets, wars and rumors of war, famines, pestilences and earthquakes ..." some will claim. "It's nothing new." How can you KNOW whether this really IS the end-time generation? Can you PROVE it?  YOU ARE living in the time of the end. But people have said that for centuries, haven't they? ....

This, truly, is one of the most incredible success stories of our time. There is a very significant reason! For it is the story of what the living God can do -- and has done through a very average human instrument, called and chosen by Him -- one whose eyes He opened to astonishing truth about the real cause of the troubles and evils heads of governments face, and the way to World Peace -- one He reduced to humble obedience, yielded in faith and dedicated to God's way! ....
Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong Volume 1

Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong Volume 2
THE "lean years" continued through 1938 and the succeeding decade. It was a constant struggle and hardship. Growth seemed so very slow. Yet, viewed today in retrospect, expansion has been consistently rapid. Occasional setbacks were discouraging. But the forging's ahead were far greater than the slips backward....

Come Help Humanity
Up to the present, we know, the whole created universe groans in all its parts as if in the pangs of childbirth, (Rom. 8:22). Humankind somehow senses that something is very wrong with this world today. The tragic symptoms are everywhere about us. Humanity is continually confronted with a growing multiplicity of problems: the specter and shadow of the Bomb, overpopulation, famine, pollution, crime ....
Coming A New Age!
If there's anything the world needs now, it's hope. Hope for the future — hope for a time of peace, prosperity and general spiritual enlightenment. But such hope escapes us in this world of war, crime, famine, environmental crisis, moral profligacy and political upheaval. Something is terribly wrong with this world. The future of man looks bleak indeed if man is to control his own future! ...

Did God Create a Devil?
IS THERE a Devil? Many people talk about the Devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it’s just superstition and imagination. But is there a Devil? The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible Devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a Devil to tempt us and to lead us astray? Here are the answers from God’s Word ....

This booklet is not available on this website. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong instructed members to remove this booklet from their homes and the Church stopped production of this booklet.
The cover is shown to inform brethren of what this booklet looks like in case they have accidently retained or obtained a copy over the years.

Do You Have An Immortal Soul?
Why should there be so much confusion about what man IS? What happens to a human at death? Does death separate an immortal soul from the body? Read the startling proof, answering these questions that have perplexed millions. THE ONLY sure thing about life, they say, is death and taxes. That’s a common saying — at least in America. To the average man on the street, death is a vague, far-off, unreal ....

Does God Exist?
Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power? LET'S FACE this question! Is it rational to believe in God? Is God merely a myth -- an invention of an ignorant, superstitious past? Many today assume this....

Does God Heal Today?
Is the day of miracles PAST? We read in the New Testament that when Jesus Christ was on earth 1900 years ago, He HEALED THE SICK. And it seems there are so MANY MORE sick today than there were then. Well, is the day of miracles past? WHAT ABOUT this thing we call divine healing? I've encountered scores of folks who say, "Well, I know God can HEAL today IF it's His will but HOW CAN WE KNOW ....

Easter Is Pagan!
WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped to ask yourself that question. You have been taught since childhood to accept Easter as the chief of the Christian holidays. You have supposed it is part of the true Christian religion to observe Lent, "Holy Week," "Good Friday," to buy hot-cross buns at the bakery, to have ....

Ending Your Financial Worries
What are YOU most concerned about? Is it the threat of hydrogen bomb WAR that can blast all human life from off this planet? Is it the race to conquer SPACE? MOST are concerned not about these issues but about making ends meet. THINK OF IT! In the industrial nations about 25% of parents are "farming out" their children so that both parents can work! WHY are most families ....

God's Sacred Calendar
HERE IS the true calendar for all mankind. Its principles go back to the very first chapter of the Bible, where the sun and the moon were appointed to be for signs, seasons, days and years (Gen. 1:14)....

Has Time Been Lost?
Is it possible to know? YES! — you can be sure — you can PROVE — which day of the week today, is the same seventh day God rested on, blessed, and set apart at Creation! Here is the PLAIN TRUTH — seven separate proofs — each conclusive and irrefutable. YES, you can be SURE! ....

Hippies, Hypocrisy And Happiness
The "Hippies" have emerged as a whole new subculture around the world. The drug-taking cult has rejected modern society, rebelled against the Establishment, and withdrawn to a psychedelic world of bizarre thrills. You need to know WHY the Hippies are the BAROMETER of a SICK, SICK SOCIETY! ....

How Often Should We Partake Of The Lord's Supper?
The "Lord's supper," like so many essential points of the original true doctrine, has fallen into the mire of erroneous tradition. But Jude exhorts us, "that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Here is the real truth as to when and how often we should observe the "Lord's supper." ....

How To Have A Happy Marriage
How to Have a Happy Marriage. No matter where you live, there are certain basic principles that make — for marital happiness in any culture or society. A HAPPY MARRIAGE IN AN UNHAPPY WORLD A HAPPY FAMILY. Does it exist? Or are happy families a relic from the past? Something you have only read about in books? Or seen in the movies? ....

Why is the Bible the most misunderstood book in all history? The most twisted, distorted, maligned, misrepresented and lied-about book there is? Because people refuse to believe it means exactly what it says! Apply these simple basic rules and you will begin to really understand the plain truth of God's Word! ....
How to Study the Bible

How to Understand Prophecy
The major events that will headline tomorrow's news are already pre-recorded. About one third of the Bible is prophecy, and most prophetic passages apply NOW — to our time — the world in which we live. Yet Biblical prophecy is a complete mystery to millions. Why? Because certain vital keys are not understood. They have become lost ....

Human Nature Did God Create It?
Here is a bombshell of truth almost no one has understood. The world's evils are attributed to human nature. But are babies born with this selfish, evil nature? I OVERHEARD one say: Just look at that beautiful, sweet little baby — and to think it's filled with all that evil, despicable human nature!" But was it? Think of this paradox! How can it be explained? ....
© 2023Church of God Faithful Flock

Is All Animal Flesh Good Food?
Were all animals made clean? What about the unclean animals shown to Peter in a vision? Here is a straightforward Bible answer, giving the New Testament teaching. This subject is important to your health and well-being! AFTER THOUSANDS of years of human experience on earth, it seems there still is nothing people know less about than food. ....

Is God a Trinity?
Is God a Trinity or a family? Was Jesus Christ God, or merely a man? Was Jesus the born son of God, or only an adopted son? Is the Holy Spirit a person or the creative power of the Godhead? These questions about the nature of God are answered in this booklet. ....
Is Sex Sin?
IT SEEMS to make little difference that famine, starvation and disease lurk in India, or Pakistan; or that the United States of Europe nears reality; or that nuclear overkill means each human being has, specially reserved just for him, at least 150 tons of TNT in explosive equivalent. The main thing for many to think about — it seems — is sex! No matter the headlines of disaster....

Is There A Real Hell Fire?
A leading Protestant theologian remarked,... 'It is doubtful whether many educated Protestants today believe in "heaven" and "hell" as literal physical places..." Yet to many millions hell is frighteningly real! Is there a real hell, a real fire, a real torment — what does the Bible say? ....

Is This The End Time?
"There have ALWAYS BEEN false prophets, wars and rumors of war, famines, pestilences and earthquakes..." some will claim. "It's nothing new". How can you KNOW whether this really IS the end — time generation? Can you PROVE it? You ARE living in the time of the end. But people have said that for centuries, haven't they? Yes, they have. And, surprisingly, we say it again today....

Just What Do You Mean...Born Again?
Don't be too sure you know! Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been "born again" — but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising — it is startling! — THE MOST IMPORTANT truth you can know, here made SO PLAIN you will UNDERSTAND! ....

Just What Do You Mean...Conversion?
How many times have you heard non-Christians, judging one who professes Christ, say in disgust: "Well if that's Christianity, I don't want any of it!" How many judge GOD by the way professing Christians live? How many assume that one must live a perfect life, before he can become a Christian? How many say: "If I could give up smoking, I'd become a Christian." ....

Just What Do You Mean...Kingdom Of God?
Is it the CHURCH? Is it something "set up in the hearts of men"? Is it the British Empire? Is it "the good within you"? Is it "the Millennium"? Each of these is widely taught — yet none is right! The shocking TRUTH is here made PLAIN! WHY cannot the churches agree on what is the GOSPEL? Jesus Christ came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God....

Lazarus And The Rich Man
DO SAVED mothers up in heaven see the writhing and hear the shrieks of their own lost children down in hell? Stop and think! Would you really want to spend eternity in a heaven where you would be forced to gaze constantly upon your own loved ones who were lost, hearing them frantically screaming to you for help you would be unable to give, watching incessantly their indescribable agony, as they are ....

Life After Death?
Do you have an IMMORTAL SOUL? Do the dead know what the living are doing? Does suicide "end it all"? Will you meet departed loved ones again? Did departed ones "pass away" to heaven or hell? WHY THIS MYSTERY about life after death? WHY so many beliefs of so many different religions? How can we know? Can we believe God? Adam and Eve didn't. Few believed Christ ....

Managing Your Personal Finances
MORE MONEY cries the average American family. "Look at these bills", "How can we ever get out of debt?" What a paradox! Americans earn more, and can buy more than ever before — yet have more financial headaches! But WHY? What is wrong? Why such worry over "making ends meet?" This booklet makes the answers plain. It pinpoints mistakes made in handling money ....

This booklet is not available on this website. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong instructed members to remove this booklet from their homes and the Church stopped production of this booklet.
The cover is shown to inform brethren of what this booklet looks like in case they have accidently retained or obtained a copy over the years.

Military Service And War
Here is the biblical teaching and commands of God on military service, killing and WAR. SHOULD A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH OF GOD FIGHT, bear arms, kill in war, or enter military service? It is the duty of the CHURCH OF GOD, in ministering to its members, to instruct IN THE WORD OF GOD — to teach God's commands and instructions....

This booklet is not available on this website. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong instructed members to remove this booklet from their homes and the Church stopped production of this booklet.
The cover is shown to inform brethren of what this booklet looks like in case they have accidently retained or obtained a copy over the years.

Mystery Of The Ages
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong was led to write this book before his event-packed life ended, to share with those who care to know, the answers that the great supreme mind of God reveals in his Word--if one is only willing to understand that Word. It is strongly recommended that Mystery of the Ages is read beforehand by those seeking baptism.

Never Before Understood

Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils
WHY DO we lack the know-how to solve world troubles — or even problems between individuals? WHY?

New Facts About Marijuana
The use of MARIJUANA is soaring, skyrocketing! Never have so many "turned on" with drugs and "dropped out" of society. Never has there been such concern and confusion over an issue. But WHY? What are the REAL facts? Is marijuana harmful? Are there physical and psychological side effects? Does smoking marijuana lead to stronger drugs? What does it do to formation of personality ....

Our Awesome Universe
The grandeur and splendor of the universe has always challenged the mind of man. It taunts him with the unknown. Where did it all come from? Why does it exist? Is there any purpose behind it? Is our existence the result of intelligence or are we mere cosmic orphans adrift on the ocean of time and space? Many do not know. Yet answers are available. WHEN MAN looks up to the starry heavens on a clear ....

Pagan Holidays--or God's Holy Days--Which?
Does it make any difference which days we observe — or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such as Christmas? ....

Predestination Does the Bible Teach It?
Is your ultimate fate decided for you in advance? No subject has baffled, perplexed, and worried people more. Here, for the first time, many will read the astonishing truth, so plain all can understand. THE very fact of wartime casualties and accidental deaths has caused a great deal of added sorrow and grief that is entirely unnecessary — if we understand! Many have grieved ....

Principles of Healthful Living
Immutable laws govern the universe, acting upon everything and everyone. Ignorance of them does not suspend or annul their effect. Health and happiness result when we are in harmony with them; painful penalties are reaped when we break them. Health is not an accident — nor is disease. There are causes for every effect! ....

Read the Book
More than seven million copies sold last year. Forty different companies print this Book and the total number of hundreds of millions of copies printed and distributed is impossible to estimate. It has now been translated into over 1400 different languages. Consistently every year's best seller by a very wide margin, the Bible is the most-printed, most-purchased, most freely distributed, ....

Recipes for Days of Unleavened Bread
HERE we publish a new series of tested recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread. It is always wise to have handy certain recipes you can immediately turn to when you want to bake your own bread and cookies. These tested recipes will help all the members of God's family enjoy the Festival of Unleavened Bread....

Seven Proofs of God's True Church

Jesus said, "I will build my church"! And He did build it! No one in the Christian world denies there is a true Church of which Jesus Christ is the Head somewhere on this earth right now! Many imagine that Church is to be found in the hearts and minds of multiple millions who may represent dozens of different "faiths." Others claim it is one great organized and political body....
Some Fishy Stories--...About an Unproved Theory
The BIGGEST false doctrine today is EVOLUTION. Evolution is a FAITH an almost religious-like BELIEF IN SOMETHING NOT SEEN not proved! There is something decidedly "fishy" about evolution....

Teach Your Children About God
Never before has the younger generation been in greater need of knowledge about God and His law. This booklet gives you concrete, usable guidelines for teaching your small children about God, about creation, about God's plan and about life. What is God Like? "MOMMIE, who is God? And what does He look like?" ....

The Authority of the Bible
Agnostics doubt it. Most Christians vaguely believe the Bible is inspired. But can you absolutely prove the Bible speaks with divine authority? ....

The Bible Superstition or Authority? ...and can you prove it?
Why is the world's best selling book held in awe by some, in passive discredit by others, and understood by virtually none? WHY the Book of mystery nobody seems to know? Why do the many churches of traditional Christianity disagree about what the Bible says? Have you ever PROVED whether, as the book itself purports, it is the authoritative Word of the Creator God? ....

The Black Horse FAMINE

In the book of Revelation we find a disturbing vision of four fearsome horsemen (Rev. 6:1-8). This series of booklets will make the prophecies of Revelation 6 come to life. You will learn the significance of each symbolic horse and rider. This message is one of the most frightening in all of the Bible....
The Book of Revelation Unveiled at last!
The Prophecies of the Book of REVELATION are revealed at last! The closed, sealed prophecies are opened. Here is a startling, eye- opening booklet vividly picturing the catastrophic events soon to bring the END OF THIS AGE! GOD'S TIME has come! At last, the most mysterious, intriguing, never-before-understood Book of Revelation stands unveiled! ....

The Crucifixion Was Not On Friday
This is Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, upon which Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was crucified. The natural caves in this small hill outside the walls of Jerusalem give the appearance of eyes, and, below the rock wall recently built by the Arabs, another set of gaping holes representing nose and mouth hence the name of the hill. Immediately to the left is the Garden Tomb, which once ....

The Dilemma of Drugs
In this booklet we will consider the drug problem one part at a time. Our goal will be to eventually piece the diverse parts of the problem into a whole, a composite picture. It is hoped that a perspective of the problem will emerge; that you, the reader, will come to a greater, if not new, understanding of drugs — what they are, who uses them, why, and what the alternatives are....

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Like ghostly specters of dread disease, death, and warfare, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appeared to John in vision at the close of the first century A.D. What do the legendary Four Horsemen really represent? Who has the authority to reveal their meaning to us today? Who can know when they will ride, where, how, or why? Were they merely a vivid nightmare of the elderly Apostle John....

The Incredible Human Potential
This is the eye-opening story of the real gospel message of Jesus Christ -- of how this missing dimension was withheld, and the whole world deceived. It's positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it! Is it possible the whole world has been deceived -- regarding the awesome purpose of human life -- about the WAY....

This booklet is not available on this website. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong instructed members to remove this booklet from their homes and the Church stopped production of this booklet.
The cover is shown to inform brethren of what this booklet looks like in case they have accidently retained or obtained a copy over the years.

The Key to the Book of Revelation
MYSTERY Book of all the books! If the Bible as a whole is the Book that NOBODY understands (except the very "elect"), certainly  REVELATION is the one Book IN the Bible least understood of all! Yet this Book is the very KEY to understanding all the prophecies! CAN it, then, be understood? It can, if you have the key to this Book, itself. We give you, here, this KEY....

The Mark of the Beast
Better be sure whether this brand is upon you! Without it, no man will be able to buy or sell! Without it, you may be tortured even unto death! But with it, you shall suffer the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES OF GOD! SOME used to say this mystic "mark" was the faces on the old United States dimes. During World War II many said it was Hitler's swastika. During the Depression New Deal many said it was ....

The Middle East in Prophecy
The astounding background to the crisis in the Middle East — and how it will be resolved. THE MIDDLE EAST is seething with crisis after crisis. Few people realize the true significance of this turmoil. They seem to have no conception of the danger it threatens — eventual danger to the whole world. It's time we woke up to the facts! It's time we knew what prophecy reveals. It's time....

The Missing Dimension In Sex
Read This First. If EVER the Western world needed a book, it needs this one now! In no area of human life has there been such drastic social change as in that of SEX. The so-called "New Morality," first unleashed by World War I, intensified by World War II, completely KO'd Western civilization during the decades of the fifties, sixties and seventies....

The Modern Romans
Rome fell — a fact of history! But why? The reasons have never been fully understood. The lessons have not been learned. Many of the same basic mistakes that weakened the once mighty Roman Empire before its toppling by barbarian hordes are now being repeated in America, Britain and the Western world. You need to understand! This booklet contains a shocking message — a warning for our day....

The New Feminism... Have Women ever Really Had Their Rights?
Have Women ever REALLY Had Their Rights? A new militant “RIGHTS — DEMANDING” CRUSADE suddenly gains momentum — A WOMAN’S LIBERATION MOVEMENT. Here is a condensed factual report on an in-depth research into both sides of the question. WAS MARRIAGE invented by men to subjugate women? Is not the very FAMILY-AND-HOME institution discriminatory against women? ....

The Occult Explosion... What Does It Mean?
Widespread occult interest has been both hailed as a breakthrough in knowledge and as a modern retreat into superstition. Some laud the occult as the only real hope in an age of technology and materialism; others lambaste the occult as the most evil sign of the end of the age. What are the facts about this highly confusing, twentieth-century phenomenon? ....

In the book of Revelation we find a disturbing vision of four fearsome horsemen (Rev. 6:1-8). This series of booklets will make the prophecies of Revelation 6 come to life. You will learn the significance of each symbolic horse and rider. This message is one of the most frightening in all of the Bible....

This booklet is not available on this website. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong instructed members to remove this booklet from their homes and the Church stopped production of this booklet.
The cover is shown to inform brethren of what this booklet looks like in case they have accidently retained or obtained a copy over the years.

The Plain Truth About Christmas
Where did the world get Christmas...from the Bible, or from paganism? Here are the astonishing facts which may shock you! Test yourself.  How much do you know of the origin of the Christmas tree — of "Santa Claus" — of the "mistletoe" — of the "holly wreath" — of the custom of "exchanging gifts"? ....

The Plain Truth About Easter
The Resurrection was not on Easter Sunday! Easter is not a Christian name, but the title of the idolatrous "queen of heaven." Here's an explanation of the true origin and meaning of Lent, Easter eggs, and sunrise services! WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped to ask yourself that question. You have been taught since childhood ....

The Plain Truth About Healing
You live in a world that relies primarily on medical doctors to treat illness. Most professing Christians today say: "God raised up medical science for our day. Jesus healed to prove He was the Messiah. But the day of miracles is now past." Some, who think God heals through self-professed faith healers, attend public healing shows. Some believe in healing by one of the forms of ....

The Proof of the Bible
Did you ever stop to PROVE whether the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God? HAVE YOU ever stopped to really prove whether or not the Bible is divinely inspired by a Creator? I am going to give you the proof. And I am going to tell the skeptics how to disprove the Bible, if it's not inspired, and how to disprove the very existence of God, ....

This booklet is not available on this website. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong instructed members to remove this booklet from their homes and the Church stopped production of this booklet.
The cover is shown to inform brethren of what this booklet looks like in case they have accidently retained or obtained a copy over the years.

The Red Horse WAR
In the book of Revelation we find a disturbing vision of four fearsome horsemen (Rev. 6:1-8). This series of booklets will make the prophecies of Revelation 6 come to life. You will learn the significance of each symbolic horse and rider. This message is one of the most frightening in all of the Bible....

The Resurrection Was NOT on Sunday
Was Jesus three days and three nights in the grave, as He said in Matthew 12:40? Can you figure three days and three nights between sunset "Good Friday" and sunrise "Easter Sunday"? It is commonly supposed today that Jesus was crucified on Friday, and that the resurrection occurred about sunrise on "Easter Sunday" morning. Few professing Christians have ever thought to question or to prove ....

The Seven Laws of Radiant Health
There are immutable laws governing the entire universe which act upon everything and everyone. Ignorance of them does not suspend or annul their effect. Painful penalties are reaped when they are broken; health and happiness result when we are in harmony with them. Health is not an accident nor is disease. There is a cause for every effect! ....

The Seven Laws of SUCCESS
WHY are only the very few — women as well as men — successful in life? Just what is success? Here is the surprising answer to life's most difficult problem, proving that NO HUMAN NEED EVER BECOME A FAILURE! All who have succeeded have followed these seven laws! The only WAY to success is not a copyrighted formula being sold for a price. You can't buy it! ....

The TEN Commandments
The 10 Basic Spiritual Laws of God. This booklet will make known the 10 basic Spiritual laws that reflect God’s perfect and flawless Character. They are all important for they form the basis for all of His laws that are designed to keep one in His way of life with purpose and goal. And to enable one to reach that goal, His laws point out the way that will in the future make possible the fulfilling and rewarding way of life....

The Three Elijahs
Elijah the prophet of ancient Israel, and John the Baptizer are recognized as the first two of the Three Elijahs, But— As a serious student of the Holy Bible, have you ever asked yourself or anyone else about the promise Jesus Christ made about sending the Elijah before the great and terrible day of the LORD? To the unbiased mind this publication will reveal the answers you might have about this special man of the end-time....

The Tongues Question
Is "speaking in tongues" the Bible evidence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Just what IS the baptism with the Holy Spirit? What about "tarry meetings"? Are there people "speaking in tongues" today? Here is the PLAIN TRUTH about this burning question plainly stated....


WHY do so many keep Hallowe'en? What useful purpose does such a celebration fulfill in this "enlightened" scientific twentieth century? What purpose did it ever serve? Is it merely a harmless celebration to amuse our children? It's about time we checked into this observance to see WHERE and WHEN it really originated and FOR WHAT PURPOSE it was established....
The Truth about MASONRY
You will find it to be an astonishing and eye-opening revelation. We feel it is breathtaking in interest, intriguing, and shocking-but it is all the TRUTH, carefully documented. We feel it is high time these little known facts be published for Our Church members. We need to know HOW it came about that, even in our modern times, as the Word of God foretold: "all nations were deceived!"...

People of the Western world would be stunned — dumbfounded — if they knew! The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa would set in motion gigantic crash programs — if they knew! They could know! But they don't! Why? A STAGGERING TURN IN WORLD events is due to erupt in the next few years. It will involve violently the United States, Britain, Western Europe, the ....

The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy

People of the Western World would be STUNNED! - DUMBFOUNDED! - if they knew! The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa, would immediately institute drastic changes in foreign Policy- would set in motion gigantic crash programs -IF THEY KNEW! They COULD know! But THEY DON'T KNOW! WHY? ....
The United States and the British Commonwealth in Prophecy
Here, condensed in a nut-shell, is the most fascinating story ever told. Whether skeptic, atheist, church member, or Spirit-filled Christian, you will find here an amazing TRUTH, long hidden. It is plain, simple, understandable, and a truth that stands PROVED....

In the book of Revelation we find a disturbing vision of four fearsome horsemen (Rev. 6:1-8). This series of booklets will make the prophecies of Revelation 6 come to life. You will learn the significance of each symbolic horse and rider. This message is one of the most frightening in all of the Bible....

The Wonderful World Tomorrow...What It Will Be Like
Three World Views -- Only One is Going to Happen! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE IT! It will happen, regardless. It is sure -- the world's only sure hope. This advance good news of tomorrow is as certain as the rising of tomorrow's sun. Humanity won't bring it about -- it is going to be done to us. Humanity is going to be forced to be happy -- to enjoy world peace -- to see universal abundance and ....

IF GOD had personally called you to preach His gospel to this world, to what source would you go for guidance in determining a method of financing that Work? Would you rely strictly on your own reason or would you scour the pages of God's revealed, written Word? Hopefully, you would choose the latter course. This is exactly what the Church of God has done....

To Kill a People
It's not too late for America, but it's later than you think. While millions sleep, history's greatest single nation edges nearer an awful chasm. Drained by war, torn by crime, sick with drug abuse, ridden with immorality, driven with lust, stricken with senseless procrastination, lack of purpose, flagging loyalty, economic sickness and spiritual poverty, a great nation looks over the edge into....

Tomorrow... What It Will Be Like
In this dramatic book, TOMORROW .. . WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE, Herbert W. Armstrong, in his brilliantly persuasive style, projects a cogent message of a glowing future. This exposition, explains Mr. Armstrong, springs from that which is most readily available to us Holy Scripture. God has revealed the promise of a new tomorrow-which promise, in God's time, man will finally understand and accept....

Here is the booklet thousands of you have been anticipating! Here is the answer to what is missing in the lives of millions of women — and their husbands, children and society as a whole. THE SCENE was a beautiful semitropical garden-a veritable paradise. The young man in the picture seemed to have everything going for him. He had perfect health, radiant good looks, a keen, alert mind....

Truth about Earthquakes
WHY more earthquakes are coming-and WHERE! WHAT CAUSES them! WHAT is PROPHESIED about future earthquakes! SCIENTISTS are being shaken by new, sobering, almost unbelievable facts concerning earthquakes. Recent knowledge has come to light that revolutionizes all previous concepts. These awesome new concepts reveal a threat to human existence that rivals the hydrogen bomb. Something BIG and ominous....

Truth about Make-Up
SHOULD women wear make-up? Is it a SIN? Here are the eye-opening FACTS --where, when, by whom, and why the use of make-up originated--its history, and what the BIBLE says about it!

What do you mean...SALVATION?
Do you realize not one in a hundred knows what salvation is — how to get it — when you will receive it? Don't be too sure you do! Here, once for all, is the truth made so plain you will really understand it! COULD you, yourself, answer these questions? If someone asked you to open your Bible and show him exactly where the Bible says salvation means going to heaven — could you do it? ....

What do you mean...The Unpardonable Sin?
Can a Christian commit a SIN, AND STILL BE A CHRISTIAN? Or would this be "the unpardonable sin"? Or would it prove he never was a Christian? Thousands worry, because they do not UNDERSTAND what IS the sin that shall never be forgiven....

What is a Real Christian?
Just what is a REAL Christian anyway? Perhaps you've heard many different, conflicting definitions. But are you sure you have heard the real Bible definition? And how does one become a Christian? Are repentance and baptism necessary? These questions and more are all answered in this booklet. Perhaps you've heard many different, conflicting definitions. I have. But have you ever heard the real....

What is FAITH?
Millions lack faith to receive answers to their prayers — to free their minds from fears and worries. To a large extent this is due to lack of understanding what faith is. Read this simple but thorough explanation of the subject. THE WHOLE WORLD is now shaking with convulsions, preparatory to a tremendous event....

What Is Man?
How can you prove what happens to man at death? Does man Inherently have eternal life abiding in him? Here revealed is the plain truth about the so-called "immortal soul" doctrine....

if you have one please contact us so we can put it up here.

What is the Reward of the Saved?
What assurance have we that our departed loved ones have gone to heaven? By WHAT AUTHORITY have we believed that we shall go to heaven if we're saved? THIS may be a little shocking — but I want to ask you a candid question: Did you ever look into your Bible to see whether it really does say you will ever go to heaven, if you are saved? Did you ever look into your Bible to see what it reveals....

What is the TRUE GOSPEL?
Some designate their gospel as "The Gospel of Jesus Christ." Others call their gospel "The Gospel of Salvation." Still others profess "The Gospel of Grace," while others call their gospel "The ISRAEL Message." WHY HAVE THEY LOST THE ONLY TRUE GOSPEL WHICH God SENT BY JESUS CHRIST? WHY?

What kind of FAITH is required for Salvation?
Do you know millions who actually believe in Jesus Christ have no salvation at all ... because they trust in the wrong kind of Faith? NO SUBJECT pertaining to Christian salvation is more generally misunderstood than that of saving FAITH! "Just BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved," is the popular teaching today. And that statement is absolutely true — if you understand....

What Science Can't Discover About the HUMAN MIND
THINK! Will any human person still be alive on this earth in another five or ten years? The number one problem we all face today is that of HUMAN SURVIVAL! WHY has the human mind produced such AWESOME modern progress, yet remains HELPLESS in the face of such appalling EVILS? The answer to this baffling enigma lies in the HUMAN MIND. In the following pages you will learn....

What will you be doing in the NEXT LIFE?
Are YOU one who won't be there — because you're deceived into a false salvation? Nothing is more misunderstood than the difference between "GRACE" and "WORKS." Here is one of the most important booklets ever published. THIS OUGHT to disturb you — a pointed question put to me by a man in Middlesex, England. That is, unless you are one of the very few who really does understand...

Where are ENOCH and ELIJAH?
Enoch was translated that he should not see death. Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Yet the Bible reveals they are not in heaven today! Where are they? Here's the astounding truth. Where Is Enoch? ENOCH WAS "translated." Where did he go? Was he immediately taken to heaven? No! Because Jesus Himself said: "but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man" ...

WHERE Is the True Church
Jesus Christ said, "I will build my church." He did not say "churches," denominations, "sects." He said the gates of hell would not prevail against that Church. Somewhere that original true Church exists today. But WHERE? WHICH? WHAT is the Church? WHY is it? Here is the eye-opening plain TRUTH! ....

Where Is God's TRUE CHURCH Today?
Does Jesus Christ have many different church denominations each teaching a different "gospel" and practicing different doctrines — doing His Work? Is Christ divided? How, when and where did this religious Babylon of hundreds of denominations get started? And how does one recognize the true Church? ....

Which day is the CHRISTIAN SABBATH?
Does it make any difference WHICH day we observe — or whether we keep it? Does the Bible establish SUNDAY as the LORD'S DAY? Was the Sabbath given for the Jewish people only — while Christians are commanded to keep SUNDAY as the LORD'S DAY? ....

Which day is the SABBATH of the New Testament?
Which day did Christ and the apostles observe? Which day did Paul teach Gentile converts to observe? How did the day become changed from the seventh to the first day of the week? WE have been reared in a Sunday-observing world. Naturally, we have taken Sunday observance for granted. Naturally, the idea of a different day as the true Sabbath day strikes us as fanatical and absurd....

Who Is the BEAST?
Who Is the "BEAST"? If you have his mark, you must suffer the seven last PLAGUES! Is he a mysterious superman world dictator yet to appear? ... Is he the Antichrist? ... or a government? ... or a church? THE MOST important question of the hour is: What, or who, is the BEAST, the IMAGE of the beast, and the MARK of the beast spoken of in the book of Revelation? ....

Who or What Is the PROPHETIC BEAST?
Bible prophecy reveals events of our time and world-shaking events soon to change your life. A major world-shaking event is foretold in the symbolic language of a mysterious world-dominating wild beast. The Bible is God's book of history, prophecy and revealed knowledge of God's purpose and master plan for humanity from its beginning on into eternity....

WHO Will Rule Space?
Who will rule Space? World leaders know the first nation to conquer SPACE will RULE THE WORLD! Fantastic advances are made almost daily in the race to send men to the moon but what does it all mean? WHY the expenditure of BILLIONS on the Space race? Is Space exploration only innocent "science" seeking to further its fund of knowledge concerning man's environment? ....

Why MARRIAGE! Soon Obsolete?
Is marriage on the way out? Is adultery still wrong? Is the institution of the home, with its family life, to disappear from society? How and when did the institution of marriage originate? Does it, after all, serve any necessary purpose? This booklet takes an in-depth new look at the institutions of marriage, the home, and family life and reveals a startling, even shocking truth which has been....

Why were you BORN?
Is there any PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real MEANING YOU have never realized? You need to know! WAS HUMANITY created and put here on the earth by an intelligent and Almighty Creator for a definite PURPOSE? And if so, what is that purpose  and WHY is humanity so totally unaware of it? ....

World Crisis in AGRICULTURE
Government leaders worldwide have come face-to-face with a dangerous yet little understood crisis in agriculture. Today farmlands are tired, overworked, depleted. Modern methods of farming are producing a more critical soil imbalance. WHY do we have this agricultural CRISIS? Where is it leading and what is the solution?

Every body needs food -- even yours. This food must be produced and marketed, a process which has long been taken for granted in the United States and other wealthy nations. Now, experts warn, these resources are running dry...

WORLD PEACE How It Will Come
I travel to all parts of the world as an ambassador (without political portfolio) for world peace. I discuss world problems, evils and world peace with many heads of governments — kings, presidents, prime ministers, and those high in the government, leaders in science, education, commerce and industry. I have not been called, and therefore make no effort, to bring about world peace — but serve as....

YOUR AWESOME FUTURE How Religion Deceives You
It’s positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science.Higher education has never taught it. And organized religion has withheld it. How? By suppressing the real gospel message Christ brought from heaven that reveals the awesome purpose of human life. PREPARE YOURSELF for the most shocking revelation of your life. Does it come as an astonishing shock to learn that....

Money matters! Walk into a bank and your whole manner changes. An aura of awe causes people to speak in hushed tones in the marbled mausoleums of money. The bank building itself exudes an atmosphere of absolute confidence-if not in solid stone, marble, thick polished oak or high-ceilinged vaults-then in the concrete, steel and glass of the modern banking complexes with their controlled luxury....

Your MARRIAGE Can be Happy
This book brings you the true perspective of the modern Western marriage crisis - the incredible statistics about divorce and marital unhappiness - and gives you the TRUE HISTORY of marriage, along with the practical LAWS that make it work! ...
Please Note: We have more books and booklets that will be added to this page in the future. They include rare booklets that have not been scanned yet as well as over a dozen or so proto-type booklets and un-published works. Please bear with us as we continue to upgrade the website. Thank you.

Feast Information

Inside the Book of Revelation
Note to visitors: When viewing the books and booklets online, the books and booklets will open in a double page format similar to a printed book or booklet. If you have a problem reading the text simply double click on a page and the book or booklet goes to single page format. At this time you will also notice a slider bar at the bottom of the page. Adjust this slider bar as needed to provide you with an enjoyable reading experience. You may go back to double page view at any time by simply double clicking once again on the page you are viewing.
God's Watchman

The Origin and History of Makeup
In the popular imagination, the Apocalypse stands for death, terror and destruction. This booklet introduces the reader to symbols found in the book of Revelation. It points out important keys that unlock the book's meaning...
“… The END has come it has DAWNED for you; Behold it has come! . . . a day of trouble is near; … Now upon you, I will soon pour out My fury . . . So you, son of man: I have made you A WATCHMAN for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and WARN them for Me” Ezekiel 7:6-8; 33:7...
The question in the minds of many women, and some men: “Has the ruling on makeup in God's Church really been based on God’s laws and teachings? How can we know?”...

So when the woman saw that the Tree was good for FOOD, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a Tree DESIRABLE to make one WISE, she took of its FRUIT AND ATE. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ATE.
The Tree of Good and Evil

Many Are Called
That Prophet
The Mind of Man - A Mystery
At the time of the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, January 16, 1986, the Worldwide Church of God numbered approximately 113,000, men, women and children. The questions beg— “Where are all those large numbers today?
“For False Christs and FALSE PROPHETS WILL ARISE and show great Signs and Wonders, SO AS TO DECEIVE, IF POSSIBLE, EVEN THE ELECT.” Matthew 24:24 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Take HEED that NO ONE DECEIVES you. For MANY will come in My Name (claiming to be His ministers), saying, ‘I AM THE CHRIST,’ and will DECEIVE many” (Matthew 24:4-5).
The most miraculous extraordinary and complex creation in the world—is the human brain! Man’s most valuable asset! The awesome greatness of the human brain, empowered with intellect by the human spirit from God, equates MIND—infinitely more vital in its development and potential than
humankind realizes!

The History Of God’s True Church
This writing is with the effort of putting together the historical events that have shaped, molded, and refined, God’s Church from its beginning in 31 A.D. unto this present time.

Exploring Ancient History - The First 2500 Years
This concludes the historical writing of Mr. Roy Schulz. While leaning on the help by Dr. Herman L. Hoeh and his writings, the Holy Scriptures, and added support of other recognized writers of history, such as the noted Jewish Historian, Josephus, he nevertheless did a great work with this writing.

Chronological Details Surrounding the Birth of Jesus Christ
The purpose of this writing is to correct misunderstandings surrounding the birth of the Messiah and what followed thereafter.